
Why you can't make your bed in the morning: a compelling reason

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Why you can't make your bed in the morning: a compelling reason
Why you can't make your bed in the morning: a compelling reason

Video: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Official Video) 2024, June

Video: Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Official Video) 2024, June

From childhood, you are taught to make your bed in the morning. It disciplines, accustoms to cleanliness and order - and so on. But what can you say if you find out an interesting fact: you do not need to make a bed in the morning at all - and this is most directly connected with your health!

Good habit

No one will dispute this fact - the habit of making your bed when you wake up is very good. With an apartment dismantled, your apartment looks messy and untidy, but if it is made up, it's a completely different matter.


However, the beauty and accuracy in the house do not have the slightest significance if your health suffers. But it can suffer, and that's why …

Dust mites

Dust mites are very small. You cannot see them with the naked eye. Of course, such ticks are not so scary, they do not lead to death. But they can cause allergic reactions in people - even those who have never before suffered from allergies. Allergy, in turn, can trigger asthma - in general, there is little pleasant in such a disease. And it may well appear with you if you immediately, having barely woken up, make your bed.


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What is the reason?

Everything is explained quite simply. During the night, we usually sweat. Turning around in a dream, we willy-nilly rub against sheets and a blanket - soaked in our sweat, they become wet. In addition, particles of our skin remain on them. Namely, dust mites love moisture more than anything in the world, in such an environment they actively wind up, multiply and live with great joy. If you, as soon as you get out of bed, immediately roll up the linen and hide it without letting it dry, you will leave the ticks alive. In the evening, going to bed, you will not notice how small, inconspicuous insects run through your body. And in the morning you will be surprised to see small dots - bite marks.