
Who is Polina Chistyakova?

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Who is Polina Chistyakova?
Who is Polina Chistyakova?



Admire the beauty of this girl can be infinite. Everything about her is beautiful: both soul and body. But what is known about Polina Chistyakova? The beloved of a famous blogger and a successful Instagram model is trying to keep up with her boyfriend. Today you will learn interesting details from the life of this beauty.

short biography

Polina Chistyakova was born on May 3, 1996 in St. Petersburg. Nature gave her everything in order to become a fashion model - beautiful external data and ideal parameters. But the girl chose a different path for herself: she went to study at the institute for the department of advertising and PR. The other day, she graduated with honors from a higher educational institution and shared the joy with her subscribers on social networks. All these five years, her young man was nearby. It is known that the girl is a hockey fan, but at the 2018 World Cup she became interested in football and rooting for the Russian team with her lover.


Nikolay Sobolev

Khaipozhor, populist, hater - as soon as this video blogger is not called. Only one fact is not in doubt even among ill-wishers - the girl of Nikolai Sobolev, Polina Chistyakova, occupies a central place in his life. Hundreds of photos confirm this, and videos with their participation literally radiate love. A charming brown-haired woman accompanies her lover on all trips, but at the same time she has her own profitable business. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers on social networks allow her to advertise cosmetics and other products on their pages. This gives her the opportunity to be independent and prove to her enemies that her love for Nikolai is not connected with self-interest.

It is worth noting that Sobolev is not her only favorite. 13 years ago, my grandmother picked a mongrel cat in the cemetery and since then it has occupied a large place in the life of Polina Chistyakova. She regularly uploads photos with this furry beauty on the Internet and collects thousands of likes. A kind and sympathetic girl can not pass by abandoned animals and periodically posts messages with photos of animals looking for a home.
