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The ambiguity of the word - what is an organ

The ambiguity of the word - what is an organ
The ambiguity of the word - what is an organ

Video: lecture 13 semantics bs 4 2024, June

Video: lecture 13 semantics bs 4 2024, June

Sometimes there are moments when talking with people, when there is a slight misunderstanding due to the polysemy of any spoken word. Because of this, it is necessary to attach an adjective or other part of the speech to it that visually emphasizes the concrete meaning of the word. In general, the Russian language is full of polysemantic words. But not everyone fully and clearly knows their meaning. Today we will consider one of the most common (as an example). So what is an organ and what does this word mean?


Government bodies

The first meaning of this word is state and public organizations and institutions that are part of the economic, political or social infrastructure. In other words, this is a single object that has certain functions and tasks, which is part of an integrated mechanism for management and control. For example, the antimonopoly body, which has certain powers to control the activities of the monopoly, has clearly defined tasks (strict control over the functioning of the monopolies or the fight against them until the cessation of their activities) and is a kind of regulatory mechanism in the economy of the state. Various bodies can be formed at the enterprise.


Organs in the body

What is an organ in terms of nature? This is a separate part of the animal (or plant) organism that performs certain functions and has a distinctive structure and location. The heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, lungs - all these are organs. And again, here, as in the first case, the body performs its individual tasks and functions, as a whole forming a full-fledged system of organs. All components of such a system are in direct or indirect interaction with each other.

Organ in music

Organ (music) is a wind instrument, one of the most complex and large musical instruments. An interesting point is that a modern organ is a collection of several small organs (usually their number is 3), which can be played separately or simultaneously. Each such body consists of registers and a manual (keys). Registers are pipes arranged in a row in a certain sequence.


All of the above is conclusive evidence that the Russian language is truly wide and diverse. There are many such words in it. Today, the reader has fully learned what an organ is. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, it is recommended to use polysemantic words along with other concretizing parts of speech.