
Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich: biography and personal life of a famous actor

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Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich: biography and personal life of a famous actor
Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich: biography and personal life of a famous actor

An actor of amazing comic talent - Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich. He lived a difficult life, full of trials and creativity. His roles are in the gold fund of theater and cinema in Russia. Mishulin is an entire era, and today his biography continues to interest fans of his talent. We will tell you about the life and creative path of this amazing actor and unusual person.



October 22, 1926 in Moscow was born Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich. Its origin was shrouded in mystery, which the actor himself was happy to accompany with myths and fabrications. No one will ever know the true story. But there are several versions of his coming into the world. The story of the mother is completely logical. Anna Vasilyevna Mishulina, deputy people's commissar for industry, was a high-ranking and prosperous Soviet official. She gave birth to a son out of wedlock, gave him her last name and patronymic by the name of grandfather. She never spoke about the real father of the child.

Later, Spartacus came up with several stories of origin. Most often, he said that his father was a prominent Soviet writer Alexander Fadeev, the author of the famous novel The rout. The boy’s mother had a long affair with the writer, and therefore the suspicions seemed quite reasonable. Moreover, from an early age he became interested in writing and wrote poetry and short stories for himself.

Another version was more fantastic. Spartak for some time thought that he was among the children brought from Spain during the revolution, about which his external resemblance to these people allegedly spoke to him. Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose nationality was never in doubt (everyone considered him Russian), stubbornly tried to find hot southern blood in himself. From here came the third version of his birth. Mishulin said that his father was a traveling gypsy. This thought was prompted by his own temperament and burning appearance. But all his fantasies did not find any documentary evidence. But on the mother's side, he came from a very prosperous, educated family.


It so happened that my mother did not want to raise a child herself. Immediately after birth, she decided to give her son to the care of the state. But the brother of Anna Vasilyevna, rector of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin, took the kid from the orphanage. He gave his nephew a heroic name.

Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose nationality was not subject to discussion, spent his childhood mainly in his uncle’s house, in the very center of Moscow. He grew up a noisy, artistic boy with a rich imagination. When Spartak was 10 years old, his mother took him to live with her. But this did not bring happiness to the boy. Mom was not accustomed to him and was very cold, and his stepfather didn’t love him at all and could even raise his hand to his stepson in a drunken state. All this led to the fact that the boy tried to spend more time outside the house, attended various circles.

He also ran away from home several times. On his account a few "heroic" shoots. Once, at the very beginning of the war, he persuaded a team of friends in the yard to go to the front, stole his mother’s passport and bought train tickets for everyone. For some time the company wandered around the military echelons and was still returned to Moscow.


Love of art

From early childhood, Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose biography was not easy, dreamed of becoming an actor and participated in amateur performances. At the beginning of the war, during his next escape from the house, he met a crying boy on the street, his peer. He said that he was enrolled in an art school, and he did not want to go, because his mother would be left alone. Spartak decided that the prefix "art" means art and invited the guy to take his place. So, to his surprise, he ended up in Anzhero-Sudzhensk at an artillery school. But here Spartak remained true to himself, he headed local amateur performances and began to prepare a large concert for the local population in the House of Culture.

Since the club was abandoned, it did not even have light bulbs. And in order for the concert to take place, Mishulin decided to borrow the lamps in a neighboring club. At this theft he got caught, received a severe reprimand and was taken into account. The next time he again suffered in the "field of art." He began to write a novel, and to obtain reliable facts, he stole a book from the library. The investigation began, and then it turned out that Spartak wrote his works on the back of portraits of Lenin. This was regarded as treason to the Motherland, and here Mishulin was already given a real term.

Years of imprisonment

Investigators took into account the youth of Mishulin and removed the terrible article 58 from the case. He was sentenced only to one and a half years in a colony for hooliganism. In conclusion, he worked as an assistant tractor driver. Once he fell asleep on the field from fatigue, and a tractor hit him. At the hospital, doctors fought for his life for a long time and barely saved. His health was poor, so he was allowed to engage in an already familiar thing - to manage amateur prison work. He created an orchestra of folk instruments, a choir, and prepared concerts. Then he finally understood that he does not want to be anything but an artist.


The beginning of the creative path

After his release, Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich began to think how he could fulfill his dream. At the invitation of a friend, he arrives in the small village of Brusov, where he becomes the head of amateur performances. The success of his troupe was quickly noticed and invited Spartak to the larger village of Udomlya. Then he decided to try his hand and passed a competition in the theater of Kalinin. But then he was finally found by an uncle who had lost sight of his nephew during the war.

Spartak comes to Moscow, dreaming of getting a theater education. His uncle gave him an audition at GITIS, but they could not accept him there due to the lack of secondary education. Uncle tried to attach him to his school. B. Schukin, but the rector did not like those who were sent "from above", and refused to Mishulin. Then my uncle helped my nephew enter the troupe of the Kalinin Theater. He worked there for 5 years.

