
Inanimate nature - what is it?

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Inanimate nature - what is it?
Inanimate nature - what is it?

Video: Living and Nonliving Things for Kids: Life Science for Children - FreeSchool 2024, July

Video: Living and Nonliving Things for Kids: Life Science for Children - FreeSchool 2024, July

From birth, we are surrounded by nature, its beauty and wealth form the inner world of man, cause admiration and rapture. What can I say, we ourselves are also part of it. And along with animals, birds, plants, we are components of the so-called wildlife. This also includes fungi, insects, fish, and even viruses and germs. But what, then, are the objects of inanimate nature?


Natural sciences are studying this part of the world. And if, as can be logically assumed, everything that is inherent in life belongs to living nature, then everything else can be considered inanimate. What exactly, we will discuss further. And the very first thing worth talking about is the four main elements.

The objects

First of all, inanimate nature is the earth itself, as well as parts of the terrestrial landscape: sand, stone, minerals and minerals. Even dust can be attributed to this “company”, because it is an accumulation of small particles of all of the above. Inanimate nature is also a world ocean and every drop of water in it. In general, our planet is 71% wet. It is found both deep underground and in the air we breathe. And all this is also an object of inanimate nature.


Air also belongs to this category. But the microorganisms that inhabit it are already quite living nature. But smells and wind fall under the phenomena described by us. Inanimate nature is also fire. Although it is, perhaps, more often than other elements represent animate in human culture.



Well, I want to clearly demonstrate what inanimate nature is. Examples of its objects are extremely diverse: this is all the winds blowing on the planet, and every lake or puddle, and mountains, and deserts. Inanimate nature includes sunlight and moonlight. It is also represented by all types of weather phenomena: from rain to tornadoes and northern lights. In general, inanimate nature is the combination of factors and conditions in which we live.