
Mshara - what is it? The structure and historical significance of sphagnum bogs

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Mshara - what is it? The structure and historical significance of sphagnum bogs
Mshara - what is it? The structure and historical significance of sphagnum bogs

Mshara is one of the names of sphagnum bogs. These amazing water lands have long attracted the attention of scientists. After all, their ecosystem is different from the one that reigns in our familiar world. In addition, Mshara swamps are a unique source of fossil organisms, thanks to which it is possible to restore lost fragments of the history of the planet.


Meaning of the word

It is difficult to say exactly when people began to apply this word to sphagnum bogs. It is only known for certain that “mshara” is a word that originated in the north of Russia. Based on its lexical meaning, it is easy to guess that it denotes a terrain covered by a layer of moss.

The structure of sphagnum bogs

Sphagnum bog, or mshara, is a water area covered with a large amount of sphagnum moss. This faded green plant captures almost the entire surface of the water, forming a kind of crust. Because of this, an acidic, poor composition environment is obtained in which only the most resistant organisms are able to survive.


In addition to moss, plants such as sedge, cranberries, cloudberries, cotton grass and sundew grow on sphagnum bogs. However, a lack of nutrients leads to the fact that most herbs experience severe discomfort. They are behind in their growth, due to which many die before they can give young shoots.