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Brain slugs: description, history and interesting facts

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Brain slugs: description, history and interesting facts
Brain slugs: description, history and interesting facts

The topic of aliens that are able to control a person is of some interest. It is used in literature and cinema. The creators of the popular parody animated series Futurama also touched on this topic. They recorded in their series the history of aliens living on their own planet and seeking to capture humanity in order to feed on their brain waves.

Understanding what brain slugs are is difficult because they only appear in two episodes of the series. That is why some clarification about their life and aspirations is needed.



Alien creatures, known to all as brain slugs, are small in size, they are slightly larger than a tennis ball. Their body is translucent with a green color of a fluorescent hue. There is one eye on the body.

Impact on the victim

Brain slugs lead a parasitic lifestyle. They feed mainly on brain delta waves. Therefore, they try to settle on the human head. Feeding brain waves, they also have complete control over their prey.


How to recognize when a brain slug attacked a person? First of all, the victim begins to speak in a monotonous voice, calling himself in the third person. Another sign that is hard to miss is the presence of the slug itself on the head.

You can fight the green slug. To do this, just remove it from the victim’s head. After this, the person returns to his normal state, and the alien parasite falls to the floor, experiencing discomfort.

In order to spread the representatives of their species, brain slugs try to do everything possible to take possession of the minds of the maximum number of people. They even managed to get their victims to organize a political party. Her main task was to transfer funds to the planet of Brain Slugs. The list of their programs also includes the total infection of all mankind.

In the series Futurama, green parasites were found in two episodes.

The plot "Head in the election"


The episode was released in the second season of the animated series Futurama. The brain slug (series three) took possession of the head of Hermes. According to the plot, the presidential election began on Earth, in which two clone candidates participated.

At the same time, titanium prices soar due to a disaster at the mine. Since Bender’s body is composed of titanium for forty percent, he sells it and enriches it. Bender meets President Nixon in the museum, who makes it clear that life without a body will not be happy. Bender wants to get his body back, but Nixon is ahead of him. The former president once again decides to run for election.

Bender and his friends (their name is Leela and Fry) make their way to the hotel, where Nixon is located. They try to steal the body of the robot, but Richard Nixon wakes up. He tells the audience about his plans in case of victory in the election, how he is going to manage the Earth. Bender writes down his demonic speech on a voice recorder. Blackmail helps get the body back.

Fry and Leela forgot to go to the polls. This led to the victory of Nixon, who received the body of a combat robot and blew up the White House.

Slugs appear at the beginning of the episode when Fry and his friends visit the agitation room. There they meet representatives of the party controlled by alien parasites. For participation in the party, people under control offer Fry a green slug on his head, but he does not believe them. A moment later, Hermes appears in the frame with a slug on his head.

The plot of "Mad Bender"

The episode was released under number eight in the same second season of the animated series Futurama. The brain slug took control of Fry's body.

Hermes returns from vacation, during which he was infected with the local life forms of the planet of Brain Slugs. The Interplanetary Express team decides to go to the movies so as not to get infected from a friend.

When watching a movie, Bender kicks his foot in the opposite chair and throws popcorn. With this, he infuriates the robot, which turns out to be the Mask - a wrestler. Bender tries to run and sprinkles popcorn with engine oil. With his act, he knocks down the legs of the legendary fighter, and he turns off. Because of what happened, Bender is invited to take part in the Robot Wrestling League.

Bender is not sure whether to participate in battles. He is encouraged by Leela, who becomes his coach. She recalls how the martial arts teacher Funog humiliated her at the shelter. After the first fight, Bender learns that he wins only because of his popularity in society. He refuses the help of Lila.

Gradually, his popularity falls, and the owner of the show demands that the robot change the style of the “bully” to “baby” and lose to the new star - the Robot the Destroyer. Bender does not want to lose and talks about everything to friends. Leela agrees to train Bender again after she learns that the Master of the Destroyer is Funog.

During the decisive battle, Leela discovers that Funog controls the Destroyer. She enters a duel with a former teacher and defeats him. At the same time, in the ring, the victory goes to the Destroyer.


During the battle, Fry is still infected with a brain slug from Hermes and cannot help a friend. When the fight ends, Fry appears in the ring without a parasite. According to Hubert Farnsworth, the slug died of starvation while on Fry's head.

Origins of origin

It is believed that brain slugs were borrowed from Heinlein’s Puppeteers novel, which was published back in 1951. These parasites clung to the spines and other parts of the body of earthlings and completely controlled them.

The appearance of these slugs was different from that presented in Futurama. In addition, the infected people in the novel seemed completely normal, without a monotonous voice and dullness.

Similar parasites are also found in the 1980 anime called Firebird 2772: Cosmoson of Love. Only in this film do they attach to the face and look like scrambled eggs.