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Night club "Crazy Daisy", Moscow: photos and reviews

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Night club "Crazy Daisy", Moscow: photos and reviews
Night club "Crazy Daisy", Moscow: photos and reviews

What is a nightclub today is known to all: schoolchildren, students and the older generation. However, for many these establishments still evoke feelings of danger and seem to be a meeting place for offenders. Today we will get acquainted in detail with the world of fun nightlife, find out more about the Crazy Daisy bar (Moscow) and understand what has changed over the years.

Alcohol Subtext

What today has a huge distribution throughout the world and represents almost a whole cultural movement, used to be a narrow and limited system. The emergence of such institutions falls on the period of the Prohibition in the United States of America. The fact is that the first attempts to ban the sale of alcohol were made in the country in the 18th century. Alcoholism swept a large mass of the population, as a result of abnormal drinking, people lost their heads. The number of murders and robberies has increased.


Even ordinary rank-and-file soldiers consumed several mugs of whiskey daily. This drink replaced them with morning coffee and tea for dinner.

The fight against alcoholism continued for many years. In the early 19th century, more than two dozen states introduced the Prohibition. Naturally, enterprising and dodgy citizens are not used to giving up just like that. The habitual use of alcohol could not be eradicated by simply amending the constitution. Underground bars began to be created, where ordinary visitors were representatives of the underworld.

In the modern world, one can also find similar places of interest, for example, “Crazy Daisy” (Moscow). At the same time, the atmosphere here is truly friendly and peaceful.


Today, the concept of selling alcohol in nightclubs remains the same, but the contingent and the general atmosphere have become completely different.

New trend

The first institutions, which at least somewhat resembled modern clubs and bars, appeared only when the Prohibition was completely repealed. Now there was no need to hide and hide from justice. Night clubs have become absolutely legal. In America, there were places where you could drink in a relaxed atmosphere and in the usual circle. Clubs had a clear racial division: only for African Americans or only for whites.

Below we will find out where the “Crazy Daisy” (club) is located and how it differs from its competitors.

In the second half of the 19th century, such movements originated in Europe. Having survived the Second World War, having come to their senses and rebuilt the economy, countries begin to focus on the development of culture. Now the opinion of others regarding nightclubs is changing. The list of visitors to such institutions includes decent citizens, people from high society.

A new round in the development of industry came in the seventies. This is a disco time. A striking detail that came from that time is a large reflective ball attached to the ceiling. At that time, famous performers and musicians were invited to the clubs, who performed on stage to the applause of the resting audience.

Interestingly, the first institution with a place for dancing and a small set of lighting effects appeared in France in 1953. But today the Crazy Daisy club (Moscow) also boasts similar.

Nightlife in Russia

The eighties have become the true heyday of nightclubs around the world. Naturally, the Soviet Union did not stand aside. A similar movement began to spread from the west and gradually conquered new territories.

Having a fairly developed culture (in Europe and America), clubs were places for dancing. In the USSR, the first events were less ambitious. First of all, it was an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of young performers who performed in person. Mostly these were such musical directions as jazz and rock. We can say that then the night club in the territory of our homeland was a small room, the entrance to which was accessible only to a narrow circle of the population.


The dance direction was not popular, it was believed that this was a rather specific occupation, for which certain skills were needed. If you consider yourself a true god of choreography, you have a direct road to the Crazy Daisy bar (Moscow), here your abilities will be appreciated.

The collapse of the Soviet Union entailed a lot of changes in all areas of life, and this also affected the culture of relaxation. Now nightclubs were a place for dancing, listening to the compositions of popular world musicians. Even then, such institutions caused disagreement. Someone sharply protested against such leisure activities, while others supported and developed it.

During this period, in America and Europe, nightlife was taken to a whole new level. Now all advanced clubs have used the latest developments to create light and sound special effects.

Over the years, these details have become available to residents of Russia. Modern competition forces us to constantly develop, come up with new trends and forms of attracting customers. To make sure of this, you can simply learn more about the Crazy Daisy nightclub (Moscow). Photos from parties will leave no doubt.

Star representatives

To date, such leisure for adults has found its niche in the entertainment industry. Thousands of nightclubs open every night around the world, and some of them have earned the right to be considered the best.

Many world representatives of such institutions have stepped far beyond the usual perceptions. For example, the GreenValley nightclub, located in Brazil, is a huge territory where not only bars and dance floors work, here you can enjoy the picturesque nature, lakes. It offers visitors a luxurious restaurant and cozy lounge areas.

Use for private parties any secluded places with a large area. So, in London, the Fabric club was opened in an abandoned warehouse. A unique feature of this place is its vibrant dance floor. A strict dress code is missing here, the only necessary condition is adulthood and the availability of documents.


