
Maria Strelkova: biography and creativity

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Maria Strelkova: biography and creativity
Maria Strelkova: biography and creativity

Maria Strelkova is a Soviet actress, her most famous role is “Torgsin’s child”, Elena (the film “Funny Guys”), and Helen Glenarvan in the film “Children of Captain Grant”. From this article you can find out the biography of the actress - how the path of her work took shape, and how her personal life developed.

early years

Maria Pavlovna Strelkova was born on August 4, 1908 in a small village in the Olonets province (the modern Republic of Karelia), into a poor peasant family. After leaving school in 1925, the seventeen-year-old Maria decided to go to Moscow and enter the theater school. The girl was considered the first beauty of the village, on the road she was collected by the whole village - who gave a fur coat, who dress, who elegant boots. For external data, Maria Strelkova was accepted into CETETIS (modern GITIS), however, in the process of training, she proved herself to be a talented actress with an extraordinary comedic talent.


Movie career

In 1929, after graduation, the actress made a movie debut. She played the role of Anna in the film "Anna on the Neck" - one of the three paintings by the Chekhov almanac "Ranks and People." Huge posters with a portrait of Maria Strelkova flaunted in all cities, she instantly became a popular Soviet actress - she was looking forward to the next film with her participation.


In 1930, the comedy film "The Feast of St. Jorgen" was released, in which Strelkova played the main female role as a relative of Bishop Oleander. In the same year, 22-year-old Maria became the wife of writer Alexander Serebrov, who was 28 years older than her.

In 1933, Maria Strelkova was invited to the main role in the cult Soviet film "Funny Guys." However, during the filming in connection with the development of a romantic relationship between the film director Aleksandrov and the aspiring actress Orlova, the secondary role of Lyubov Petrovna increased with each shooting day, eventually becoming the main one, and Strelkova’s role, accordingly, changed and was cut. However, this did not prevent the actress from creating a high-level comedic image and forever winning the hearts of the audience not only with beauty, but also with talent.


The following picture became crucial for the whole future life of the actress. Starring in the role of Helen Glenarvan in the 1936 film “Children of Captain Grant, ” Maria Strelkova met with the famous actor Mikhail Romanov, who played the role of captain John Mangles in this film. Actors fell in love once and for all. After the shooting, Maria Strelkova announced to her husband that they were breaking up. Her last film role was Panna Jadwiga in the 1937 film, The Nightingale. After that, Maria Pavlovna married Romanov, together they moved to Kiev. The second husband of the actress Mikhail Romanov is depicted in the photo below.
