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Radio intelligence: creation history, composition, structure and technical equipment

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Radio intelligence: creation history, composition, structure and technical equipment
Radio intelligence: creation history, composition, structure and technical equipment

Video: Advancements in WBC Differential Technology 2024, June

Video: Advancements in WBC Differential Technology 2024, June

Radio intelligence has its own objects to study. This is the enemy’s armed potential: checkpoints, warehouses, rear units, headquarters, etc. Such reconnaissance does not contact them, but uses electronic means (RES). Together with radio communications, they are sources of information.

Principles of action


Radio intelligence for strategic information uses the following techniques:

  • detection;
  • intercept;
  • locating.

Reconnaissance information is obtained by detecting functioning, calculating the parameters of intercepted signals and identifying the positions of radar points.

Active radio communications and locations are calculated using direction finding. The basis of the functioning of electronic intelligence are the following patterns:

  1. The inevitability of the intensive use of radio communications and locations to control all types of weapons and enemy troops.
  2. Potential reception of radar radiation by special equipment concentrated in an area free from the enemy.
  3. Dependence of configuration and regime metamorphoses in electronic technology on the conditions and actions of enemy troops.
  4. The presence of signs of RES to calculate their status and membership in the control system.

Positive sides

Radio intelligence has the following advantages:

  1. The implementation of its functions in any conditions. It does not matter the weather, season, time of day.
  2. Stealth.
  3. Doing work at a solid depth.
  4. A significant distance from the enemy’s RES and the line of combat contact of the troops.
  5. High speed information.

Negative moments

Weaknesses of electronic intelligence are:

  1. Dependence on the intensity of the use of RES by the enemy.
  2. The impact of electromagnetic activity on intelligence quality.
  3. Potential receipt of false information of the enemy. To do this, his stations give fake signals.

Intelligence information

Under this definition, all the materials received by the specialists of the intelligence points as a result of:

  1. Radio interception. Frequencies, radiation, codes, radiograms are caught.
  2. Direction finding The location of intelligence sources is determined.
  3. Analysis. The types and structure of signals are studied.

Data concerning sources is an internal material base. It reflects the state and tasks of the objects of observation.

Key criteria

Any effective radio intelligence station must meet the following requirements:

  1. Continuous action. Reconnaissance should go on continuously and cover the range of studied frequencies of the enemy. Also, the information received must be processed non-stop.
  2. Activity. All specialists, shift operators, as well as their superiors should receive the required information by all methods.
  3. Purposefulness. All key activities should focus on the main task.
  4. Timeliness. All data must be extracted by a specific time.
  5. The accuracy of the information. This criterion concerns the objectivity of the obtained data on the number, plans and maneuvers of the enemy. Their careful analysis is carried out. The electronic situation is being studied.
  6. The accuracy of calculating the position of objects. It allows to achieve high qualification of intelligence officers, the connection of innovative techniques and equipment.

Process stages

Radio intelligence systems operate in a specific algorithm. It consists of 4 stages:

  1. Receive data. They are extracted from the radiations of the RES and ranges of objects. Radio intelligence tools are actively working here. They form an energy connection with the source of the emitted signals.
  2. Radiation characteristic. This is a combination of its properties and values ​​obtained through intelligence. Data to be processed. And what contains radiation is information obtained in the process of signal conversion.
  3. Collection of information. It is organized by the command. The resulting materials are selected, prepared and converted into formats convenient for use. The purpose of the stage is to transfer accurate data to the processing point in time. The order and type of work and materials determines the command. The processes are controlled by special documentation.
  4. Treatment. Here, the information obtained is described on the basis of the tasks being solved. The process begins with obtaining information, and ends with its preparation for distribution. Here it is decided where it will follow, that is, its consumers. This may be local authorities or higher military bodies. Formats and timing of the transfer of information, and consumer lists are reflected in the instructions of the command. They are also regulated by relevant documentation.

About Search

This is one of the two main techniques for conducting such reconnaissance (along with observation). Here, the area of ​​the frequency range and directions is quickly investigated. And the main goal is to calculate the radiation of enemy objects.

Search by:

  1. By frequencies. Calculates the range, detects all active enemy RES, reveals their value.
  2. Characteristic features. Valid when known. The sources are calculated over a whole range, at its isolated spectra, or at specific frequencies. To identify the source, the duration of work, call signs and other signs are used.
  3. Direction. The antenna is placed so that it is possible to receive the radiation of the RES. To do this, check if she or the station is moving.

About observation

Here, targeted operations are conducted to determine how the conditions of the detected sources and objects change.

There are three categories of observation:

  1. Solid. Sources are monitored without pauses and all their emissions are intercepted. As a rule, these are 1-2 frequencies per point.
  2. Periodic The areas of location of the radio-electronic equipment are monitored and their operation is partially intercepted at the moment when the signals contain data requiring the implementation of intelligence tasks. The standard for one item is 3-4 frequencies.
  3. Control. Its object is a RES with a variable data value. In a specific situation, these funds are not key sources. There is no need for a long interception of radio broadcasts. The main task is to control the RES. Standard for one post: 8-9 frequencies.

