
Two-leafed love (Platanthera Bifolia). Lyubov bifolia - night violet

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Two-leafed love (Platanthera Bifolia). Lyubov bifolia - night violet
Two-leafed love (Platanthera Bifolia). Lyubov bifolia - night violet

Any bifolia (Latin name Platanthera bifolia) is a species of perennial tuberous herbaceous plants belonging to the genus Lyubka of the Orchidaceae family. Its second name is night violet.



The scientific name for this genus comes from the Greek words “wide” (platis) and “pollen bag” (antera). It is explained by the special form of the anther in representatives of this species. The epithet bifolia comes from the Latin language and consists of two words - “two” (bi) and “leaf” (folius). It is explained by two large leaves characteristic of this plant at the base of the trunk. The Russian name of this species, “Lyubka”, is associated with ancient legends that the roots-tubers of this plant (meaning the widespread Lyubka bifolia) have special magical properties. Love potions and love potions were prepared from them.



Luba bifolia (night violet) is widespread in a rather significant territory of Eurasia, in its temperate zone. It is found in Asia Minor and Western Europe. In Russia, Lyubka bifolia grows in the European part, in the Caucasus and in southern Siberia. It grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, especially at the edges, glades, in bushes, sometimes in meadows. It can be found in subalpine meadows in the mountains of Altai, the Caucasus, Sayan. The ecological amplitude of this genus is quite wide. Luba bifolia is completely indifferent to soil moisture, grows both on excessively moistened (even with stagnant moisture) and on dry lands. It is not particularly demanding on acidity and soil richness, although it is more common on acidic soils. It can tolerate significant shading, although it prefers illuminated places, since here it blooms and bears fruit better.



Luba bifolia (photo is given in the article) is a perennial herb plant, the height of which is 20-50 centimeters, with two undivided tubers. There are specimens up to 60 centimeters high. Replacing tuber grows annually. The basal leaves of the plant (two, rarely three or one) are opposite on the stem, at the base they are narrowed into a stalk that passes into the vagina. The shape of the leaf is obtuse, oblong-obovate. Leaves reach a length of 22 centimeters, a width of 6 centimeters. The color is gray-green, glossy. Stem leaves - one to three, rather small, lanceolate, sessile.

Night violet: color

The inflorescence of this plant is a rare spike of cylindrical shape. It reaches 20 centimeters in length, consists of small flowers (about 8-40 pieces). The flower has a very strong pleasant aroma (especially at night or in cloudy weather), its perianth is white, slightly greenish at the ends, corolla-shaped, simple. All six leaves are different in size and shape. The largest of them forms a lip with a thin, slightly curved or straight spur, pointed at the end, obliquely upward or horizontally directed. Its length does not exceed three centimeters. The lip itself is narrow, 12 millimeters long, at the base without tubercles. Three leaves of the perianth are brought together, they form a helmet, and the other two are free. There is only one stamen in the flower; its pollen in anthers is glued into a lump called pollinia. Pestle - with a three-lobed stigma and a lower single-rooted ovary. Luba blooms in June-July. It is pollinated by insects. Ripens in July-August. The fruit of the plant is a box that opens with six longitudinal slits. Seeds are very small, dusty.


Care Tips

The place for this plant should be selected shaded to protect it from the scorching sun. It is completely undemanding to the soil; it grows both on poor and well-fertilized soils. However, fertilizer will not be superfluous, so timely dressing contributes to better flowering and development. During a period of extreme heat requires additional watering. Lyubov bifolia perfectly tolerates winter and does not need shelter.


This plant propagates exclusively by seeds. One fruit contains more than 20 thousand seeds. On one plant, on average, up to 11 fruits ripen. Seeds germinate only in the presence of mushrooms. During the first two to four years, the seedling leads an exclusively underground way of life, and only in the third or fifth year does the first leaf appear on the surface of the earth. White night violet blooms for about 11 years after germination, in favorable conditions, this can happen in the sixth year. This plant can bloom within five to six years without a break, however, after a particularly plentiful flowering, a short break may occur. On average, the plant lives 20-27 years, under favorable conditions it can last longer. Flower buds are laid two years before flowering. Pollination is usually carried out by nocturnal moths (hawks and scoops), after which the perianth soon fades. Seed ripening is carried out in one and a half to two months after pollination. Due to the fact that the seeds are very small and light, the distribution occurs even with a slight movement of air masses. Luba bifolia is a wonderful ornamental plant with a strong aroma. She is in great demand among amateur gardeners. However, to breed it is very difficult. Formally, night violet is a protected plant, but in fact it is almost impossible to organize. Luba flowers are collected in bulk to create bouquets, and this leads to a reduction in its range.


Medicinal value of Lyubka bifolia

Root tubers of night violet have medicinal properties. They are dug up immediately after flowering or at its end. Only young, juicy and meaty ones are selected. Tubers are usually immersed in boiling water for two to three minutes (so that they do not germinate), and then dried in the shade. The result is the so-called salep. It has long been used in the preparation of tonic and restorative drugs. The main reason for the popularity of Salep is its ability to increase sexual activity. Since ancient times, hundreds of recipes have been developed for the treatment of impotence with the help of Lyuba bifolia. However, the limited raw material base of this plant product does not allow to create a single reliable drug system from these plants. Salep has an antitoxic and enveloping effect, therefore, it is prescribed for detoxification in case of poisoning with some poisons that cause gastrointestinal upsets, with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, with chronic gastritis, colitis, and various intestinal diseases in children. In addition, they can be prescribed for chronic and acute bronchitis.
