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Mikhailovsky Theater, St. Petersburg: history, address, tours, photos

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Mikhailovsky Theater, St. Petersburg: history, address, tours, photos
Mikhailovsky Theater, St. Petersburg: history, address, tours, photos

Video: Ново- Михайловский дворец / The Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace Palace 1890-1916 2024, July

Video: Ново- Михайловский дворец / The Novo-Mikhailovsky Palace Palace 1890-1916 2024, July

The Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg was created to entertain the imperial family. It has a rich history: the theater experienced several recessions and blossoms, famous Russian and foreign conductors, composers and artists performed on its stage. Currently, the Mikhailovsky Theater combines in its repertoire the performances of unfading classics and contemporary art.


Where is the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg? It is located in the central part of the city, not far from Nevsky Prospekt and Gostiny Dvor metro stations, at the intersection of Engineering Street and Griboedov Canal Embankment. Actual address of the theater: Arts Square, Building 1.

Mikhailovsky Theater, St. Petersburg: History

The classical building of the Mikhailovsky Theater was created in the first half of the 19th century by order of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The theater building was designed by the famous Russian artist and architect Alexander Pavlovich Bryullov. It is harmoniously inscribed in the composition of Mikhailovskaya Square, which is currently called the Square of Arts. The ensemble of the square was designed by Russian architect of Italian origin Karl Ivanovich Rossi. The Mikhailovsky Theater was built exclusively for the entertainment of the imperial family, and mainly French, sometimes German troupes performed on the stage, the performances of which gathered the whole aristocratic world.

In the second half of the XIX century, the Mikhailovsky Theater was reconstructed under the supervision of Russian architect of Italian origin Albert Katerinovich Kavos. He was widely known precisely for the construction of theaters. According to his instructions, the size of the hall was increased, elements of the Baroque style were introduced. It was thanks to him that the interiors of the Mikhailovsky Theater acquired a grandiose and magnificent appearance, which has survived to this day and continues to delight and delight visitors.


Photos of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, which presents the auditorium, you see above.

In the first half of the 20th century, the Great October Socialist Revolution broke out, which marked the beginning of the Civil War. Foreigners urgently left the borders of our country. During this troubled time, the theater management had to assemble a new troupe and create a repertoire.

After the advent of Soviet power, the Mikhailovsky Theater began a slow period of decline.

Mikhailovsky Theater today

The Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg unexpectedly came to life in 2007. At this time, the director of the theater, the city administration was appointed a man without any art education, businessman Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman. The new theatrical figure unexpectedly very actively engaged in philanthropy, namely, the restoration of the theater building. Under his competent guidance, the Mikhailovsky Theater updated its interiors, but the style was not lost. The reconstruction process was carried out competently, for example, all antiques were preserved in their original form, and the new parquet was artificially aged. As a result, Vladimir Kekhman spent about 500 million rubles to repair the theater.


Above is a photo of the hall of the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg after reconstruction.

The innovations did not end there. A successful businessman is actively involved in the artistic life of the theater. Foreign celebrities began to come to the Mikhailovsky Theater with his easy hand to conduct master classes, and such famous people of the world of arts as Farukh Sadullaevich Ruzimatov and Elena Vasilyevna Obraztsova took important posts of artistic directors of the ballet and opera troupe. Even now, they continue to collaborate with the theater as advisers.


A real stir in the art world was caused by the fact that the famous Spaniard Nacho Duato will become the choreographer of the Mikhailovsky Theater. Under his leadership, several ballets were staged, among which a prominent place was occupied by Prelude, Without Words, Sleeping Beauty, and many others.

Currently, the entire repertoire of the Mikhailovsky Theater is a mix of unfading classics and the latest trends in the art world.

Personality of the theater director

Vladimir Abramovich Kekhman is a colorful and ambiguous personality. After his appointment to the post of director of the Mikhailovsky Theater (St. Petersburg), the media was full of information about his extravagant statements and development plans, which included bringing the theater to self-sufficiency. All this shocked not only theater workers, but also connoisseurs of St. Petersburg art.


From public sources it is known that before his appointment, V. A. Kekhman successfully engaged in the import of fruits into our country. In 2012, the whole world heard about him thanks to the scandalous bankruptcy process of the company and the subsequent lawsuit for fraud on a particularly large scale. Despite obvious problems with the law, the city administration extended the contract with him for another five years. Also Vladimir Kekhman was appointed director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet.

V. A. Kekhman is a deeply religious person. His wife Ida is also involved in theatrical activities. Together they raise their daughter Anastasia.

Famous representatives of the theater troupe

Among the representatives of the theater troupe, Mikhail Tatarnikov (musical director and artistic director of the orchestra), Mikhail Messerer (artistic director of the ballet and chief choreographer of the theater), Paata Burchuladze (artistic director of the opera), Vladimir Stolpovskikh (conductor of the choir, Honored Artist of Russia), Vyacheslav are most famous. Okunev (main artist), Nacho Duato (permanent guest choreographer).


As a result, thanks to the talented leadership, imagination and artistic flair of these gifted people, the Mikhailovsky Theater is now a real gem of the Northern capital.

Excursion to the Mikhailovsky Theater, St. Petersburg

Currently, the Mikhailovsky Theater invites everyone to excursions. Of particular note is the museum, which is located on the second tier of the building. Old posters, photographs of famous conductors, dancers, directors, singers who worked in the theater at different times will be presented to your attention. You will also see rehearsal plans and learn many interesting historical facts.

After that, a professional guide will lead you behind the scenes of the theater - a whole world with many stairs and passages. There you will visit dressing rooms, rehearsal classes and a fake workshop with many incredible costumes and attributes, which is located on the top tier of the building. Your personal guide will give you the opportunity to go on stage and climb into the royal box.

Children's passes to the Mikhailovsky Theater

Currently, children's passes to the Mikhailovsky Theater (St. Petersburg) are in great demand, which are held in a small hall under the names “Country of Orchestra and“ Journey to the Backstage. ”The subscription provides for the possibility of accompanying the child by one of the parents. The performances are original productions of children's fairy tales, and also acquaintance with opera and ballet Children will be introduced to musical instruments, with characters of opera and ballet, at the end of which will be shown the opera "The Giant" by S. S. Prokofiev.


Currently, the theater is expanding the subscription program, due to which the "Matinees" appeared on sale. These performances fall mainly on weekends and offer the little audience tales of "Cinderella", "Corsair", "Chipollino" and others.