
Flywheel - edible, tasty and fragrant mushroom

Flywheel - edible, tasty and fragrant mushroom
Flywheel - edible, tasty and fragrant mushroom

Among the edible tubular mushrooms, there is one that is similar at the same time to boletus, boletus, and chamomile. This flywheel is a mushroom that grows in both coniferous and deciduous and mixed forests. Moreover, its appearance depends on the place of distribution. That is why he is often confused with other edible brethren, and even more often they don’t know at all about his taste, taking him for a false or poisonous one.


The flywheel mushroom can be harvested from June to October, it grows mainly in deciduous forests, often adjacent to oak, aspen, birch and coniferous trees. It is usually used in fried and dried form, it has an excellent taste, but in processing it changes its color, becoming dark. The hat is slightly irregular in shape, matte, cushion-shaped, dry, with velvet fibers that are pleasant to the touch. Color can vary from light green to brown and bright yellow. Flywheel - the mushroom is quite large and noticeable, the diameter of the cap on average from 40 to 110 mm.

The tubes on the back are yellow (young mushrooms have a thickness of 5 mm, older mushrooms have a thickness of 15 mm). First, they are pressed tightly to the hat, as the moss fly, they become more free and change their color to olive. In old age, they get a chestnut or bluish tint, when pressed, dark traces remain.


The leg is dense, cylindrical, sometimes slightly thickened, grows up to 10-12 cm, in volume it can reach 1.5-2 cm. There is a distinctive feature by which the flywheel can be recognized: the fungus, and the faith of its leg, darkens at the cut. If initially it is yellow, then at the cut the fiber turns blue or black. If the color remains unchanged, then this is some other mushroom. Although the moss flyers do not have false counterparts, it is worthwhile to be wary of suspicious unfamiliar specimens, since there is a chance to stumble upon completely unfit for food.

Flywheel is a mushroom with a pleasant, light odor reminiscent of a fruity aroma. The younger the mushroom, the more pleasant it tastes, so the best ones for assembly are young or slightly grown individuals. In a young flywheel, the hat is round, without breaks, in older ones it is voluminous, thick, often curved. Overgrowth quickly deteriorates, sometimes the mushroom decomposes in a few hours. That is why it is advised to sort and prepare the forest “harvest” on the same day that it was harvested, and to eat only young specimens not spoiled by worms.


Because of the color of the hat, several subtypes of the moss fly are distinguished: yellow-brown, green, motley, and red. All of them have a similar appearance, but grow in different forests. The yellow-brown flywheel-mushroom (photo above) is one of the most common, always adjacent to the pine, and the green flywheel grows in deciduous forests. Often there are specimens with a motley hat, they look original and alluring. Any of them are edible. They lend themselves well to drying, while the flesh retains its lemon tint and pronounced mushroom aroma. In addition to drying, you can also harvest fried mushrooms for the future, because they also have excellent taste, are well stored and are suitable for preparing various dishes: soups, pizza, fried potatoes.