
Helped the needy and woke up as a millionaire: a mother with many children from Krasnodar sheltered a girl who turned out to be the wife of an Egyptian billionaire

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Helped the needy and woke up as a millionaire: a mother with many children from Krasnodar sheltered a girl who turned out to be the wife of an Egyptian billionaire
Helped the needy and woke up as a millionaire: a mother with many children from Krasnodar sheltered a girl who turned out to be the wife of an Egyptian billionaire

Our age of indifference to the troubles of others dictates its own rules of survival. Everyone is preoccupied with their problems and tries not to delve into the complexity of other people's lives. Apparently, this state of affairs served to develop an amazing event that went beyond the scope of a simple layman who had long ceased to believe in fairy tales and miracles. Nevertheless, as practice shows, interesting cases sometimes occur literally next to us.

Beggar on the street


In 2017, an amazing meeting of two women took place in Krasnodar. A local resident, who is the mother of 9 children (6 of them are foster children, also have children with disabilities), hastening about her business, noticed a strange beggar on the street. It was a pretty young girl. Of course, much of the beggar's appearance plunged the woman into bewilderment. However, life is such that a lot of surprising things happen.


Guided by these thoughts, a resident of the regional center, whose name is Alexandra, was so imbued with pity for the poor girl that she suggested that she come to visit to eat and relax. The mysterious stranger did not refuse to pay a visit. The compassionate mother of many children left the beggar in her home for the night.

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Secret Millionaire - The Show Continues


Ksenia Delhi - that was the real name of the poor girl. And what was the surprise of Krasnodar when the beggar confessed that everything that was happening was nothing more than a show called the Secret Millionaire. The purpose of the program is to find out how many people in the world are able to keep the impoverished stranger from falling. At the same time, the program finds out how much the one who offered his help, food and shelter needs.


Famous people, having tried on the image of homeless people, should hold out for several days in a society that is far from their standard of living. It is necessary to find not only a roof for an overnight stay, but also get a job, under the cover of a beggar's mask. Ksenia Delhi - a model and the wife of a very rich man, brilliantly coped with the task, thanks to the warmth of the unknown woman.