
Raikin Konstantin: personal life, family, photo, filmography and biography

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Raikin Konstantin: personal life, family, photo, filmography and biography
Raikin Konstantin: personal life, family, photo, filmography and biography

Video: The Stranger (1946) (Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles, Loretta Young, Konstantin Shayne) 2024, July

Video: The Stranger (1946) (Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles, Loretta Young, Konstantin Shayne) 2024, July

This person is well known to the Soviet and Russian viewers. And not only because he is the son of a great actor - Arkady Isaakovich Raikin. Konstantin Arkadevich is a talented actor, director and a very interesting person.


Konstantin Raikin was born in early July 1950 in the Northern capital. His dad is the artistic director and actor of the Variety Miniatures Theater (Leningrad) Arkady Raikin, and his mother is Ruth Markovna Ioffe. Parents were constantly on tour. They often visited the capital, so the family had a permanent room at the Moscow Hotel, where they handed the little Kostya to their grandmother.


The endless absences associated with the tour of parents did not affect the performance of Konstantin. He studied well in a mathematical school. In his free time, Konstantin Raikin, whose photo you see in our article, enthusiastically engaged in gymnastics. These activities were not always without injuries. Once Kostya, while performing exercises on the uneven bars, even broke his nose.

In school years, the young man seriously studied biology and zoology. He dreamed of a biofac, and his acting career did not interest him at all. But time has put everything in its place.


During the entrance examinations to the University of Leningrad, Konstantin suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, decided to play roulette with his fate. Arriving in Moscow, in the full sense of the word, he took the star in the admissions committee of the Theater School. Schukin. The future actor selflessly read poetry, famously danced, represented various animals. Amazed and stunned teachers included his name on the lists immediately for the third round of interviews.

General subjects Raikin Konstantin passed easily, and was enrolled in the course of the famous actor and talented teacher Katina-Yartseva. It should be noted that all this happened without the knowledge of the parents. At that time they were on tour in Czechoslovakia. And only having arrived in Leningrad, they learned that the son entered the Shchukin school. Arkady Isaakovich admitted that he always knew that Kostya would choose this particular path.



At school, a talented guy was not easy. Fellow students considered Kostya "Raikin's son", and therefore perceived his success through the prism of a brilliant father. It is necessary to pay tribute to Konstantin - he quickly managed to prove that such a perception of his work is erroneous.

But the teachers highly appreciated his talent, as well as strict discipline - it was completely unthinkable for him to be late for a rehearsal. And the guy’s performance was amazing even for teachers who saw a lot. As they recall, a feeling was created that several Raikins were simultaneously studying on the course. He was everywhere - he made costumes, put on makeup, took part in the creation of scenery, but he paid special attention to work on roles.

Already in those days, many noticed not only acting, but also the organizational talent of a young man. It became clear that he could make an excellent leader in the creative team. Konstantin Raikin has known the theater from the inside since childhood, and he devoted theatrical life 24 hours a day.


Theater "Contemporary"

Having successfully graduated from the Schukin School (1971), Konstantin immediately receives an invitation from Galina Volchek to the famous Sovremennik Theater. I must say that the young actor had a difficult task - he needed to find his own way, get out of the shadow of his great father, gain independence and recognition of his own talent.

In Sovremennik, Konstantin was lucky to play many small and large roles. The audience remembered him from the performances of Twelfth Night, Valentin and Valentina, Balalaikin and Co. and many others.


For ten years of work in the famous theater, Raikin became a recognized master, but most importantly, the audience was increasingly less likely to associate him with his father. A young, talented, bright actor appeared on the stage - Konstantin Raikin. Reviews of theater critics and critics increasingly noted his outstanding abilities, the ability to get used to the image. They began to talk about him as an original actor with his own style of play. He became recognizable and loved by the viewer.


In 1981, Konstantin made a difficult decision for himself and transferred to the Theater of Miniatures (Leningrad), which was directed by his father. The following year, the cultural institution was transferred to Moscow. Now it is known as the State Theater of Miniatures, but in 1987 it had a different name - “Satyricon”. At that time, Kostya and his father worked in wonderful performances, among which the following can be distinguished: “His Majesty Theater” (1981) and “Peace be to your house” (1984).

Four years later, in 1985, the program “Come on, Artist!”, Created by Konstantin, went on the air. In the same year, the actor was awarded the high title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.


Satyricon Management

After the death of his father, Konstantin Raikin became the head of the Satyricon. It was he who was to continue the work of his father. And I must say that Konstantin copes with the task with dignity. He effectively combines acting and directing at Satyricon.

In 1995, his work in the play "Transformation" (the role of Gregor Zamzy) was awarded the Golden Mask national theater award. He received the second such award in 2000 for participating in the solo performance “Double Bass”. The third "Golden Mask" appeared at the talented actor in 2008 for his brilliant work in the production of "King Lear".

No less fruitful is Raikin Konstantin working in Satyricon and as a director. His original productions of Such Free Butterflies (1993), Mowgli (1990), Quartet (1999), Romeo and Juliet (1995) impressed critics and audiences. The reviews noted the depth of reading of the play, entertainment, originality of the embodiment of events on the stage.

Movie work

And in cinema Konstantin Raikin achieved considerable success. The filmography of the actor began to form, even when he was a student. In 1969, the artist made his debut in the film "Tomorrow, the third of April …", where he played a very small role. The first significant work can be considered the image of Pelle, which he embodied in the popular television play "The Kid and Carlson", which was released in 1971. Then there was a small role in the film “The Commander of the Happy“ Pike ”, the work of N. Mikhalkov in the film“ One among strangers, a stranger among his own ”. But a special, one can say, deafening success brought the actor a major role in the musical Truffaldino from Bergamo (1976).


The magnificent Natalia Gundareva, with her delightful game, perfectly set off the work of Konstantin. The talent and the art of reincarnation allowed Konstantin Raikin to appear in front of the audience in two images at once - the Scientist and his Shadow in the film adaptation of Schwartz's play “Shadow, or Maybe Everything Will Work Out.” Needless to say, the artist did his job perfectly well? In 2002, Konstantin Arkadevich managed to create an organic image of Hercule Poirot - the legendary detective in the series “Poirot's failure”.