
The population and the area of ​​Khabarovsk. Time zone, climate, economy and attractions of Khabarovsk

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The population and the area of ​​Khabarovsk. Time zone, climate, economy and attractions of Khabarovsk
The population and the area of ​​Khabarovsk. Time zone, climate, economy and attractions of Khabarovsk

Video: KHABAROVSK, Far East of Russia / kicked out of a church & visiting anti-Putin protest (VLOG) 2024, June

Video: KHABAROVSK, Far East of Russia / kicked out of a church & visiting anti-Putin protest (VLOG) 2024, June

In the Far East in the Russian Federation is the city of Khabarovsk. This is the administrative center of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. In the East, he occupies a leading position in education, culture and politics. It is a large industrial and economic metropolis. Located at a distance of about 30 km from the border of China.

Where exactly is Khabarovsk? What is the climate of the city? What is the area of ​​Khabarovsk? Also below are data on the population of the regional capital. It also tells about the economy and describes the areas of Khabarovsk.

General information about the city

Initially, Khabarovsk was located on neutral territory, without borders, between the Russian Federation and China. And only after a general agreement, the disputed land was given to the Russian Empire. Khabarovsk was founded in 1858, and in 1880 it was given the status of a city. Since 2002, he joined the Far Eastern Federal District.


The city became the capital of the Khabarovsk Territory. It houses the headquarters of the military district, 200 regional federal authorities, as well as the Ministry for the Development of the Far East. He is a member of the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern cities.

In the center, where Khabarovsk is located, the largest air and rail transport routes intersect. The city is located on the outskirts of the state and in a different time zone. That is why the question arises: "How much is from Moscow to Khabarovsk." It is located at a distance of 8 thousand 500 km from the capital of the Russian Federation, if you go by rail, and about 6 thousand km by plane. Today, transportation is well developed. The city has two airports, four railway stations, a river port.

Climate and time zone of Khabarovsk

What is the climate in the city? Where is Khabarovsk located? The city is located on the southern Central Amur Lowland, where two rivers merge: Ussuri and Amur. It is washed by the Japanese and Okhotsk seas. Its relief is diverse. The central part is located on gentle hills (hills) above sea level of 70-90 m.

Due to its proximity to the sea, the climate of Khabarovsk is temperate, with warm, but with rainy summers and cold winters. In winter, the average temperature is around - 20 degrees, and the temperature in mid-July is about +21 degrees. The climate of Khabarovsk is a monsoon type, since in winter there is little snow and cold, and in summer it is warm and often rains. In January 2011, weather forecasters recorded the lowest temperature of -41 degrees. In the summer of 2010, the thermometer thermometer showed a maximum temperature of +36.7 degrees.

The time zone of Khabarovsk is located in Vladivostok time and is shifted by +10 hours according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference with the capital of Russia is +7 hours.

Population and area of ​​Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk Territory is the most sparsely populated region of the Russian Federation. This is affected mainly by the harsh climate, as well as the decline of the economy, which has continued since the post-Soviet era. In 2017, the population in the region is 1 million 333 thousand 294 people, where the population density is 1.69 people per km².


Despite the difficulties, the population of Khabarovsk increased every year. In 2003, the number of residents was 580 thousand 400 people, and according to analytical estimates in 2017, 616 thousand 242 people live in the regional capital. The city ranks second in terms of population among the cities of the Far East.

The population of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory is multinational and diverse. For 2010, the percentage of residents of different nationalities is:

  • about 92% are Russians;

  • 2.1% are Ukrainians;

  • 0.8% are Nanai;

  • 0.6% - Koreans, Tatars;

  • 0.4% - Belarusians, Evenks;

  • 0.3% are Chinese.

The bulk (about 65%) of the Far East are workers and students. Many residents have higher education. Children and adolescents make up - 19% of the total population, and pensioners - 16%.

The administration of the city of Khabarovsk is doing everything in its power to improve conditions for large families in the city: medical services are becoming better, financial assistance is being charged, children from poor families are being rehabilitated, children’s playgrounds are being built, parks are greened, etc.

The area of ​​Khabarovsk is 386 km². The length of the city along the coast is 33 km.

Mayor of the city

Since September 2000, the mayor of Khabarovsk has been Alexander Nikolaevich Sokolov. Was selected for 4 years. In 1981, he was appointed head of the industrial transport department of the Party’s Railway District Committee. In 1983, he became secretary of the party committee of the plant. Gorky, and in 1986 he was appointed director.

In Khabarovsk in 1990, the first democratic elections of the city Council of People's Deputies took place. A. N. Sokolov was elected to the post of deputy and chairman of the city council. His ability to rally strong people around him and his great ability to work helped to win the election. Already in 1993, he was appointed deputy head of the administration for economic affairs.

During the second election in 2004, A. N. Sokolov took the lead and gained 83.84% of the vote. The mayor of Khabarovsk was also elected for a third, fourth term in office and has been working in this position to this day.

Administrative division into districts

The city is divided into 4 districts: Central, Northern, Railway and Southern.


The districts are divided into areas of Khabarovsk. There are 5 administrative districts in the city:

  1. Central is one of the old administrative districts, the center of Khabarovsk. Its area is 9.5 km². It differs from others in more developed infrastructure, cleanliness and improvement. Well-developed transport system. Here are educational, cultural and shopping centers. The river station and the central market are located. As of 2017, the population in the district is 96 thousand 155 people.

  2. Krasnoflotsky is a district with a population of 91 thousand 997 inhabitants.

  3. In the Kirov region for 2017 live 53 thousand 674 citizens.

  4. 151 thousand 990 people live in the Zheleznodorozhny district. It is one of the largest areas in the eastern part of the city. It was created in 1938 by order of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Its territory occupies about 9.6 thousand ha. Here is the airport, train station, military airfield and bus station.