During this time, his comic talent and acting talent fully manifested. Over the years, he has played over 40 major roles. He worked for several years at the Omsk Theater, where he showed the depth of his dramatic talent. Here Spartak began to write songs, some of which sounded in performances, and he also had the opportunity to work with director V. Motyl. Then he returned to Kalinin. Mishulin was pleased with his fate: he was engaged in his favorite business, he had many different roles, but he has not yet reached his limit.


Satire Theater

In 1960, with a tour of the Kalinin Theater, Spartak Vasilyevich came to Moscow. His play was so impressive that he received three invitations to the capital’s theaters. The actor chose the Satire Theater and served in it for the next 45 years. His entry into the new troupe was easy enough, but the creative path was not easy. At first, he was waiting for little success at the entries to the tour performances, but the first main role was a failure, but this was not due to the actor’s play, but the quality of the play.

But gradually he develops his repertoire. He plays in “12 Chairs” and “Golden Calf”, in “Skapen Tricks”. And in 1968, he gets the main role in the play "The Kid and Carlson." He played the man with the propeller for the next 30 years. Very quickly, Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose photo still hangs in the lobby of the theater, became one of the stars of the Satire Theater. There have always been full houses at his performances. But, surprisingly, for such a long theatrical history, he had only 16 roles in the Satire Theater. Everything changed later, in the 90s. He played several roles in the New Drama Theater, worked in the entreprise.

Best Theater Roles

For many years of work at the Satire Theater, Mishulin has had several successful projects. Of course, the best Carlson of the USSR is Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich. The children adored him, and several generations of children grew up on his performances. This is probably one of his most famous roles, especially since he played it for so long. Also, the actor’s successes include the role of Pitchem in The Three Penny Opera, the King in the Ordinary Miracle, Kalabushkin in The Suicide, Boraenko in Lucky-Unsuccessful.


"Zucchini 13 chairs"

In 1966, Mishulin begins a new life. He was invited along with other actors of the Satire Theater to star in the TV show "Zucchini 13 Chairs". The program with humorous scenes and music in the languages ​​of the socialist camp countries was a real breath of fresh air on Soviet television. Therefore, the popularity of the project today is hard to imagine. During the show of the next series, the streets were empty, and the next day the whole country discussed the issue. Spartak Vasilyevich played the Director Pan and was able to fully realize his comedic gift in this role. In addition, he found his soul mate on the program.

Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose wife worked as an assistant director, was able to achieve everything he dreamed about in this project: fame, creative realization and personal happiness.

Movie work

In 1969, Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich first played in the movie, he was called to the role of Said in the tape "White Sun of the Desert" V. Motyl. By that time, the actor already had all-Russian popularity. V. Pluchek, the artistic director of the Satire Theater, categorically forbade his actors to act in films, and Mishulin had to carefully hide his participation in the work of V. Motyl. The tape was not easy for the viewer, censorship did not want to agree with many fragments, but after the release of the screens, the picture was snapped up for quotes and every year it became more popular. Spartak Vasilievich’s cinema successes were more modest than in the theater. He was mainly offered supporting roles, no one saw a hero in him. But in small roles, he created vivid and memorable images.


Filmography of Spartak Mishulin

The actor starred in a lot, on his account more than 90 different roles. The most notable works were, in addition to “The White Sun of the Desert”, the tape “Property of the Republic”, “Car, Violin and Dog Blot”, “A Man from Kapucin Boulevard”, “Master and Margarita”.

Personal life

Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose personal life is still of interest to the audience, women have always liked. But he, despite a considerable number of novels, marries for the first time already in adulthood. He met his wife Valentina on television, and they met for six years before getting married. At 54, Mishulin became a father. To say that he loved his wife and daughter means to say nothing. He did absolutely everything for them. His wife said that she and Spartak had a better life than Christ's bosom. With his daughter Karina, he spent every free minute, later the girl also became an actress.

last years of life

In the 90s, a difficult period began in the life of the actor. His relationship with Pluchek deteriorated, there were no new roles in the theater, there was a crisis in the cinema, and it became difficult to live. Mishulin Spartak Vasilievich, whose daughter and wife were the main concern, was ready to do anything to earn money for the well-being of his girls. At one time, he even sold beer in a stall near Mosfilm in order to repair a burnt summer house. By the beginning of the 2000s, life began to improve again. There were opportunities to work in other theaters, there were a lot of enthralling performances, and cinema was gradually returning. For five years, he starred in 9 films.


Death and memory

Throughout his life, the actor has not experienced major health problems. But he easily believed the doctors, who said that he needed to have heart bypass surgery, they gave an almost 100% good prognosis of the operation. But it so happened that after the intervention he lived only 3 days. He died on July 17, 2005. Mishulin Spartak Vasilyevich, whose grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery, remains in the memory of grateful spectators today. Even the younger generation remembers Said and repeats his phrases.