
Olga Makeeva: from models to actresses

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Olga Makeeva: from models to actresses
Olga Makeeva: from models to actresses

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Olga Makeeva is a multifaceted personality. As a child, she was not interested in anything: she sang, danced, went to sambo and to a model school. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, she entered VGIK and became an actress. She starred mainly in music videos and television projects. The biography of Olga Makeeva will be discussed in the article.


After graduating from the institute in 2011, the girl decided to try herself as an actress on television. She took part in auditions, where models were selected for filming in clips. Olga starred with Alla Pugacheva, Igor Krutoy, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Igor Sarukhanov.

To star in his film "Orange Love" Olga Makeev was invited by Alan Badoev, who first tried himself as a director. The girl played a major role in tandem with the famous Russian actor Alexei Chadov. The couple very naturally depicted love on the screen.


Even during the filming process, the public spoke about the picture. And there were reasons. Firstly, it was filmed by a showman, ex-host of the sensational travel TV show "Eagle and Reshka" Alan Badoev. Secondly, the producer was a Hollywood media person - Vladimir Khorunzhiy. The creators assured future viewers - the film will not be presented anywhere, but at the Cannes Festival itself and compete for awards. However, despite the loud assurances of Badoev and Khorunzhego, the picture was not marked in any way. But Olga Makeeva got her first serious experience in cinema, which came in handy in the future.

Subsequent work

After filming in Orange Love, Olga starred in the Ukrainian television series Heavenly Relatives, which was released and immediately became a fairly successful project. The girl was noticed, her career began to develop rapidly.

In March 2012, Olga starred in the Russian almanac "Moms", which was broadcast on large screens across the country for more than a month. The picture consists of eight short stories shot by different directors. Olga appeared in a sketch called "Partner", which was shot by the same Alan Badoev.


In 2015, actress Olga Makeeva was snapped up by different directors. First, a film with her participation, “Officer Wives, ” was released, where thematically affected a huge historical layer - military operations, from repression to the war in Afghanistan. At the end of the year, the actress starred in the thriller directed by Vladimir Chubrikov, "Forever and Ever." The girl played the daughter of the protagonist, who had lost hope for a bright future after a hard parting with his wife.