
A variety of Chester Bennington tattoos

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A variety of Chester Bennington tattoos
A variety of Chester Bennington tattoos



The charismatic frontman of the legendary American band Linkin Park became the idol of millions thanks to his amazing vocals and a unique stylish image. Being a big fan of tattoos, Chester Bennington did not deny himself the pleasure of getting another next-to-skin pattern.

The musician’s large-scale compositions were striking in their artistic style and refined taste. Few people know, but Chester Bennington created many sketches of the tattoo himself, explaining this by the fact that each drawing should carry a certain semantic load. His phrase “Respect Yourself and Respect the Idea of ​​What You Want to Do” has long been popular among lovers of body painting.

First tattoos

The first tattoo Chester Bennington filled on the day of his majority. The figure in the form of fish on the left shoulder symbolized the zodiac sign, under which the musician was born. It is noteworthy that the first visit to the tattoo parlor was a kind of "protest". The father of Linkin Park frontman, being a policeman, considered pectoral compositions “a stigma for criminals” and was categorically against it, and Chester himself considered them as a way of self-expression.

Following the first tattoo, a second appeared, already on the right shoulder. The large Japanese koi carp became a real pride of the musician, as he thought up and drew the sketch personally. In the art of body painting, this symbol represents the masculine principle, strength, gives the owner longevity and material well-being.


Creative way

The legendary Chester Bennington tattoos in his arms became his real "calling card." The musician filled them in a responsible and stressful period, when he was preparing with the team for the first tour in my life. Red-blue flames symbolize 2 elements: Fire and Water. This combination was chosen with good reason, because the vocalist Linkin Park was born at the intersection of the signs of Aries and Pisces, which correspond to these elements.


As for the tattoo inscription with the name of the collective on the lower back, it appeared as a result of a dispute between Chester and his colleague Mike Shinoda. Bennington believed that they will experience unprecedented success. Mike was skeptical of such a statement and said that he would personally refund the cost of the underwear if the debut album went platinum. Actually, it happened. Chester won the argument and became the proud owner of a stylish tattoo.

The musician considered the composition “street soldier” above the shin of his left leg to be an aimless whim. This Chester Bennington tattoo is an exact reproduction of the cover of the band’s first album and is a sketch of a soldier with dragonfly wings. Fans compared this image with the musician himself and his work, deciding that heavy ammunition symbolizes powerful vocals and rock music, and wings - calm singing and lyrics.

Love tattoos


When the musician first married, they did not even have money with her lover for rings. Then the couple decided to get paired tattoos in the form of wedding rings. After a divorce from his first wife, Chester did not get rid of the drawing. In honor of his second wife, he got a new tattoo on his chest. The inscription “CB TB” is nothing but the initials of the beloved Talinda Bentley and Chester himself.

A variety of underwear compositions

In total, the musician had about 20 underwear drawings of different sizes and stylistic directions. The dragons attract the most attention, and the Linkin Park vocalist has several of them: 2 on his back and 1 on his leg. In tattoo art, this mythical creature symbolizes power, power, strength, wisdom. Also in the upper back of the musician, you can see 6 hands reaching up. The interpretation of this figure is not known for certain. A musician filled a black and white family coat of arms on his chest.


The tattoo of Chester Bennington in the form of a skull and a rose on his leg symbolizes adventurism, a thirst for adventure, and drive. By the way, a separate skull and a separate flower can also be seen on the elbows of the musician. One of the smallest tattoos is a tattoo in the form of a ring with a stone on which the zodiac sign Pisces is engraved. The composition is located on the little finger of the left hand.