
The political elite in the West

The political elite in the West
The political elite in the West

Video: Engines of Inequality? Elites, Power and Politics 2024, July

Video: Engines of Inequality? Elites, Power and Politics 2024, July

The political elite is a group of politicians who make the most important decisions at the state level. The extent to which they are able to find consensus in society, make effective decisions, and respond quickly to society’s needs, is mainly determined by the cultural and political environment, the impact of the educational system, the party, and the institution of the family. The political elite is determined by the combination of all these factors, together with the abilities of each individual.

First of all, her social image is influenced by what class and gender potential candidates belong to and what position they occupy in society. The percentage of officials originating from the working class is very small. Most of them are still representatives of the middle and upper class, often have relatives in the government. Thus, social origin contributes to the elite being selected people who have already reached a certain financial position, have a social status. That is, they have all the prerequisites to engage in politics. There is still gender inequality in the replacement of important posts.

Significantly affects the image of the elite and the quality of education. Successful politics is impossible without knowledge covering a wide range of issues. Studies have shown that 96% of people who hold public office have higher education. And this despite the fact that only 8% of the population have a university diploma. In addition, in some countries, the political elite is open only to graduates of certain institutions. So, in England, diplomas of Cambridge and Oxford universities are quoted only.

As a rule, the political elite is aware of its importance in society. However, the sociocultural characteristics of the country in which she lives have a great influence on her. That is, the political elites of different countries can sometimes be dramatically different. For example, if for representatives of one nation social justice and material well-being of society can be in the first place, then for another it is economic reliability, and for the third social equality. Moreover, within the political elite of one country, there is also no complete agreement on values.

Also, the cultural environment, which is a set of standards of behavior, ideas about life and values, influences the behavior and thinking of the political elite. Therefore, the political style of the elite, the effectiveness of its activities depend on the process of socialization, that is, on the process of assimilation of experiences, skills and knowledge that help to carry out functions and roles in society. When an elite is formed, it is influenced by various factors, including social institutions. For example, the type of family: whether it is politicized or not. Or the level and type of education: whether enough time was devoted to the upbringing and education of the future candidate, what professional specialization he acquired.

Of great importance is also what party the candidate belongs to, what role this party plays in society, what is the attitude of colleagues (after assuming office) to him.

The degree of influence of all these socializing factors depends on the value system that prevails in a particular society. Political elites with a focus on certain values ​​form political, cultural and economic systems.

The political elite of Russia hardly fits into the generally accepted definition of the term “elite”. This is due to the fact that in a country with post-communist society, at the stage of accelerated modernization, the reins of government are in the hands of the ruling class. But it differs fundamentally from the elite in the way it is formed. So, if the political elite comes to power thanks to a prestigious education, wealth, profession related to politics, then the ruling classes, on the contrary, get all this thanks to coming to power.