
The problem of the relationship between man and nature: the arguments of ecologists

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The problem of the relationship between man and nature: the arguments of ecologists
The problem of the relationship between man and nature: the arguments of ecologists

Video: Why Nature Doesn't Exist: The Romantics, Slavoj Žižek and Dark Ecology | Guppy School 2024, July

Video: Why Nature Doesn't Exist: The Romantics, Slavoj Žižek and Dark Ecology | Guppy School 2024, July

In the modern world, the problem of the relationship between man and nature is becoming more and more often on the agenda. The arguments of those who raise this issue are simple - if humanity does not change its consumer attitude to nature, then the survival of a person as a species may be in jeopardy.

The place of man in the biosphere

The myriad of fashionable ideologies and philosophical movements convince a person of his exclusivity. Unconfirmed conjectures of ignorant people convinced society that nature should be subdued by man. He set himself above nature, forgetting that it is only part of it. But do not forget that nature does well without man, but man is not able to continue his life without it.


The result of a consumer attitude to nature has become a previously unknown level of air pollution and water bodies. Entire species forever disappear from the surface of our planet. The fragile natural balance is disturbed, which will inevitably lead to changes in the entire ecosystem. You can’t take resources from the planet without giving anything in return. For all mankind, it has become vitally important to find our place in the biosphere, to achieve harmony with nature.

Technical progress

In ancient times, people could not make significant changes to the ecosystem of the planet, since their number was much less than the current one, and production technologies have not yet been developed so as to destroy the natural balance. The further progress goes, the more acute the problem of the relationship between man and nature. The arguments of environmentalists, unfortunately, do not have any effect on the state of affairs, because nothing can convince those in power to abandon the treasured profits, which are so generously showered on their natural resources.



After the industrial revolution, mankind acquired such high production capacities that it began to make significant changes to the ecological balance of the planet. So the relationship between man and nature was disrupted. His activities reached such a global scale that he ceased to be part of the biosphere, creating a sphere of mind or noosphere.

The luminaries of science talked a lot about the fact that the noosphere will be a continuation of the biosphere, but this did not happen. Despite modern knowledge, which allows us to say with confidence that the current way of society leads to the destruction of our planet, the harmful influence of people on nature is only growing, the problem of the relationship between man and nature is exacerbated. Arguments are powerless where money is made.


Energy sources

The most important role in the development of technology and industry is played by energy. Today, the main energy carriers are coal, natural gas and oil. When they are burned, harmful compounds are formed that cause serious harm to the environment, but without their use, the modern world, as we know it, will collapse. This leads to another problem of the relationship between man and nature - for further existence, people need to use energy carriers that pollute water and air, but they also put the existence of the next generations at risk. Nuclear energy cannot solve all the problems, so the future lies with renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

Many countries are actively developing technologies for generating energy from sunlight, wind and water. The reserves of fossil energy sources will come to an end already in the middle of this century, so the transition to renewable sources is vital. At the moment, the efficiency of solar panels and windmills is too low to provide the enormous energy needs of society. One can only hope that the luminaries of science will be able to change such a sad situation.


Ecology and Philosophy

Philosophers have always loved to think about man and his position in this world. What place is reserved for people in the biosphere? First you need to understand what it is.

The biosphere is the totality of all life on our planet, plus the environment in which all this diversity lives. It was philosophy that formed the views on the correct interaction of man with the outside world around him. This science helps to consider the relationship between nature and man, as a factor in the development of the biosphere.

An immoral attitude towards nature, neglect of the value of life of our smaller brothers will inevitably lead to decline in society. Many scientists have focused on the problem of the relationship of man with nature. The arguments they cited were simple - society must develop according to natural laws, otherwise the Earth’s biosphere will be destroyed.
