
Petrov Andrey Evgenievich: biography of a scientist

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Petrov Andrey Evgenievich: biography of a scientist
Petrov Andrey Evgenievich: biography of a scientist

In the world there are many public initiative individuals, not only who have gone down in history, but also those who still engage in politics, history, sports, culture and other activities. These people make a great contribution to the social development of society. In our article, we will talk about a person whose personality is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. Directly about Petrov Andrei Evgenievich.


Everything that he does, does for children, the people, the country. Thanks to his work, the science of history is successfully developing in schools, institutes, and universities, and literature in city libraries is constantly being updated. Pupils, students have a great opportunity to acquire new knowledge and share it with others.


Petrov Andrey Evgenievich was born on July 30, 1971 in the city of Moscow. After school, he studied at the Moscow State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of History. At the Lomonosov University, he defended his doctoral dissertation and received the degree of candidate of historical sciences. He continued his work as a researcher in the Manuscripts Department of the State Russian Library.

A little later, he was a leading and chief specialist in the history department, and after a while he became secretary of historical Russian society. Petrov Andrey Evgenievich, as you can see, all his life did not lose time, but studied to achieve high results.


In addition, he is married, has two children. The biography of Andrei Evgenievich Petrov about his personal life tells that Andrei is a good father. When the children were very young, the man helped his wife: he got up at night, swaddled and fed the newborns. When they grew up, his father continued to take an active part in their lives. Andrei tries not to miss a single meeting at the school where the eldest son is studying, and not a single matinee in the kindergarten, which the youngest daughter attends.

Andrei's wife tried to get a job, but then she realized that she did not want to leave the child in the care of a nanny, and decided to devote herself completely to family life and raising children.

By his own admission, in the life of Andrei Petrov there are a lot of pleasant moments associated with the family. They like to spend time together: walk in the park and go shopping, take their children to the circus and the zoo. And in the Petrov family, holidays are often arranged, and most importantly - just like that, for no reason or reason. According to them, this is in order to cheer up, they give each other gifts.


Spouses very rarely curse, because, according to his wife, they have completely different temperaments - the explosive nature of Andrei and her calm and balanced. And by this spouses complement each other. They do not say anything about future plans.

Scientific works

The main activity of Andrei Evgenievich Petrov is aimed at studying the evolution of social memory and the main features of the perception and analysis of the main events of history in different eras. The historian has written many scientific papers on this subject. His materials are published in many Russian textbooks, as well as some of his works were published in scientific journals of other countries, where they also received world-famous fame and recognition.

Scientific and organizational activities

Petrov Andrey Evgenievich is a historian who issues issues of journals devoted to the development of culture and the chronicle. He is also the organizer of international conferences and a participant in discussions aimed at teaching this science.


The organizational activity of Petrov is that he is a teacher of history and the author of textbooks on domestic history. Currently, he headed the post at the Ministry of Education and Science. Andrei Evgenievich Petrov, this position is no less important and responsible than other duties. His subordinates also do their job well, the team works competently and harmoniously.

Awards and prizes

For his labors and merits, Petrov Andrei Evgenievich was awarded a medal of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded other thanks, awards and prizes.

Official site

Those who want to find out more information about Andrei Evgenievich Petrov can go to his official web resource, where he has his data: email address, contact numbers by which to contact him, ask questions of interest. Among other things, on the site you can find out information about the scientific achievements of Petrov himself.