
Petya Listerman: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Petya Listerman: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Petya Listerman: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Petya Listerman is an interesting person. Around his person goes a lot of different rumors. Some call him a pimp, while others call him a great combinator. Want to get true information about this person? We are ready to provide them to you. You can now begin to study the contents of the article.


Biography: childhood

Petya Listerman was born on October 4, 1957 in the small town of Iskitim, located in close proximity to Novosibirsk. Our hero was a long-awaited and beloved child. What family was he brought up in? To begin with, he has Jewish roots. Peter's father was a purposeful person. In his youth, a man worked as a shepherd. Then he managed to enter a pedagogical university and get the post of director of the school. The mother of our hero was a teacher of foreign languages.

Peter grew up as an obedient and capricious child. He always had many friends and girlfriends. He studied well at school. Peter's favorite subjects are mathematics and drawing (in high school - drawing).


In 1974, our hero graduated from high school. At that time, he and his family moved to Saransk. It was there that Peter entered the state university. His choice fell on the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In his spare time, the guy earned extra money. Listerman Jr. engaged in petty speculation. He sold gum, denim trousers and records.

First marriage

Our hero never had problems associated with a lack of female attention. In his youth, he could approach any girl, get to know her and invite her on a date. He had no end to the fans. And all thanks to the natural charm and sociability.


Peter met his future wife in Moscow. She turned out to be a wealthy Frenchwoman. Listerman made every effort to win the heart of the beauty. A few months later, the lovers played a wedding. Even before the start of perestroika, our hero left the USSR. Together with his wife, he left for permanent residence in France. However, a happy life in a foreign country did not work out for him. In 1995, the businessman Listerman was detained by the French police. He was accused of illegal use of stolen vehicles. Peter was convicted and sent to prison. A year later, the man was released. By that time, the wife managed to file a divorce with him.

New love

Returning to Moscow, Petya Listerman began to establish his personal life. He met girls aged 20 to 30 years. He was interested not only in a beautiful “wrapper”, but also in “content”. Peter wanted to build a serious relationship with an attractive and smart girl. And soon a worthy candidate appeared on the horizon. The new darling of Listerman was the 16-year-old fashion model Kristina Semenovskaya. At that time, she starred in commercials for Christian Dior products. The girl conquered him with natural beauty, charm and outlook on life. After 2 years, Christina and Peter played a wedding.

In the late 1990s, a young wife gave birth to a charming daughter. The baby was called Alexandra. For a long time, the couple dreamed of the appearance of an heir. But fate decreed in its own way.

Musical projects

In recent years, the popularity of our hero has reached unprecedented proportions. They write about him in newspapers and glossy magazines and talk on television. And the regular of parties on Rublevka is invited to cooperate with the stars of show business. What is it about? Take, for example, the Singing Underpants group. Petya Listerman starred in their video for the song “Do Not Offer Intimacy.” The video was colorful and interesting. It was watched by hundreds of thousands of users. The Savior of the unfortunate and destitute beauties - that is how Petya Listerman is represented there. The song (“Singing Underpants”) has become a kind of anthem for girls working in the modeling business and escort.


After some time, DJ Smash and Timati offered our hero cooperation. Pyotr Grigorievich agreed. Soon, a music video appeared in the network with the voice of a businessman. The phrase "this is not a hoax, this is Petya Listerman" was remembered by many Internet users.

Escort Agency

In the early 2000s, Petya Listerman acquired good connections. Among his friends were famous politicians, successful businessmen, musicians and restaurateurs.

Peter G. created a modeling agency. He did not spare money for an advertising campaign for his brainchild. Every day, dozens of long-legged girls with chiseled figures came to auditions. Of these, Listerman selected the most beautiful and sociable. The best photographers, stylists and makeup artists worked with girls. Beauties thought that their job was to participate in filming and screenings. But they were very mistaken. After all, in fact, they were accepted into an escort agency.


Listerman was committed to introducing young and beautiful girls to wealthy clients. At different times, the services of his agency were used by such Russian millionaires as Dmitry Shatov, Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin. Long-legged beauties accompanied them at social and business events. For this they received a substantial fee.

Such a business allowed Listerman to become a dollar millionaire. He was even nicknamed the "shaggy" gold merchant. Pyotr Grigoryevich is not offended by such words. He believes that black PR is good too.

The image of Listerman in movies and books

The personality of our hero is of interest not only to ordinary people, but also to directors. In 2007, the film "Gloss" was released. One of the main characters is the owner of the modeling agency Peter. It is easy to guess that its prototype is Listerman. The actor Gennady Smirnov successfully got used to this image.

In November 2008, the movie “Plato” was presented to the audience. The role of the main procurator of the Moscow rich and beautiful models was played by humorist Pavel Volya. His character (Plato) in many ways resembles Listerman.


The name and surname of the businessman are also mentioned in some books. A vivid example is the story “Telka”, written by Sergey Minaev. There is a small episode in the book of B. Nemtsov's Confession of a Rebel that tells about a meeting and communication with Listerman. And there are many such examples.