
Maria Kokhno: biography, personal life, photo

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Maria Kokhno: biography, personal life, photo
Maria Kokhno: biography, personal life, photo

Video: হাবিবকে ভালবেসে ভুল করিনি, বিশ্বাস করে ভুল করেছি ।। তানজিন তিশা | Prothom Alo 2024, June

Video: হাবিবকে ভালবেসে ভুল করিনি, বিশ্বাস করে ভুল করেছি ।। তানজিন তিশা | Prothom Alo 2024, June

A girl from Samara named Maria Kreizer (Kohno) on October 15 celebrated her 28th birthday. Fame and 25 thousand followers on Instagram brought her participation in "House-2". Appearing on a frontal spot in December 2016, Maria Kokhno, a biography, the photo of which is presented in the article, is one of the brightest participants in the show, both externally (the girl underwent a number of plastic surgeries) and by nature. According to the results of voting, Maria was repeatedly expelled from “House-2”, however, according to the organizers, she did not reveal her potential, therefore, she was left again and again in the perimeter. It is already known that in the coming days the scandalous participant will still leave the show.


Maria Kokhno: parents

The biography of the girl is described differently on the Web. She was born in 1989, and from the age of five she was already fond of playing the violin, since music was constantly present in their house. Place of birth - the city of Samara. But then the family moved to Moscow, by then parents had become honored artists of the Russian Federation. Father (Alexander Ivanov) plays the violin. Mom (Olga Dmitrievna) - on the piano. The girl accompanied her father from an early age, performing on stage.

About her family, Maria Kokhno, whose photo in her youth is presented in the article, talks about being very wealthy and representing high society. She has a very tender relationship with her parents. This is evidenced by posts on Instagram, as well as their communication on the air. While in the perimeter, the girl was worried that the father decided to leave his wife. Subsequently, it became clear: Mary made public an unverified situation.


Life before the project

The girl received music education at the conservatory. According to sources, "House-2" she graduated from Moscow University. P. Tchaikovsky. A professional violinist performed on stage, including in a duet. The accompanist was the mother, as evidenced by the posters. The program included works by Mozart, Bach, Paganini and Brahms. Information leaked to the Internet that Maria Kokhno, whose biography is known mainly from the words of the participant herself, played in the team of Y. Bashmet. This version was disproved, because it did not find confirmation.

By the way, Kokhno is supposedly the pseudonym of a novice artist. Skeptics, however, argue that a girl with such inappropriate behavior can hardly have a higher education and a stage past. However, on air the girl repeatedly picked up the instrument, delighting her fans and friends on the "House-2".

Maria Kokhno: personal life before the project

The girl appeared on the air thanks to Vlad Kadoni, who saw in the creative personality traits that, in his opinion, would help her create a wonderful couple with Gleb Zhemchugov. But this did not happen. Officially married to Dmitry Kreizer, Maria came to the project to forget her husband. According to her, the couple broke up recently. In fact, on her web page there have been no joint photographs for two years.


It is known that Dmitry works in the tourism business, and during the marriage the couple for Instagram posed from different parts of the world. There is a significant age difference between them. Maria Kokhno (photo with her husband is presented in the article) wore a wedding dress, barely becoming an adult.


On the show, the girl came from despair. The day before, there was a separation from her husband, who proposed to withstand a month and a half pause in order to understand himself. Contrary to the rules of the project, Maria Kokhno, whose biography is interesting to viewers of the TV show, did not have a stamp in her passport about a divorce. Nevertheless, she became one of the participants in the television program.

Previously, the gap with her husband was so difficult for Mary that she fell into a depressed state. She did not want to live, so she simply refused food.

In an interview with StarHit magazine, the girl said that she weighed only 34 kg, and in evidence presented photos from a personal archive. They show that Kohno is suffering from exhaustion. Going to a music contest in Italy, Maria fainted right at the airport. This was the starting point, after which the girl began to recover. She saw how many close people love her and wish her well. The trip to India helped to cope with anorexia.


Plastic surgery

After Maria appeared on the air, the audience immediately suggested the intervention of doctors of aesthetic medicine in her appearance: unnatural eyelashes, pouting lips, contouring the face. Pictures taken on the Internet testified that before the intervention of surgeons, Maria was a pretty smiling girl, and turned into a likeness of a Barbie doll. And quite sad and lost all personality. According to the audience, the girl was clearly overdoing it with fillers or the surgeon made a mistake with the place of their introduction. But "lips-dumplings" look more shocking than beautiful.

The feeling that with cheekbones, Maria Kokhno, whose biography is very relevant for those who want to resort to plastic surgery, also overdone. An asymmetry appeared in her face. The girl achieved this effect of hollow cheeks not only with contour plastic, but also with the removal of Bisha's lumps. Already on the project itself, the girl resorted to rhinoplasty, eliminating the alleged consequences of an accident. In fact, according to experts, the narrowing of the wings of the nose occurred much earlier, that is, the girl had already resorted to surgery.


The shocking blonde and the widespread passion for mammoplasty did not pass. Already on the project, Maria acquired a third breast size. But did this bring her luck in her personal life?

Life on the project

Which of the young people was Maria Kokhno singled out? Her biography on the project is developing through numerous scandals and provocations. The girl loves to get into the lens of television cameras, getting into other people's pairs and participating in scuffles, but she failed to build personal happiness Expressing sympathy for Andrey Chuev and not receiving reciprocity, the girl declared herself a couple with Dmitry Lukin (Node), who brilliantly showed himself in acting. Together they visited the Seychelles, but their relationship didn’t end with anything good.


Attempt number two was Roman Gritsenko, but this did not work out either. Obviously, a girl needs an adult and completely independent man, and not a young guy. To stay in the perimeter, Maria tried to convince everyone of her sympathy for the presenter, but received from Kadoni a definite "no." After a vote by spectators who wanted Kokhno to leave the show, she tried to build a relationship with Andrei Denisov (Shtrikh), but at the very beginning of the novel she was seen communicating around the perimeter with her husband. No one was convinced that this was a meeting about a divorce, so Barcode did not leave the project for his girlfriend.