  5. The industrial area is the largest. 222 thousand 426 people live in it. Located in the southern part. The area has two main transport roads that cross the city from north to south.

Industrial enterprises and economics

Khabarovsk factories make up the bulk of the industrial city. There are 86 major industry enterprises. Main activities:

  • processing industry;

  • distribution and production of water, electricity and gas;

  • communication and transport;

  • engineering;

  • metal processing;

  • woodworking and fuel industry;

  • construction;

  • the provision of catering services and trade;

  • real estate activities are developed.

Since the city needs the development of modern infrastructure and the construction of housing complexes, the city has a mechanism to attract investment on a long-term basis. In 2008, about 46 million rubles of construction investments were attracted.

About 28 municipal enterprises operate in 7 branches of the economy. They constitute the economic sector of the administrative center. The amount of their assets is 13.1 billion rubles.

The Khabarovsk city administration has developed a strategic development plan until 2020. 60 targeted programs have been prepared, most of which are aimed at economic and social development. For implementation it is necessary:

  • creating good, safe conditions for citizens;

  • creation of a scientific and technical center in the region;

  • formation of trade and transport logistics in the region;

  • improving the work of the administrative and political center of the Russian Federation in the Far East.

Railway transport

Railway construction is actively developing in the Far East. The history of the city station begins with the rule of the great Romanovs. According to historical data, it was they who laid the first stone to where the largest railway lines, carrying huge loads and a large number of passengers, now pass.


In 1891 the Ussuri railway was built, and already in 1897 a road was laid between Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The construction of the Amur section of the Trans-Siberian Railway turned the city into a large transport hub. So there was the railway station Khabarovsk-2. Subsequently, a large railway district was built.

Khabarovsk-1 Railway Station is a passenger railway station that impresses all visitors with its original architecture. It was opened in 1905. The station is located in the center of the city itself. At its one hundred and tenth year, the station was completely renovated at the expense of the city budget, with the participation of local patrons. Only the famous monument to E.P. Khabarov, which stands on the forecourt, remained untouched from the former station.

City transport

Khabarovsk is of great international and regional importance in transport communications from north to west of the country. The city connects the federal highways “Ussuri”, “Amur”, “Khabarovsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur” and “Vostok” among themselves. As early as 1893, a bus station was built that could support the passenger flow of five hundred passengers per hour. International buses connect the central and eastern regions.

With the help of the Amur River Shipping Company, passenger and cargo transportation along the Amur River is carried out. Ships carry out sea transportation (both freight and passenger) to remote areas of the Far Eastern Territory. There is a cargo river port in the city, a river station for passengers, a Khabarovsk repair and maintenance base of the fleet. Passengers move down the river using the Meteora motor ships, and a series of high-speed vessels Zarya go up the Tunguska river. In Soviet times, cruise ships went along the Amur River. At present, such ships have already been canceled, however, it is quite possible that cruise routes will return in the future.

Air transport of Khabarovsk is well developed. Air transportation is carried out through the Small and Big airports, which are ten kilometers from the center of Khabarovsk. In addition, an aircraft repair base is operating in the city. Air traffic between Japan and Europe passes through the air traffic control zone. There are military airfields Central and Dynamo.

Trams, trolleybuses, fixed-route taxis and buses ply the city. The length of interurban transport lines is about 500 kilometers. Due to the complex networks of underground rivers and mountainous terrain, a subway was not built in the city. Such construction would threaten Khabarovsk, which, with any flaw, could go underground.


City Art and Culture

Khabarovsk is not only a large industrial center, but also a city of culture in the Far East. The following city museums work in it:

  1. Regional Museum. It was founded in 1894 with the help of the Amur department of the Russian Geographical Society. A stone turtle weighing 6, 400 kg was installed in front of the building. In 2005, a new exposition of Amur fish was opened at the museum.

  2. Museum of Archeology A.P. Okladnikova.

  3. Museum of the history of the city. It was opened in 2004. It houses museum exhibits of Khabarovsk from the pre-revolutionary period to modern times.

  4. Art Museum.

  5. Military History Museum of the Far Eastern District. Started to work in 1983. It contains samples of military equipment from different times.

  6. Museum of the Amur Bridge.

  7. Art Gallery named after Fedotova.

  8. Museum of the history of Khabarovsk-1 station.

Since 1978, the Central Library. P. Komarova, as well as its ten branches. A children's library was also built. A. Gaidar and the scientific library of the Academy of Science and Law.

Monuments and squares

The city has a lot of squares and monuments. The main square of Khabarovsk is Lenin. It hosts all the city’s parades and celebrates outstanding local holidays. She is recognized as the most beautiful in the city. The central square of Khabarovsk is the Glory Square. It was opened in 1975. On it stands a monument to the heroes of World War II. Komsomolskaya Square is the oldest in the city. In 1923, it was renamed Red Square.

In 2012, the city was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Military Glory”. In honor of this title, Stella was erected. Its opening took place in 2015, that is, on the seventieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War. At the foot of the monument, the city administration plans in the near future to open a city museum dedicated to the same topic.

The monument “Black Tulip” was erected at the Lenin Stadium in honor of the soldiers who died in the Afghan war. The author of the monument was the famous sculptor Yu. Kukuev. The "Black Tulip" attracts a lot of tourists' attention, although what can I say - the locals involuntarily look back at the monument, accidentally passing by. Many townspeople visit him to honor the memory of their relatives or friends.


Near the stadium is a monument to the young defenders of the city. The monument was built in 2004 in honor of those killed during the Civil War of 1921.

A monument to captain J. Dyachenko was erected on a granite platform. It was built solely on the donations of citizens. Near the monument is a street that is named after this man.