
Fans of “tell friends”: because of one photo on the Internet, someone may go on vacation instead of you

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Fans of “tell friends”: because of one photo on the Internet, someone may go on vacation instead of you
Fans of “tell friends”: because of one photo on the Internet, someone may go on vacation instead of you

Video: CLU | Entrepreneur Speaker Series- Chris Herbert 2024, June

Video: CLU | Entrepreneur Speaker Series- Chris Herbert 2024, June

Steve Hui is a flight safety specialist. Every day on the Internet he sees hundreds of photos of boarding passes. They are placed by people who want to brag to their friends and tell about the upcoming trip. But they do not understand that such seemingly harmless actions can confuse them all the cards.


Steve decided to share some of his knowledge to help people protect themselves.

Secret to the whole world

Out of your boarding pass, criminals can learn a lot more than you imagine. It not only shows the passenger’s name and destination. A boarding pass allows you to access confidential information; Using it, an attacker can change or cancel a reservation.

Most tickets also have a barcode (more on that later).

For example, Steve took the boarding pass of one of the passengers of Delta Airlines.


The carrier places a huge amount of data on the document: e-ticket numbers, reservations, even the number of bags that have been registered. “I decided to check how vulnerable the system was, ” says Steve. “And went to the Delta site.”

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In the “Management” section, it is necessary to indicate the name of the passenger and the number of the electronic ticket / booking.

“Using the information from the boarding pass, I was quickly able to enter the booking page and see all the passenger data. - Steve continues. “I could look at the passenger’s entire route and see when and where he was going to go.”


But that's not all!

Steve was able to easily see the breakdown of the payment made by the passenger, including the date of purchase and the last four digits of the credit card used.

Fraudsters may well use this information.

But this is not the worst.