
Larry Flynt (Larry Flynt): biography, dates, events

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Larry Flynt (Larry Flynt): biography, dates, events
Larry Flynt (Larry Flynt): biography, dates, events

Video: Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club to celebrate the life of Larry Flynt with special event 2024, June

Video: Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club to celebrate the life of Larry Flynt with special event 2024, June

One half of Americans know Larry Flynt as the publisher of Hustler magazine, embodying vice and ignoring public morality. For the other half of US residents, he is a true civil rights activist. Larry Flynt gained such a reputation after he defended the right to freedom of speech in the Supreme Court. In this article, you will be presented with his brief biography.


The beginning of the way

Larry Flint was born in Lakeville, Kentucky in 1942. The boy's father worked as a farmer, and his mother was a housewife. Soon, Larry's parents divorced, and he stayed with his mother. But after her next marriage, young Larry decided to move to his father.

Immediately after serving in the army in 1964, Flint opened a strip club in Ohio. It so happened that Larry got into the stream of demanded business, which he really liked to do. In 1970, he already owned eight similar establishments in Cleveland, Akron, Toledo, and Columbia.


In 1974, the debut issue of Hastler magazine was published. It was sent by mail, thereby becoming a very cheap advertisement for business. In a fairly short period of time, Larry Flynt has earned the fame of the most immodest, obscene and cynical producer of pornography. But this did not bother him at all. Flint steadily increased the size of his own porn empire, which included strip clubs, casinos, an armada of websites, more than twenty magazines, Hastler's retail sales and adult video production. In 1976, he founded the company Larry Flynt Publications, combining his business. The porn mogul earned millions of dollars.



There have always been many scandals in Flint's career. Often he was sued. Thus, moral advocates demanded to ban the distribution of “Hustler” in several states (the most high-profile case was considered in Ohio). But even if the applicants won, Larry appealed and almost always got out of the water. The lawsuits brought Hustler unprecedented popularity. In 1978, its circulation crossed the mark of 2.5 million copies.

Against the "moral majority"

Larry understood that his scandalous reputation made Hastler popular. Therefore, he regularly played this card: he declared war on Marlboro, came to court in a diaper from the US flag, promised to legalize prostitution if he became president, etc.

Flint's most ardent opponent was Jerry Falwell, a television preacher and founder of a religious society called The Moral Majority. In the 1980s, about 6 million people were members of this organization. The reverend was indignant simply by the very fact of the existence of such publications. Folwell became Flint's most ardent opponent. In each of his speeches, he stated that pornography leads to the moral decay of society. It’s clear that Jerry was constantly in the spotlight in his sermons on The Hustler. And this brought him a substantial income.


Counter attack

Falwell's sermons greatly bothered Flint. In 1983, the porn mogul struck back. Larry published a pseudo-interview with Falwell in Hustler. They designed a conversation in a parody style for the Campari advertisement: in the brochures of this alcoholic drink, media personalities talked about its excellent taste. The texts always mentioned the phrase that the drink was tasted for the first time. Flint took advantage of the ambiguity of this expression. In an interview, Jerry allegedly told how he first had sex with his mother. At the end of the article, Hustler’s reporters gave an explanation asking them not to take the article seriously, as it simply parodies a well-known advertisement.

Falwell was furious and filed a lawsuit demanding compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Admirers of the preacher raised $ 100, 000 for him and helped him find a good lawyer. Courts of both lower and higher instances recognized that libel was published in Hustler. As a non-pecuniary damage, Flint was obligated to pay Falwell 200 thousand dollars. But Larry appealed, and this decision was quashed.


Film career

Flint, as a public person, has absolutely no complexes and prejudices. Therefore, he often appeared in various films, mostly as a cameo. The most famous films with the participation of Larry are “Screamer”, “Bunny Rabbit”, “Son of the Beach”, “Nirvana”, “Kurt and Courtney”, “Politically Incorrect”, etc. But he’s in his biographical picture “People Against Larry Flynt” entrusted to realize his own image of Woody Harelson. This film, shot by director Milos Forman, has collected many awards: prizes of the European Film Academy, Berlin Film Festival, Golden Bear, Golden Globe, etc.

The film about Larry Flynt

We will tell a little about this picture. You can’t call the film “People vs. Larry Flynt” a genius. It just had a great plot and talented actors. It is worth noting the excellent camera work. Despite the erotic moments, in the picture there was not even a minimal smack of “Chernukha”.

The film did not belong to the comedy genre. Rather, it was a harsh life drama, the tragic story of Larry Flynt. But there were positive moments and even jokes in it. This was due to the inexorability of the main character, able to leave with a smile from any situation.

The film showed the audience how to interact with the press and how not to communicate with the judges. Flint's life is the life of a true connoisseur of his own freedom, self-expression and love without obligation. He wanted to express his opinion at all costs and to teach others to relate to his position with understanding and respect.

Larry himself also starred in this film as a judge who sentenced him to 25 years in prison. True, this decision was subsequently protested.

When the boom of parodies began in the adult entertainment industry, Hustler Video Flint successfully led this venture. In its archives, there are many parodies of most popular paintings: Star Trek, Avatar, Game of Thrones, The Simpsons, etc.



Larry Flynt filmed a porn parody of the popular comedy Interview, which was canceled due to terrorist threats from hackers. But this fact did not stop the porn mogul. He said that his whole life has been fighting for the defense of the first amendment, and no foreign dictator will rob him of his right to freedom of speech.

Personal life

Flint was married five times. His wives gave birth to four daughters and a son. With the eldest daughter - Tony Flint Vega - Larry does not communicate. He denied it, as the girl adopted Christianity and turned into an anti-pornographic activist. All the wives of Larry Flynt were happy with him. He still maintains good relations with some of them.

In 1978, the porn tycoon publicly renounced his own faith. This happened after an attempt on his life occurred. The sniper maniac shot at Larry, deciding to avenge in this way for offended America. Flint survived, but a bullet that hit the spine paralyzed him below the waist. Until the end of his days, the porn mogul will ride in a wheelchair. The attempt was only the beginning. Threats to Larry continued to come on a daily basis. This forced him to move to Los Angeles. There Flint lives almost like a hermit, only occasionally leaving his mansion, accompanied by several bodyguards.
