
Rainbow mountains in Peru: how are they interesting and how to get there?

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Rainbow mountains in Peru: how are they interesting and how to get there?
Rainbow mountains in Peru: how are they interesting and how to get there?

Video: Why is Peru’s Rainbow Mountain coloured like a rainbow? 2024, June

Video: Why is Peru’s Rainbow Mountain coloured like a rainbow? 2024, June

No wonder they say that the best artist in the world is nature, however, like a sculptor, designer and, perhaps, even a musician. This is confirmed by the many amazing corners of our planet, including the Rainbow Mountains created in Peru, as if in the best traditions of abstract art. Why are they and how to get to them - read about it in our article.


Serrania de Ornocal

Under a beautiful melodic name lies a massive mountain range extending from the province of Salta in Argentina, through Peru to Altiplano in Bolivia. It is part of a limestone formation. Peak Serrania de Ornocal is located at an altitude of 4761 m above sea level. It is from here that the most colorful cosmic landscapes of the region open.

Why are the mountains of this color?

The so-called Rainbow Mountains in Peru also belong to this massif. The indigenous tribe of the Quechua Indians call them Vinikunka. Literally translated, it sounds like "mountains of the color of the rainbow."

The entire massif is formed by sedimentary limestone rocks. As a result of tectonic activity in the region and the erosion process in the distant past, they formed fanciful multi-colored formations of a triangular shape. It seems that all the colors of the rainbow and their shades are mixed here: ocher, green, blue, violet, yellow, bright red, etc. It is not surprising that the mountains got such a romantic name. It is noteworthy that the color gamut varies greatly depending on the time of day and lighting, it reaches its maximum intensity at the moment when the peaks are illuminated by the sun's rays.


Mountains location

The Rainbow, or Colored Mountains of Peru are located a hundred kilometers from the city of Cuzco (the administrative center of the region of the same name). The massif, spread among turquoise lagoons and snow-capped peaks, reaches 5200 m above sea level.

Interestingly, the flag of the city is an alternation of multi-colored stripes - a rainbow. However, this is not due to the proximity of the picturesque and colorful mountain range. Presumably he went to the local people from the Inca Empire.

The Rainbow Mountains of Peru are located in a very beautiful place. From their peaks one of the best views of the Ausangate glacier opens, a photo of which is in the article. The mountain is sacred to the Incas, and every year pilgrims gather in the temple at its foot to celebrate the so-called Qoyllur Rit'i day. The event is dedicated to the deity of Apu, one of the main patrons of the city of Cuzco. After the conquistadors came to these places, the pagan tradition gradually mixed with the Christian religion and is now closely interconnected with the feast of the Holy Trinity.


Rainbow mountains in Peru: how to get there?

When wondering how to get to the rainbow mountains, every tourist should understand that such a trip requires some physical preparation and is fraught with certain dangers. It is quite difficult to get to the place on your own, as there are no regular buses from Cuzco. The easiest way is to order a taxi, a little more complicated is to rent a car and arm yourself with a card. The road takes about three hours in total.

Public transport is also available. To do this, take the bus to or from Puno. It is easy to get to the village of Pitumarka, and from it to Osefina, and from there start the ascent to the Rainbow Mountains. In Peru, the transport system is not so simple as anywhere else in Europe, so untrained tourists it makes sense to think about a paid tour.