the culture

Omezhka is Definition, disadvantages and advantages

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Omezhka is Definition, disadvantages and advantages
Omezhka is Definition, disadvantages and advantages

The definition of "alpha" is often used in everyday life in relation to the most successful, powerful and charismatic members of society. Who is omega? What are its features and role in society?

Wolf hierarchy


A similar division came from the hierarchy of wolves. Alpha, beta and omega are not only letters of the Greek alphabet, but also names of statuses in packs of wolves.

A flock usually consists of members of the same family. The flock is led by an alpha female and an alpha male - these are adult strong individuals leading the rest. Betas are mature alpha pair puppies. They help and obey the alpha. Betas make up the backbone of the pack.

Omezhki is the lowest status in the hierarchy of wolves. It is composed of the youngest of the puppies and older individuals. They eat last and obey the rest of the pack. With age, omega puppies become beta, and already they can dominate other omega.

Omezhka. Value

Is there a similar definition for human status? Of course. Omezhki are self-doubt, weak, oppressed by society, people. Most often these are people with the psychology of the victim. They cannot stand out with special beauty, charisma or willpower. They are initiativeless and rarely do something to change their status as a society.

Most brightly small omezhki appear in school years. In almost every class there is an outcast who is mocked by the alpha and their henchmen. Omega doesn't even have to do anything bad to cause bullying. Omega is the very object thanks to the hatred of which the whole class is rallying.


In adulthood, omega rarely gain leadership positions. They do not particularly attract the opposite sex, slowly moving up the career ladder.

Disadvantages omezhki


Being omega in our society is quite difficult, although even this rarely pushes them to do something to change their position. Due to their own insecurity, omegae are often targeted. Low self-esteem, improper upbringing, inertia, inability to fend for oneself are all the reasons why omegas rarely achieve something meaningful in this life. Most often, omega are introverts. They do not really like noisy parties and crowded places, they are not particularly sociable.

Benefits of Omega

Omega are often non-conflict and very calm. They will never be the start of a fight. They do not rush into the pool with their heads. They think for a long time before committing some important act.

Omezhki are good family men who are unlikely to run to the left, unlike alphas. They are faithful and kind. Omega are not dominant, therefore, in relationships they are usually more gentle and attentive.

To be a omega is to be a balanced, peaceful person.

How to stop being omezhka


Low self-esteem always pitifully affects a person’s quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to start by bringing the body into shape: "in a healthy body - a healthy mind." Well-being and a beautiful body will definitely increase your self-esteem and add confidence.

It is worth being purposeful, you do not need to give up on your first failures. Success is achieved only by those who never retreat from their goal.

Insolence is not a vice when it is in moderation. There is nothing wrong with fighting for your place in the sun.

Courage is very important for any person. Do not be afraid of failure or the future. In order to achieve something, you always need to take risks, leave your comfort zone.

It is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. Being calm and non-conflict is good, but you must always be able to fend for yourself.