
Who was born on September 9: celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts

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Who was born on September 9: celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts
Who was born on September 9: celebrity list, biographies and interesting facts

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As you know, a year has 365 days (and sometimes even 366). Each of them went down in history (and does it every year) with some events, dates, deeds. And birthday people. It is always interesting to know who was born on a given day. What if your birthday coincides with the birth of a great scientist, artist or president? For example, the fall day of September 9th: which of the celebrities was born on this date?

Zodiac Sign - Virgo

Born in early September by zodiac sign belong to Virgo. And, of course, the horoscope born on September 9 - as, indeed, of any other number - has a great influence on the further life of these people.


So Virgo - what are they? These are intellectuals and logicians, they are observant and able to analyze. They live by the principle: “either good or nothing”, they are quite erudite, they can maintain a conversation and value well-read interlocutors. Very versatile people, the range of their interests includes both fishing or tourism, as well as shopping or crocheting. Virgos always strive for excellence, rarely are they satisfied with themselves, believing that they can do even better. Skeptical enough, curious, but cautious. Often worry about and without, rarely act spontaneously, preferring thoughtful decisions. They are efficient and hardworking, responsible and ready to do everything that is required of them. They are called working bees. Afraid of criticism.

Perhaps this is the most reliable sign of the zodiac. Honest, stable, need calm and a reliable shoulder nearby. People born between September 3 and 11 have their lucky numbers: these are 16, 21, 24, 31, 32, 40, 50.


Which of the celebrities was born on September 9, we indicate below. But in general, under the sign of Virgo, such outstanding figures of his time as Cardinal of France Richelieu, artist Isaac Levitan, writer Theodore Dreiser, actress Sophia Loren, poet Goethe and many other equally talented and famous people were born.

September 9th in history

Before speaking specifically about people born on September 9, it is worth at least briefly touching on some other events that occurred on this day in different years. So, for example, on this day in the distant 1776, the United States of America got its name (formerly called the United Colonies of America - it doesn’t sound so pretty). In 1913, a dead loop was first performed on this date. And not by anyone, but by a Russian pilot. The second name of this trick, by the way, is “Nesterov’s loop” - by the name of its creator. The ninth of September 1984 was marked by the beginning of the legendary match between the magnificent chess players - Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. And in 1999 on that day in Moscow there was a terrible event - a terrorist attack that claimed the lives of more than a hundred people.

Famous people born on September 9

A lot of people live in the world whose birthday falls on this date. Some of them are not famous and will not be anymore. And someone was born recently and, possibly, in the future will become a great football player, singer or dancer.


However, while nothing is known about these future stars, it makes sense to talk about those who were born on September 9 and have already left their mark in history. There have been a lot of such people at all times.

Middle Ages and earlier

Not much is known about those distant years and exact dates of birth. But here are the reliable facts: in 1585 the Duke de Richelieu, Cardinal of France, was born. The one about whom Alexander Dumas wrote so much in his "Musketeers". Two years earlier, the musician Girolamo Frescobaldi was born in Italy, who became famous for creating a fugue. And much earlier, in 384, on this day the first emperor of the Western Roman Empire - Honorius - was born.

About one of those born on September 9, in a little more detail - a little lower.


On September 9, 214, Lucius Aurelian was born, later - the Roman emperor. He came from a noble family (his father was a farmer), early matured and, with great strength, enlisted in the Roman army. He was not afraid of difficulties, carried out orders and established himself as a good warrior, who was predicted to have a brilliant military career. He was very demanding of himself and others, for the slightest offense he killed indiscriminately, nevertheless he enjoyed immense popularity.


Having become an emperor, he brought his order to life, having expelled the Goths and barbarians, ending the riots (at the cost of the death of many people). He received the title "Restorer of the Roman Empire." Himself died in 275, while on a campaign, at the hands of the conspirators.

XVIII century

In the XVIII century there were also famous people who were born on September 9. This, for example, is the progenitor of modern Ukrainian literature, the famous writer Ivan Kotlyarevsky - in 1769 he was born. And in 1754 the English sailor William Bly came into this world. The birthday of the famous Italian scientist Luigi Galvani also falls on September 9th, only in 1737.

And ten years before the advent of the new century, one of the future Decembrists, Sergey Trubetskoy, was born.

Russian prince

Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy was born in 1790. Then no one knew that he would later join the Decembrists and become one of them, perhaps the most talked about. Indeed, in the end, he will not appear on Senate Square with the rest of his associates.


