the culture

Culture in the broadest sense of the word is a deep analysis of the totality of society's values

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Culture in the broadest sense of the word is a deep analysis of the totality of society's values
Culture in the broadest sense of the word is a deep analysis of the totality of society's values

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Many of us do not even think about the meaning of the term "culture." Culture in the broad sense of the word is a very deep and generalized concept.

If we talk about the translation and the source of this word, it came from the Latin icultural and means "cultivation and improvement of the state of the earth with a view to its further fertility." However, here the definition of the term associated with the land ends.


Culture in the broad sense of the word is a combination of behavior, achievements of science and creativity of a whole people or group.

Areas and spheres of culture

Culture includes various areas and areas:

- customs, foundations and mores;

- intellectual achievements;

- economics;

- army;

- social structure;

- political organization;

- religion;

- Technics;

- the general spirit of the people.


The history of the culture of the people being studied affects the overall picture of the development of this concept.

Over the course of millennia, each nation has changed in its own way, its life activity was accompanied by such criteria as:

- the emergence of culture;

- development;

- decline;

- degeneration.

Culture in the broad sense of the word is a whole world within a certain society, it is the connection of each smallest link from a person’s everyday life within a given historical collective into a single whole system.

There is no culture without education and science, there is no culture without political organization, without dividing society into older and younger, more worthy of respect and less deserving.


Culture in the broad sense of the word is the entire list of society’s behavior and its conditions and laws, but only if these laws benefit humanity. In the current situation in the world regarding the practical legalization of alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, corruption, deception and murder, which reflect the spiritual picture of society, it is difficult to talk about culture. It is these characteristic features of modern society that can be attributed to the concept of degeneration of culture, or at least its decline.