
Maxim Sharafutdinov: a person who is not bored with colleagues

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Maxim Sharafutdinov: a person who is not bored with colleagues
Maxim Sharafutdinov: a person who is not bored with colleagues

For many years this handsome young man has been broadcasting about events in the country and the world on Channel One. But before being in the chair of the presenter, Maxim Sharafutdinov (and it will be specifically about him) was a member of the Four Tatar team and devoted his life to playing KVN with great pleasure. Now this is a very serious gentleman who in 2010 held the inauguration of the President of Tatarstan.


On September 15, the Olympic Games-80 in Kazan, the future television star Maxim Sharafutdinov was born. He studied at one of the comprehensive schools of his hometown. His advantage over the other students was very impressive: the house where the boy was born and raised was right in the school yard.

In parallel with school, he attended an art studio, worked as a DJ on the Taturos radio station. And another serious hobby in the school years was wonderful classes in the vocal studio Irene Studio.


After school, Maxim Sharafutdinov made a firm decision to enter KAI - now Kazan State Technical University. He still recalls these years with a special warmth and constant smile. Learning was interesting and fun. In addition, social affairs caused an influx of energy and a desire to continue and continue to conquer new heights. Quite often during this time he happened to be the host of a variety of student events.


Having received a diploma of graduation, Sharafutdinov Maxim Rasimovich devoted some time to the television contest of the Russia channel Become a Star. It turned out that his enthusiasm brought certain positive results: the young man was able to reach the finals of this project and become one of the twenty best.

Creative plans: fate or hobby?

From childhood, Maxim Sharafutdinov devoted a lot of free time with great pleasure and enthusiasm to creativity: while studying at school, he studied vocal and music. In almost all evenings, ceremonies and theatrical performances, he took an active part. He liked it, gave pleasure, and he even began to think about the fact that the subsequent life was connected precisely with his creative potential.


And yet, despite the very high achievements in this area, after graduation, Sharafutdinov made a decision diametrically opposed to his hobbies: he submitted documents to a technical university. Maxim graduated from it quite successfully, and in his hands was now an engineering diploma. But his fate was such that, according to the acquired specialty, he did not work, because on the Kazan radio he hosted a show that was broadcast in the morning hours of the day. After some time, Sharafutdinov became the presenter on television.

Well hello first!

Sharafutdinov appeared on the air of Russian television while still a student at the university, when he began to play in the KVN team of Kazan State Technical University. But in those years, he could not even imagine that someday his future work would be connected with this channel.

Then there were various news programs that introduced viewers to general political and criminal events. He gained experience on television in the Republic of Tatarstan. Also, Maxim Sharafutdinov worked as the editor of the magazine, the administrator in the bank. He even went to America for an internship for some time.


When the year 2006 was nearing sunset, Sharafutdinov was thinking about ending his career on television and going to work in a bank. It was almost decided, when suddenly …

From Channel One he received a proposal for cooperation. So, since the beginning of 2007, Maxim Sharafutdinov has been a news anchor on the country's main channel. Four years later, he switched from morning news to nightly, where he continues to work now.

At the beginning of 2014 he talked about the news from the Olympic Sochi, and in the fall he was presented for the award with the medal "For Merit to the Fatherland."