Not everyone has the opportunity to visit such starry places, but you can also find excellent analogues in the homeland. Confirmation of this is the Crazy Daisy Club (Moscow). Photos of the institution are bright and expressive, but they will not be able to convey the whole incredible atmosphere, which is impossible not to fall in love with.

Unforgettable parties

Previously, a nightclub was considered a place where they simply enjoyed music while drinking whiskey, but today dancing has come to the forefront. The organizers of the best parties are able to give a charge of unforgettable emotions.

It is impossible to appreciate a nightclub without knowing what kind of music is played there. The most popular destinations today:

  • r'n'b;

  • rock'n'roll;

  • house;

  • progressive;

  • electro;

  • trance.

Particularly popular are parties to which famous DJs are invited. By the way, not a night in a club is complete without these people. In most cases, the mood that will dominate depends on them.

DJs can work with a narrow musical direction, or, as in “Crazy Daisy” (Moscow), select a variety of styles so that each visitor receives his portion of positive.

In addition, all performances are accompanied by an incredible light show that adds color and life to any party.

Incendiary night Moscow

Like any capital of a large state, this city is famous for its cultural life both in the daytime and after sunset.

After finishing work in offices, leaving universities, young people and older people go to where you can forget about difficulties, enjoy music and relax with friends.

For someone, a cozy cafe or restaurant becomes such a place, someone gathers in a noisy company and goes to a night club.


A wide variety of such establishments gives you the opportunity to choose. Firstly, everyone tries to stand out against the general background, selects a certain musical direction and conducts show programs. Secondly, they attract customers with a variety of promotions and discounts.

You can choose a place where you will be comfortable and really fun. If you are a fan of a variety of cocktails and a vibrant atmosphere, just find out where the Crazy Daisy nightclub is and head out on an adventure.

You will be surprised how diverse and unique the capital can be.

A place for crazy things

Even if you are not a resident of Russia, but plan to visit the country, be sure to add one worthwhile place to your schedule. Amazing, vivid and truly memorable your vacation will be in “Crazy Daisy” (Moscow).

The only thing that needs to be done is to forget about your complexes, put aside fear and be ready for new adventures. This night club does not just have its name. One of the chips was and remains crazy dancing at the bar.

In order to liberate guests, there is everything. First of all, active, sociable girls working in a bar. No jackets and trousers, only short shorts and deep-necked blouses - this is their working uniform. They are always ready to share their mood and show how to light at parties.

Photos of this institution repeatedly hit the pages of fashion magazines and online publications. Another hallmark of the club can be considered just a huge amount of alcohol. Here you can find a cocktail for every taste: shots (drinks that are drunk in one gulp) and longs (combinations of several types of alcohol that can be slowly sipped from a straw).

Further we will learn even more details about “Crazy Daisy”: address in Moscow, phone numbers and the best promotions of the institution.

This is the place where you can forget about boring everyday life and problems, plunge into the atmosphere of unbridled fun and positive.

Promotions, shows in Crazy Daisy

To get to one of the best parties in the capital of Russia is quite simple. To do this, you must be eighteen. But on such days as Friday and Saturday, when such places are in high demand and there are a lot of people who want to relax, the night age threshold for the Crazy Daisy nightclub (Moscow) is at least twenty-one years old.


If you are of legal age, consider yourself lucky enough. One of the club’s coolest promotions is Crazy Elimination. Every Sunday, you can choose any drinks and cocktails in unlimited quantities for only six hundred rubles (approximately $ 9). And on Monday, just half the amount announced, each visitor can purchase as many as six cocktails of whiskey plus cola.

Unforgettable programs are held almost every day, or rather, the night. But if you managed to get into the club during a holiday, then you will receive a double dose of pleasure.

In addition, here you will satisfy another hunger - emotional.

Having once visited the Crazy Daisy club in Moscow (whose address you will find out later), I want to return here again and again.

Feedback from regular visitors

When we plan to have a good time and relax, we primarily rely on personal experience, and secondly, we turn to the opinion of friends. If this is your first time going to a place like Crazy Daisy (Moscow), visitor reviews will be able to provide you with more detailed and true information. As you know, it is impossible to be perfect for everyone. Everyone has their own opinion, preferences and details that cause unpleasant feelings. Of course, it may happen that you have to wait a long time for the waiter or the music will not be to your taste, but all this is purely individual.

Most visitors to the club are so satisfied that they recommend this place to anyone who wants a vivid experience and is ready for a little frenzy.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is best to book tables in a night institution in advance. Great popularity comes at a price; on holidays it is very problematic to get to such a place without a prior reservation.


From the noted pluses:

  • Nice atmosphere.

  • Incendiary staff.

  • Music of different directions.

  • Large selection of drinks and snacks.