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Eloquence - Level 100: A new study showed how to quickly end any argument

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Eloquence - Level 100: A new study showed how to quickly end any argument
Eloquence - Level 100: A new study showed how to quickly end any argument

Video: You Speak Fast. Why Can I Understand You But Not Other Native English Speakers? Here's Why. 2024, June

Video: You Speak Fast. Why Can I Understand You But Not Other Native English Speakers? Here's Why. 2024, June

Are you currently in a stressful relationship with your partner or may have a conflict at work? What are you doing in this case? Many will answer this question in different ways. Some find a compromise in this situation. Others either try to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation or commit unpredictable acts, thereby challenging others (for example, they quit their jobs or end any relationship with a loved one). But why tidti to extremes or make yourself guilty, or explain yourself to others ?! This is all superfluous.

According to a new study, there is one action that you can take to stop a stressful situation, an argument. And what is this action?

Hug tight

On the subject of disputes, discussions and conflict resolution, 404 people were interviewed. No one could have imagined that after a dispute or a fierce discussion, you need to hug the person with whom you are in conflict. As it turned out, after this action, the respondents felt that they immediately began to calm down. These results were published in Plos One magazine.


Perhaps you somehow react to this action alienated as you agree, hugging your employer after you have a conflict with him is stupid. But you need to find an approach to do this. And here eloquence will help. Indeed, only in this way can you hug and calm each other.