
Malena Mayakovskaya and her husband

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Malena Mayakovskaya and her husband
Malena Mayakovskaya and her husband

Video: Jun 7, 2015 2024, July

Video: Jun 7, 2015 2024, July

Malena Mayakovskaya is a bright business woman, a popular blogger, owner of an online store, a mother of two sons and just a successful woman. Now it is often possible to meet famous people who achieve success through unrestrained labor. Malena Mayakovskaya refers to just such. And how she manages to combine all this and be equally successful can be found in this article.

Malena Mayakovskaya - biography

Malena Mayakovskaya was born in 1983 in a military family. In childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming a model or a major banker. She worked as a model, being an eighteen-year-old girl, but she never got into the bank. The girl received education twice. The first time Malena Mayakovskaya graduated from the Belgorod Institute of Culture and Arts, where she received the profession of theater and film actress. As a presenter of television programs, the girl studied at the Higher National School of Television. In the movie, Malena starred in five films, mainly in episodic roles. With television, things are more productive. She has contributed to more than a dozen successful projects. Today she is broadcasting New Morning. The first fame for the girl came after the launch of a personal blog. At first she made money on advertising, but now there is no need for this. Malena owns a successful online clothing store.


Relationship with husband

Unlike so many famous personalities who devote much time to business and social life, Malena Mayakovskaya has a truly harmonious family. She is in an official marriage, in which she brings up two children. Many people ask the question: “Who is Malena Mayakovskaya?” The husband believes that she is the best of women, and for children she is a beloved mother. Perhaps this is the most expensive thing in life.

In addition to his personal life, Malena shares a common business with her husband. Malena Mayakovskaya and her husband not only successfully collaborate, but also have a great time together. According to the girl, they often cook dinner together. Relations with a loved one for Malena are much more important than money. When a man asked his wife what she would choose — a large income and his constant absence from home or the average wage and arrival home at six o’clock, the girl confidently chose the second. After which she stated that they will earn money together, and that they will not be able to return the lost time. Who is Malena Mayakovskaya? An understanding, faithful and very loving wife!



According to Malena, children are her cosmos. All weekend she always devotes only to them. Malena was raised by a very disciplined girl, which, of course, the girl transferred to her family. Sons from childhood, without fail, go to bed on time and clean up the scattered toys. Parents are the undisputed authority for boys, which Malena considers one of her most important achievements as a mother. Also, the girl is trying to lay in her sons such qualities that in later life will help them become successful businessmen and real men.

Due to the fact that the girl is surrounded by men at home, she learned to understand football, hockey and other men's activities. Her younger son is engaged in a hockey school. Malena is a role model for her sons - she knows how to listen, understand, talk about sports and at the same time remains a real girl.


Attitude to traditions

Any real family has its own traditions that unite and allow you to become closer to each other. The Mayakovsky family is no exception. Many years ago, Malena decided to create a special box in which messages for Santa Claus will be added. So for many years on the eve of the New Year, the whole family of a famous blogger has come together and writes a coveted message. By the way, only two letters are written. The first contains general wishes, the second commercial. The executor of all the wishes in the family is Malena. She considers this family tradition very sweet and dear.


Clothing preferences

Femininity from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers - this is Malena Mayakovskaya (biography). Her age (34 years) confirms with confidence that from a girl, Malena has already grown into a woman. Realizing this, Mayakovskaya prefers beautiful things that make her image elegant. Boy clothes for her are completely taboo. Sneakers and tracksuit, according to the business woman, are intended only for sports.

At home, the girl also adheres to her favorite style - no stretched T-shirts and sweatpants, only dresses, only femininity. Also Malena does not wear jeans. She does not say that wearing them is bad, just the girl is absolutely uncomfortable in the clothes. If Malena Mayakovskaya was born a couple of hundred years ago, then she would definitely go to study at the Institute of Noble Maidens. Now the girl is trying with all her might to promote femininity to the masses.


HLS silver

When Malena is called a healthy healthy celebrity, she jokes off and begins to deny it. In her opinion, she was just an accomplished woman who was able to construct her body. The fact that her path inspires many is great, but the girl does not consider it necessary to call herself a star. Malena writes very bright and positive posts about sports on her blog. Her words are so piercing that many, after reading, immediately rush to the gym.

The girl has been engaged in sports for a very long time, but her most active period began only recently. Two years ago, she became interested in Nordic walking, then the girl plunged into fitness tours, then she was lucky to get her own column on the Justbefit website. Thanks to the latter, the fragile blonde fell in love with boxing. Boxing, she throws away all her negative thoughts and bad emotions. After training, Malena gains Zen. Also, the girl does not forget about strength training, cardio and cycling. Malena is ready to endure any kind of sports load, but running is not her hobby. Despite the fact that the girl is constantly exhausting herself on the treadmill, she quietly hates this activity inside.