Signs: concept and nature


This term refers to the radiation parameters measured during the study. And their combination is a characteristic description of RES.

The number and origin of traits is determined by two factors:

1. The physical base. Manifestation of signs always occurs when emitting RES are working. They can be used and studied to detect these agents. Signals can be masked, which greatly complicates their study. Two methods appear here:

  • The first unifies signal performance. This leads to the reduction of many RES values ​​to identity and the need to make them stable over time.
  • The second specially changes the indicators of signals within certain boundaries and randomly. The effectiveness of RES does not suffer from this. However, such signals are extremely difficult to recognize.

2. Organizational activities carried out by intelligence services and their leadership. This work gives rise to signs that help determine the composition and condition of forces, the managerial hierarchy and the nature of work tasks. A couple of methods also appear here:

  • The first powerfully encrypts incoming messages. Therefore, the content of the programs for a very long time is not achieved by intelligence.
  • The second disguises the activity of RES and creates dummy data.

Classification of signs

Here, two important aspects underlie:

  1. Many signs are divided into subgroups that determine their information interaction. The characteristic features of technologies and RES, as well as the work of intelligence facilities, are implied.
  2. The nature of the information obtained. This implies signs of strength, condition, location of units, posts, as well as the nature of intelligence work.

The following characteristic classes are also distinguished:

  1. Group Thanks to them, the types and classifications of objects are distinguished.
  2. Personal. Identified individual sources, RES apparatus, etc.
  3. Advance. Signs follow ahead of events that correspond to them.
  4. Synchronous. They are identical in time.
  5. Late First comes the event, then a sign appears.

Important characteristics for any category of signs are stability and informational content. The first determines their manifestation during intelligence.

The second characterizes their contribution to the achievement of intelligence goals. According to this criterion, the signs are separating:

  1. Partially. They ambiguously explain the event corresponding to them.
  2. Completely. They provide an objective and accurate interpretation of the event.

Domestic potential


The date of the appearance of the radio intelligence of Russia is considered 04.15.1904. Then the Russo-Japanese War was in full swing. During an enemy raid in Port Arthur, two Russian radio stations (from the battleship Victory and the Golden Mountain on the shore) deliberately created interference.


As a result, enemy spotter ships experienced enormous difficulties in transmitting telegrams. At that time, radio used more to intercept data than to suppress it.

When the First World War was on, with the help of radio interference, they broke the connection of enemy armies and ships with their headquarters


Until the next world war, devices for radio monitoring, location and direction finding were developed and produced in the country. In the process, Russian troops actively used devices to suppress enemy transmissions. Reflectors and signal falsifications were also used.

In modern military operations, the effectiveness of electronic intelligence systems is of great importance. New technologies are being developed and obsolete ones are being modernized.

Among the most famous equipment stand out:

  1. Radio intelligence station "Chain mail" and its modifications.
  2. Complex ARS-NB.
  3. Hardware AR-3000A.
  4. Station "Corsair-M".

A Brief History of Chain Mail


This intelligence equipment operating automated.

Conveyors with him were launched in 1987. The base of the mobile modification is the KrAZ-260 chassis.


In the early 90's. of the last century, in the Ukrainian arsenal there were about 20 stations of radio intelligence “Mail”. This made it possible to monitor the radio-electronic space around the country within 300 - 400 km.

In 2001, a modernized version of the Chain-M was released. She quickly began to be used as intended.

Its design is protected by 8 patents and 12 innovative technologies. The most important are microelectronics.

By 2003, 76 such stations were produced. And next year, their manufacturer received four international prizes.

According to statistics, in 2007 in the country there was not a single functioning complex of radio intelligence “Chainmail”.

Technical details

The operation of the equipment is based on tropospheric distribution. The system detects and recognizes objects of the earth and air location. Many patterns of potential targets are written into her memory. The system itself is extremely difficult to detect. The reason - the radio intelligence “Chainmail” is passive: without the emission of waves.

The complex has three stations. It is characterized by high-precision determination of the coordinate data of targets located on water and land. Also under control are the lines of their movement.

For ground objects, the maximum parameters are:

  • 6000 m - depth;
  • 10000 m - in the frontal direction.

Aerial objects are captured at an altitude of 10, 000 - 80, 000 m.

In a panoramic study, the radio path determines parameters in the range from 110 to 155 dB / W. Control over constant radiation is carried out on such private spectra (in MHz):

  1. 135-170.
  2. 230-470.
  3. 750-18000.

The system has a parallel receiver with 36 channels and special electronics. They exclude the appearance of background signals on the air. Synchronously with this process, signals from 200 objects are accompanied.

Corsair M


This is a mobile station that detects and tracks the signals of objects in the air.

It can be interfaced with automated RTV complexes and management technologies of electronic warfare parts.

Other features of the Korsar M radio intelligence station are as follows:

  1. Autonomous use or use in conjunction with passive intelligence systems.
  2. Operation under temperature conditions from - 50 to +55 degrees.
  3. Driving on roads of any complexity.