
Ocelot is Description, Characteristics

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Ocelot is Description, Characteristics
Ocelot is Description, Characteristics

Video: Ocelot || Description, Characteristics and Facts! 2024, July

Video: Ocelot || Description, Characteristics and Facts! 2024, July

There is one amazing and unusual representative in the cat family, which is one of the most charming and beautiful predators, but, unfortunately, poorly understood.

Perhaps, very few people have heard of this very bright and mysterious animal for today. This is ocelot.

The article provides a description and photo of this exotic animal, as well as some information about his life.



Ocelots are common in Central and South America (central and northern parts). The northernmost habitat is Texas in America, and they were also seen in Arizona, in its southern part (North America). The southernmost habitat region is in the provinces of Formos and Jujuy in northern Argentina. High in the mountains, it is found in Bolivia.

Its population is concentrated in tropical dense forests, in bushes, and this animal avoids open vast spaces.

This cat is very secretive and careful, which is why he always tries to avoid open spaces. Ocelot prefers impenetrable thickets, and therefore it is most often found near the river basin. Amazons.


Ocelot: photo, description

The name of this mysterious predator (lat. Leopardus pardalis) in Latin means “similar to a leopard”, but in the places where it lives, oddly enough, usually leopards are not found. Therefore, most likely, the word "ocelot" has Aztec roots and comes from the word tlacelot, which means "field tiger".

The length of this animal is about a meter, its weight reaches up to 15 kilograms. His high legs give him elegance and harmony. The skin of the ocelot is golden in color with dark spots, and the muzzle has clear black stripes. Its black ears on the back have an interesting pattern in the form of eyes. This feature helps kittens not to get lost, go after their mother. The eyes of the predator are rather large, brown.

Ocelot is a cat that is similar in appearance to a leopard, but much smaller in size, so some people keep them at home. Domesticated cats are most often brought up by animal lovers who are quite wealthy, since the cost of a kitten is approximately $ 10, 000.

Ocelot coloring is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. All his wool is covered with bizarre patterns, stains, dots, which in some places are combined into stripes running along the entire body.


About habits

Ocelots are animals, usually solitary. They have been anxiously guarding their space all their lives. They are not very friendly to their neighbors, and as a warning of visits to their personal territory, they use urine, which is everywhere and they mark it. The territories of one male cover the ranges of about four females at once.

These predators usually show activity at night, and in complete safety they feel only surrounded by dense dense vegetation. For prey, ocelots never go out into the open on a moonlit night.

The light period of time of the day is designed for predators to sleep. And they do this, either climbing a tall branch, or hiding in the bushes. For the same purpose, a hollow tree can be used.

About food

Ocelot's favorite food is rabbits, rodents, frogs, snakes, iguanas, and birds. The largest specimens of this animal species are also mastered by the small size of pigs and donkeys.

The teeth of a predator, like most cats, are intended for eating meat, but in this case there are some features. The sharp fangs found in the cat’s powerful jaws can even bite its victim with deadly bites, while perfectly honed incisors cut prey like scissors. Meanwhile, his teeth are not at all suitable for chewing food, so the ocelot swallows the meat in whole pieces.

These animals are wonderful jumpers, they quite easily climb trees. They are not afraid of water, and with great pleasure they swim and even fish.


Animal features

Ocelot is an animal that has a special layer on the inside of the eyes, allowing you to see at night as a person sees during the day. His element is the dark time of the day when he feels especially comfortable.

During hunting, in addition to sight and hearing, this predator also has a wonderful sense of smell - its nose is much more sensitive than that of a person, but inferior to the dog. Orientation in space is helped by a long mustache, serving as antennas.

In the afternoon, ocelots sleep, and in the evening they begin to hunt, they hide in a good shelter, tracking down prey, otherwise they may die.

Ocelot as a parent

Pregnancy lasts about 2.5 months. During this period, the cat finds a safe place for himself, where he arranges a cozy lair. It can be a cave, hollow or bushes. More often 1 or 2 cubs are born, less often - 3-4.

Kittens are born blind, and they are covered with dark, delicate fur. The parent carefully protects his offspring. Babies are fed milk for 2 months, and after about 2.5 weeks their eyes open. The cubs grow slowly and leave the parental lair only at 3 months of age. Often the male helps take care of the offspring.


About keeping an animal in the house

Ocelot is an animal that can be kept at home. For this, an aviary in which there are trees is desirable. Without walking, this animal (in the apartment) is very sad, it can even get sick. Of course, it will probably jump on tables, beds, wardrobes and sofas, sweeping and scattering everything in its path.

In order for the ocelot to become a friend, respect and appreciate the owner, he must be hand fed, hugged and caressed, played with him from childhood. A small ocelot kitten needs toys that are as large as those for dogs. If in childhood you accustom him to yourself in this way, walk with him on a leash, then in the future there will be no problems with his maintenance and walking.

It is important to remember that these animals remember the insult, therefore it is impossible to beat them in any way, otherwise friendship will not work. Before taking such an animal to your home, you should thoroughly study all the features and habits of the ocelot. Reviews about its contents in the house are very different. The main thing is enormous patience and good care for him.

It should also be noted that the ocelot does not get along well with other animals in the house, because by its nature it is a loner. Most likely, smaller pets (rabbits, hamsters and birds) that live in the house will be eaten by a predator. With a large dog there is an opportunity to make friends with him, especially if the ocelot is taken home by a small kitten.

There is another drawback - they are afraid of children, so they hide from them. But if the child begins to torment him, then the ocelot will most likely scratch him or bite him. And the cat is tamed to the tray, but the container must be large and always kept clean. Food for ocelot is simple: raw meat with bones (poultry, veal, beef), offal.

So that the animal does not mark the territory, it should be neutered at the age of 6 months. Vaccinations are also needed.
