
Is Surkov’s propaganda different from any other?

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Is Surkov’s propaganda different from any other?
Is Surkov’s propaganda different from any other?

Video: "The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture, and Money" 2024, June

Video: "The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture, and Money" 2024, June

Propaganda cannot be called propaganda, it immediately disavows it. This word refers to the suggestion to the masses of thoughts and ideas that are preferable to the ruling elite of any society.


Ministry of Truth

In one of George Orwell's science fiction novels, the Ministry of Truth appears. That is exactly what the agency should be called, which inspires the people with how they should think. At the same time, neither the social structure of the state, nor the degree of its authoritarianism in our time matter. The technology of suggestion has a universal human psychological basis, and the countries that are trying to look the most democratic have achieved the greatest success in it. Very interesting type of agitation, nicknamed "Surkovskaya propaganda." Twitter is full of notes and comments from indignant users outraged by the words and actions of Vladislav Surkov, an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation and the ideologist of “sovereign democracy”. How did he distinguish himself in front of the authorities and what is his fault in front of a liberal-minded public?

Ashkerov and his book

Thanks to his book of the same name, the philosopher Andrei Ashkerov became famous for the most ambitious and scientific exposure. “Surkovskaya propaganda” became the subject of his research in the socio-cultural aspect. At the same time, it stands out in some special direction, which has a sharply defined Russian specificity. The general meaning of literary work is that when creating public opinion, some special technologies are used, as a result of which a large part of the population turns out to be a zombie mass, dutifully voting for a totalitarian government and a national leader. The book draws an analogy with the Soviet agitprop, which actively used documentary sources to achieve the desired effect, doing this on the brink of art, actually making a selection of the chronicles in such a way that the truth completely disappeared. Indeed, bringing the right pictures in the right order, one can instill the necessary thoughts into the broad masses, but is “Surkovian propaganda” so unique in this regard?


The experience of the Soviet agitprop

The less people read on average, the easier it is to influence their consciousness. Unfortunately, in this Russia is gradually approaching “developed Western democracies”, but the technologies developed to manipulate public opinion, adopted there, still fail. In the days of the Union, agitprop worked simply and reliably. The news was presented in the right way, the chronicle of the hard life of foreign workers and peasants confirmed the general thesis about the advantages of socialism. It was then that the citizens of the USSR in general, and Russians in particular, were accustomed to evaluate the information they submit critically. Therefore, it was not necessary to count on the fact that “Surkov propaganda”, using, in general, old Soviet technologies, would be an effective tool for influencing the thinking of the masses. Something else was needed, new, and preferably with a real foundation. And it was found, and beyond the borders of our homeland.


International environment

More than two decades after the collapse of the communist system, the consciousness of Russians has undergone significant changes. The euphoria caused by the illusion of the omnipotence of democratic Western values ​​in their American sense has passed. Since 1991, a number of events have taken place that have given a clear understanding of the fact that countries that consider themselves a bulwark of freedom in the international arena pursue an aggressive policy aimed at observing only their own economic interests and not caring about the fate of the peoples “liberated” by them. Moreover, the media in these states are so limited in expressing alternative views that no “Surkov propaganda” can compare with them. Contrary to the obvious facts, countries are declared outcasts, sanctions are imposed against rebellious people, conclusions are drawn about the guilt or rightness of the parties without any analysis of the situation, from which we can draw a logical conclusion about the biased creation of public opinion. In this regard, it seems logical to strive to isolate itself from all this flow, creating its own democratic system, which V. Surkov designated with the word “sovereign”. For this opinion, he became the target of liberal criticism.
