
N. A. Nekrasov "Vlas": summary

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N. A. Nekrasov "Vlas": summary
N. A. Nekrasov "Vlas": summary

In Russian literature, the image of a repentant sinner is often found. A similar hero is present in the work, which was written in 1855 by Nikolai Nekrasov. “Vlas” is a poem about a man who wanders around Russian cities and collects money for a temple. This work combines the features of two genres - epic and lyrics, which is rare in literature.


What are the features of the work written by N. A. Nekrasov? Vlas, a brief summary of which can be read in this article, has a folklore plot. The hero is a gray-haired old man, behind whom is a rich past. He walks around the city and arouses the curiosity of passers-by.

The character created by Nekrasov is Vlas. The summary of the poem can be divided into the following parts:

  1. The gray-haired old man.

  2. Sinner.

  3. Repentance.

What is the story in the first stanzas of the Nekrasov?

Vlas - a gray-haired old man

He is depicted by the author in a classic image of the blessed. Vlas is covered in chains and has a deep scar on his cheek. Slowly walking around the city, he asks passersby for alms to the temple. But who is he? Who was this gray-haired old man before? And here Nekrasov begins to tell about the past of his hero. Vlas, it turns out, in his youth was a man far from righteous.



Starting with the third stanza, the author sets out the biography of his hero. Vlas once had a wife, but beat her mercilessly, and then completely drove her to the grave. He hunted robberies and was an accomplice of horse thieves. There was no God in the soul of Vlas. He could buy all the bread from his poor neighbors, and in the dark year not give them a penny.

He did not care who was in front of him - a native or a stranger. Vlas robbed and wretched, and rich, and his, and another's. In the district he was called Koshchey for deceit and greed. But one fine day, the sinner had to answer for all his atrocities. Thunder struck.

The greedy lover fell ill, but no one was nearby who could help him. In the district everyone remembered how he had once taken the last from the poor and hard workers. Every day Vlas became worse. A whole year passed in torment.

Suffering from a serious illness, Vlas was afraid to build a church if he escaped death. And then terrible visions began. In a dream, witches, demons, and even Ethiopians with black eyes like coal began to appear. Vlaz imagined snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, which bite and tore him to pieces. Every day he saw all kinds of terrible monsters. And finally, Vlas was brought to the point that he made the last vow. And the Lord heeded his prayers. Vlas survived.

And again, the poet Nekrasov is returning his character. Vlas in the last stanzas is depicted as a righteous old man.
