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Rules for the sale of certain types of goods

Rules for the sale of certain types of goods
Rules for the sale of certain types of goods

Video: Commercial Law - Sale of Goods: Types of Goods 2024, June

Video: Commercial Law - Sale of Goods: Types of Goods 2024, June

Everyone knows that for the sale of each individual product there are certain rules that must be followed. This article will set out the rules for the sale of certain types of goods in retail outlets.

To begin with, we will provide you with general rules for the sale of goods that apply to absolutely all categories. First, the seller must comply with all safety standards, sanitary rules, veterinary and fire safety. Secondly, the place of trade should be equipped with all necessary equipment for proper storage and sale of goods. Thirdly, if the buyer asks for a review book, the seller must do so. Fourth, the premises should have a buyer's corner, where, if necessary, he will be able to get acquainted with the license, registration and other documents allowing trade. Fifth rule: the seller is obliged to familiarize the buyer with the assortment of goods, with the manufacturer, with the deadline for the sale of goods, with the price of the goods and, if necessary, provide quality certificates.

Now we will present to your attention the rules for the sale of certain types of goods by categories:

- Foodstuffs. The product’s composition, calorie content, nutritional value, cooking conditions, shelf life, contraindications must be indicated on the packaging of goods for sale. Bread and other bakery products in small trading places should be sold only in packaged form. Before selling a certain product, the seller must familiarize himself with its quality by external signs. These rules for the sale of certain types of goods of a food group must be followed in addition to those described above.

-Clothing and shoes. To begin with, all products of this type must undergo pre-sale training. That is, sorted by type of material, model, size. Goods for women, men and children should be in different trading floors. On each product there is a label that contains information about the price, size, composition of the fabric and others. The buyer must be provided with the conditions for fitting.

- Perfumes and cosmetics. The product labels, in addition to the previously listed list, must contain information about the purpose of this product, the effect that it has, contraindications, conditions of use, and so on. The buyer is provided with samplers of goods. When purchasing goods, the person who purchases them must familiarize themselves with the contents of the packaging box (paper).

- Weapons and cartridges for him. Each unit of goods, except for tear substances, must have its registered number, brand. The pre-sale preparation of this type of product includes, in addition to unpacking and putting it on the storefront, cleaning and lubrication, in order to avoid malfunction due to improper care. The label of this product, in addition to the above information, must also contain its technical characteristics. Sale is allowed only to persons who have the necessary documents for the acquisition of weapons and further maintenance.

-Rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages. For sale should not be allowed goods that on the label does not contain a warning that the use of alcoholic beverages beyond measure is harmful to health. It is forbidden to sell alcohol to people under the age of majority. It is also prohibited to sell alcoholic goods in child care facilities, educational and medical buildings, in public transport and places of culture. For the sale of alcoholic beverages, the seller must have such types of documents with him as an invoice for each type of goods (freight forwarding) and a license authorizing the sale of alcohol. Alcoholic products should be sorted by type.

In this article, you familiarized yourself with the basics, but the rules for the sale of certain types of goods in more detail you can always learn by using the law on consumer protection.