His father was a state adviser. The son received an excellent education, knew foreign languages, but decided to connect life with military affairs. He began to serve as a lieutenant, later grew to colonel. Together with his friends, the brothers Muravyov created a secret society, was his activist. It was Trubetskoy who became the one who was the ideological inspiration of the Decembrists. Moreover, he himself was tormented by doubts and ultimately not only did not come to his comrades, but also took the oath to the new sovereign.

However, the prince was still arrested and sentenced at first to execution, which was then replaced by a thirteen-year exile. He served her at the Nerchinsk mines. The wife of Trubetskoy became one of the first Decembrist wives to go after her husband. Subsequently, the couple lived in Irkutsk. Trubetskoy spent the last four years of his life in Kiev, where he died in 1860.

Nineteenth century

Of the great people who were born on September 9, very many lived in the 19th century. For example, the Soviet pianist Maria Yudina - she was born in the last year of the nineteenth century. In 1823, Valerian Maykov was born, critic, philosopher. And in 1890, the German-American psychologist Kurt Levin.

And on September 9, Leo Tolstoy was born.

Great Russian writer

Count Leo Tolstoy does not need a special introduction. He was born in 1828 in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana. Among the ancestors of Lev Nikolayevich there are entirely nobles and intelligentsia. By the way, he was even a relative of Pushkin's mother!

He lost his parents early, lived with his aunt in Kazan, where he later studied at the university. He knew several foreign languages. The university soon left, returning to his native estate. Then he left for Moscow, where he began to engage in literary work. Like his elder brother Nikolai, he served in the Caucasus. Later he participated in the Crimean War, after which he resigned and traveled to Europe. Returning to Yasnaya Polyana, he set up a school for peasant children there, wrote a lot. In the early 1860s he married, his wife for many years became his faithful assistant in literary work. At the same time, he created his first novel, War and Peace, followed by others.


In recent years, he became very interested in religion, but family relations deteriorated. In the fall of 1910 he went on a pilgrimage, which was interrupted in November by pneumonia and the subsequent death of the writer. He died at the railway station Astapovo, which now bears his name.

Twentieth Century

9th of September. On this day, many talented famous people were born in the past century. In 1901 - Nadezhda Alliluyeva, the wife of Stalin. In 1918, Boris Zakhoder, translator, writer, introduced the children of our country to a beautiful fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh. In 1926, German Zonin, football player and coach, and three years later, People's Artist Alexei Maslennikov. Those born on September 9 include the American comedian Adam Sandler. This happened in 1966. And in 1980, American actress Michelle Williams was born.

In addition, when answering the question about which of the greats was born on September 9, it is necessary to mention the wonderful Soviet artist Nadezhda Rumyantseva and the American actor Hugh Grant.

Nadezhda Vasilyevna Rumyantseva

The actress, a woman with a perky smile and cheerful eyes, who looked like a girl until old age, was born in 1930. My father worked on the railroad, my mother kept the house. Rumyantseva graduated from school with a gold medal, entered GITIS, later moved to VGIK along with her beloved teacher O. Pyzhova. By graduation, she worked in the role of travesty (actresses who play boys and girls), starred in several films.


The picture “Girls” brought fame to Nadezhda Rumyantseva, and the film “Queen of a gas station” reinforced her. Throughout her life, the actress managed to star in more than thirty films, and took part in the dubbing of both Russian tapes and foreign ones. For some time, she led the TV program "Alarm Clock" for children. A year and a half before her death, she was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away in April 2008.

Hugh grant

Those who were born on September 9 include this famous actor. Was born in England in 1960. Mother is a teacher, father is a military officer. He studied at a college in Oxford, during the training began to play in a comic troupe. Grant's first film was released in the early eighties. Later, the actor often starred in TV shows and participated in television programs, worked in the theater.


Hugh Grant gained fame after the release of the Maurice tape, after which the directors noticed him and began to invite him to their projects. Nevertheless, the roles were not that supersuccessful, and the films were not the highest grossing. Everything changed in the mid-nineties, when Grant starred in the comedy “Four Weddings and One Funeral, ” for which he even won the Golden Globe. Thanks to this, Hollywood directors began to actively cooperate with him, and he moved to Hollywood from Britain. The grant is considered one of the most sought after English actors in America.

Of the significant paintings with the participation of Grant, one can mention the tapes “The Diary of Bridget Jones”, “Notting Hill”, “My Boy”, “Love with Notification” and others.