
Reach is what? Word interpretation

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Reach is what? Word interpretation
Reach is what? Word interpretation

Video: Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds 2024, June

Video: Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds 2024, June

The meaning of any word can be found by receiving information from the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. A similar source explains what the reach means. Turning to the most popular publication, authored by Vladimir Dal, you can find that the word has several meanings.

Reach river or lake

In Russian, the interpretation of the word is most often associated with the so-called river theme. Ples is a straight section of a river between two bends (turns) of its channel. Usually in such a place it is calm, wide and deep. There are no dangers associated with currents.

Places of a river or lake between islands can also be called a reach. They are distinguished by great depth, calm nature of the waters. In addition, stretches are called river sections with the same characteristics, indicating the suitability of the river for shipping.

Famous reaches of Russia

Water resources are the country's main wealth. Many of the geographical names are known far beyond the borders of Russia. One of them is Lake Seliger. Polnovsky, Sosnitsky, Volkhovshchinsky, Troitsky, Berezovsky, Ostashkovsky, Selizharovsky reaches are the most significant areas of the reservoir.


The variety of successive landscapes makes the nature of these places unique. The lake is rich in fish; more than thirty of its species are found here. Peled and eel are divorced artificially and have taken root perfectly in a reservoir. Bream is the most common species that lives in Seliger. The place of wintering for most representatives of the underwater wildlife is deep-sea reaches.


Very popular among vacationers are stretches found on mountain rivers. The rapid rapid flow is replaced by a calm measured movement of water. In the Altai Mountains, such a place as the Maiden's Reach is known. It is located on one of the sections of the Kumir River.

Being here, tourists have the opportunity to observe a sharp contrast in the nature of the river, which in itself is very interesting. Locals have many legends associated with this unusual place.

Ples. The ancient meaning of the word

There is another interpretation of the word, which is popularly known since ancient times. Reach is the name of the fish tail. Scientists disagree, trying to explain the origin of this word.