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Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov: address, opening hours

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Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov: address, opening hours
Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov: address, opening hours

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The Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov is a unique cultural institution dedicated to human space exploration. At the permanent exhibitions you can see a large number of entertaining exhibits that attract local residents and visitors.

Museum History


The Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov was opened in 1988. It is also dedicated to aviation and astronautics. The museum exposition is housed in a building that belonged to the merchants Shuravin in the 19th century. It is also known as Shuravinsky estate.

Many famous and respected people are associated with it. But first of all, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He lived in Vyatka for ten years. It was in the Shuravins' house that the scientist settled in 1873. Just at this time was the first record of his lodging with them.

In 1968, a memorial plaque was installed on the building, on which a bas-relief of the famous scientist appeared. In 1986, it was decided to create the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov. Employees from scratch formed new collections of exhibits. The institution was a structural unit of the Kirov State Historical, Architectural and Literary Museum. This period lasted 10 years.

The Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov, a photo of which is in this article, became an independent institution in 1996. Another important event in his fate happened in 2008. A protective obligation was concluded between the museum itself and the regional department of state protection of cultural heritage objects. Currently, its founder is the regional ministry of culture.

Where is the Tsiolkovsky Museum?


The address of the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov is Preobrazhenskaya Street, Building 16. It is located in the city center, near the Vyatka River.

Nearby are many other attractions. This is the Kirov Drama Theater, Gostiny Dvor. Museums: the history of public education, Dymkovo toys, "Vyatka folk crafts", organizations of Afghanistan veterans. As well as the Assumption Trifonov Monastery and the Church of Our Lady of Feodor.

Anyone who decides to visit the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov will be able to visit these places.

Mode of operation


The working hours of the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov are five days a week. Weekends are Monday and Tuesday. As a rule, a museum opens its doors at 10 a.m. and receives visitors until 6 p.m. But on Thursdays this schedule is changing. The museum is open from 12 to 20 hours, so that those who work or study until late, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the exposition. The ticket office of the museum closes at 17.30.

Entrance ticket for an adult to the Tsiolkovsky Museum in Kirov costs 140 rubles, 30 rubles will have to be paid for excursion service. Preferential categories of visitors include students, senior citizens and conscripts. For them, the cost of entry is 80 rubles. For the school ticket you will need to give 80 rubles, children under 5 years old are allowed for 50 rubles, they do not take money from them for excursion services.

Tsiolkovsky in Kirov


The main place in the museum is the exposition dedicated to Tsiolkovsky. It is called "The Life and Work of the Great Russian Scientist, the Founder of Cosmonautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky."

This unique person always remembered Vyatka with warmth and love. He called the city unforgettable, noting that it was in it that his conscious life began. Forever in the memory of Tsiolkovsky the Vyatka River, bird cherry trees and black spruce crashed into it. And also people whom he called smart and enterprising handymen of all trades.

It was in Vyatka that Tsiolkovsky studied at the gymnasium, was engaged in self-education, and eventually became a tutor. Here he began his design and inventive work, which later received such development and significance for science.

Exposition dedicated to Tsiolkovsky


At this exposition, you can see real pieces of furniture and household goods that surrounded the inhabitants of Vyatka in the 19th century. As well as physical devices used by scientists at that time. It is possible that Tsiolkovsky himself worked with exactly the same. His first published scientific works on aeronautics, rocketry, aerodynamics and aviation are also presented here.

Vyatka played a largely decisive role in the fate of the scientist. He himself recalled that it was here that he began to seriously engage in science, for the first time thought about space open spaces, about the limitless possibilities of man beyond the limits of gravity. In Vyatka, Tsiolkovsky made his first, still uncertain, but purposeful steps toward future great discoveries. It was with them that the career of the future founder of modern astronautics began.

Kirovites in space


Another museum exposition is dedicated to the natives of the Vyatka province, who made a considerable contribution to the development of the domestic aerospace industry. For a long time, many of them were not known, because they worked under the heading "secret." But today, after a certain time, you can proudly call their names, talk about their exploits and achievements.

Among them, Anatoly Nikolayevich Perminov - Colonel General, who led the Federal Space Agency.

Boris Vasilyevich Chernyatiev - designer of rocket and space technology. Konstantin Andreevich Vershinin - Air Marshal, one of the key organizers of the cosmonaut corps. And of course, Viktor Petrovich Savinykh is an astronaut, twice a hero of the Soviet Union. Member of three space flights at the Salyut-6, Salyut-7 and Mir orbital stations. In total, this unique man spent more than 250 days in space. He is the 50th astronaut of the USSR and the 100th astronaut of the Earth.

Another Kirov resident in outer space, Alexander Alexandrovich Serebrov. He made four flights on spaceships, for a total of more than 31 hours he worked in airless space. Total spent in space 372 days, ten times went into outer space. All these are records that only one person managed to surpass - Anatoly Soloviev.

Detailed expositions are devoted to these astronauts, on which materials about all their flights, documents, personal belongings, equipment and so on are presented. As well as on-board documentation, samples of space food, personal hygiene products that have to be used in zero gravity, tools and equipment that you need to work with.

Museum Activities

The museum conducts a diverse and fruitful work. His staff are studying the legacy of Tsiolkovsky. As well as the successes of Russian and world cosmonautics. Unique funds are formed, consisting of materials devoted to the life and work of Tsiolkovsky. And also the contribution of the inhabitants of Kirov to space exploration.

The museum is engaged in popularizing the ideas of Tsiolkovsky. As well as propaganda of the achievements that domestic astronautics has achieved. Regularly on its basis, youth Tsiolkov readings are organized and held, dedicated to the memory of the great scientist. Moreover, the work of the museum is not limited to the walls of the institution. Often traveling exhibitions are organized, with which employees travel outside the region.

An important role is played by the publishing activities of the museum.