
Sergey Lazarev's hairstyle - a corporate brand

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Sergey Lazarev's hairstyle - a corporate brand
Sergey Lazarev's hairstyle - a corporate brand

Russian singer Sergey Lazarev always looks stylish and modern. And this applies not only to clothes, but also to hairstyles. The performer uses the services of elite hairdressers and stylists who advise him to grow bangs and comb it up. Some fans pick up the fashion trend, but for most, this style already seems boring.

Social Media Snapshot


Sergey Lazarev is an active user of social networks. He spends most of his time on Instagram, where he pleases his fans with new pictures. Not so long ago, the singer surprised the public with a new hairstyle. Photo by Sergey Lazarev collected a large number of likes and comments. The thing is that in the picture he appeared with a new haircut - the bulk of the hair was neatly trimmed, but the tall bangs stood out, which the singer combed upstairs.

Fans criticized the contemporary image of the performer “to smithereens”. Someone was not shy in expressions and very sarcastically spoke out: "Apparently, Sergey was swallowed up by endless things, that there is no time even for a new haircut." "Tell me someone, why do guys grow forelocks? It's ugly." "Apparently, Sergei is trying to prolong his youth. But nothing comes of it." "Sergey, cut the bangs, it looks unnatural and irrelevant." “And you are there too. And I’m still thinking - where did the boys get such“ fashionable bells and whistles from. ”“ Sergey, change your hairstyle, this one is already tired. ”

Comments ignored

Despite widespread indignation, Sergei Lazarev, apparently, does not plan to change her hairstyle in the near future. By the way, he already had something similar at the beginning of his career. In general, in general, the performer prefers to adhere to a single style. During his ten-year existence on stage and in show business, he has never distinguished himself with something elaborate and tasteless. Although the followers advise the young man to change his hair, as did, for example, Vlad Topalov (he experimented several times with color and length).