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Interethnic conflicts. Examples and reasons

Interethnic conflicts. Examples and reasons
Interethnic conflicts. Examples and reasons

Video: What is ETHNIC CONFLICT? What does ETHNIC CONFLICT mean? ETHNIC CONFLICT meaning & explanation 2024, July

Video: What is ETHNIC CONFLICT? What does ETHNIC CONFLICT mean? ETHNIC CONFLICT meaning & explanation 2024, July

Interethnic conflicts lie at the heart of world history. Examples of such events were given to many peoples at a very substantial cost. The bloody world wars of the twentieth century will be remembered for a long time in every corner of the globe. Modern society, it would seem, opposes any military action and conflict, at the heart of its development are liberal ideas, healthy competition and globalization. However, in reality, things are somewhat different. The number of conflicts on national and religious grounds only increases every year, and more and more participants are involved in the cycle of such battles, which leads to a gradual expansion of the problem.

Mismatch of national interests, territorial claims, negative perception of each other by the parties - all this forms inter-ethnic conflicts.


Examples of such situations are covered in political news with enviable constancy.

Interethnic conflict is a type of social conflict, which is based on many factors and contradictions, as a rule, ethnosocial, political, national and state.

The causes of national conflicts, if we analyze them in more detail, are very similar in many respects:

  • The struggle for resources. The depletion and uneven distribution of natural resources, providing the greatest financial flows, often leads to incitement of disputes and strife.

  • Population growth in conditions of closed territory, uneven level of quality of life, massive forced migration of the population.

  • Terrorism as a phenomenon requiring tough measures and, as a consequence, exacerbation of conflict situations.

Religious differences


Interethnic conflicts, examples of which will be given below, concern primarily the largest power of the twentieth century - the Soviet Union. Many contradictions arose between the Union republics, especially in the Caucasus region. A similar situation persists after the former constituent parts of the country received Soviets of sovereign status. Since the collapse of the USSR, more than one hundred and fifty different conflicts have been registered in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and Transnistria.

The presence of deprived national minorities within the framework of a sovereign country directly underlies the concept of "interethnic conflicts", examples of which are found more and more often. This is the Gagauz conflict in Moldova, the Abkhaz and Ossetian - in Georgia. Usually, with such contradictions, the population within the country is divided into indigenous and non-indigenous, which leads to an even sharper exacerbation of the situation.

Examples of religious conflicts are no less common. The most striking of them is the fight against infidels in numerous Islamic countries and regions (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.). Similar conflicts are also characteristic of the African continent, a fierce struggle between Muslim authorities and representatives of other faiths claimed more than two million lives, and wars in the holy land between Muslims and Jews have been going on for decades.


The same sad list of conflicts in Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians, the struggle for the independence of Tibet.