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R-12 rocket: specifications, features and photos

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R-12 rocket: specifications, features and photos
R-12 rocket: specifications, features and photos

R-12 missile refers to a medium-range ballistic type of weapon. It was produced with the introduction of high-boiling components, which can be stored in a charged state for up to 30 days. Design work began at NII-88 in the winter of 1950. The general management was carried out by Sergey Korolev, the code index of the complex is H2.


History of creation

On this topic, research and development of the R-12 rocket was carried out taking into account the need to use fuel for long-range analogues (kerosene and nitric acid). It is worth noting that the active phase of the development of this weapon occurred at the end of 1952 under the control of V. Budnik. The design of the product almost repeated the dimensions of the R-5M analog. When designing, several key points were taken into account:

  1. Providing the model with an autonomous control node.
  2. Lack of radio correction.
  3. The possibility of a long stay ready for battle in the seasoned form.

The Soviet Ministry of Defense fully supported the initiative of the developer. An order on this issue was issued in early 1953. The performance characteristics were determined in April next year. Despite the development of individual units and blocks, the financing of the project has practically stopped. The following organizations were among partners and allies: OKB Glushko, NII-10, GSKB Spetsmash, NII-885.

Design Features

The development of the R-12 rocket (see photo below) was continued by OKB-586, reorganized in April 54, headed by General Engineer Yangel. Two more specialized tasks were added to the design: increasing the range to two thousand kilometers and the possibility of carrying a nuclear charge. The project received the name 8-K-63. We increased the length of the fuel tanks, strengthened the design, taking into account the changed overall parameters of the product, under which a new propulsion RD-214 was provided.

A draft version of the new R-12 rocket was approved in the spring of 1955, and a decision on its creation appeared in August. It was planned to switch to testing in 1957. The chief designer, who became V. Grachev with assistant Ilyukhin, is changing again. In technical terms, the project was completed in October 1955, the development and creation of the main parts took place in 1955 and 1957.


Test start

In 1956, the Presidium of the Communist Party approved the beginning of the verification of medium-range missiles R-12 in the fall of 1957. Starting combat testing of weapons was successful at the point Zagorsk. Following conducted three more similar tests. The first flight copy was sent from the Kapustin Yar training ground in May 57th. The process was carried out on the “new” platform No. 4, and the technical and launching sites were equipped at points numbered 20 and 21. In total, eight launches were made, of which one was emergency.

As a result, it was decided to replace the fuel from liquid nitrogen with hydrogen peroxide. The next stage of technical testing was taken in March 58th, and it began two months later. Of the ten starts, everything turned out to be successful, after which the testing program was curtailed and started mass production of R-12 missiles in the amount of 24 pieces.


Serial production of the complex under consideration began in the fall of 1958, it was adopted by the spring of 1959. The main purpose is the elimination of goals, the area of ​​which is about 100 square kilometers. After being adopted, these units entered several units, including those operating with nuclear warheads.

Mass production of R-12 ballistic missiles began at several plants, namely:

  • on the basis of number 586 in Dnepropetrovsk;
  • in the city of Omsk (object No. 166);
  • at the aviation plant number 47 in Orenburg;
  • in Perm (plant number 172).

In total, 2, 300 copies were made, the deployment of these weapons began in the Baltic states, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The first regiment took up combat positions in May 1960. This type of missile was removed from service in 1989 under the RSDM reduction treaty.


Ground based

The launch complex for launching R-12 and R-14 missiles is similar to the similar versions provided for launching analogs of the R-5M type. The project was developed by TsKBTM and includes:

  • Portal configuration installer 8-U25;
  • service sites;
  • advanced carriage 8-U211;
  • full-time machine 8-U210, manufactured at the Novokramatorsky machine-building plant.

At that time, the complex included 12 pieces of equipment. To launch the R-12U, the design 8P863 is provided. At the Kapustin Yar training ground, two silos for launch were erected, designed not only for testing the weapons in question, but also for launching space carriers of the 63C1 type.

Structural nuances

When describing the features of the R-12 rocket, its technological equipment based on the R-5M BRDSM should be noted. Even the dimensions foreseen before 1954 were identical to the previous model. Then they finalized and increased the size of the tanks, strengthened the design for the possibility of carrying nuclear warheads. The rocket layout includes a head compartment, an oxidizer reservoir, a front end, a tail compartment and a fuel tank.

The head part is made of steel coated with textolite asbestos spraying. The combat unit occupies three quarters of the warhead volume, equipped with a rounded bottom. This element ends with a kind of “skirt” of aerodynamic configuration. The part was separated using a pneumatic pusher with pyro bolts. The predecessor used pneumatic locks. The transition chamber is made of aluminum alloy by means of riveting with a duralumin frame.

Fuel tanks

These details of the R-12 rocket, the photo of which is presented in the review, are made of a special aluminum compound AMG-6M. This material perfectly resists corrosion and nitric acid, and is fixed by automatic argon welding. The frames and stringers are made of duralumin of the D-19AT type, the skin of the side compartments is made of a similar alloy of the D-16T configuration. The oxidizer tank was placed in the upper part of the rocket, it is equipped with an intermediate bottom system that improves the alignment of the unit due to the possibility of overflow of the oxidizer from one part of the tank to another cavity, if necessary.

The reservoir is pressurized by the decay of the working fluid in the form of hydrogen peroxide, the temperature of which exceeds 500 degrees. On production models, this process is also performed with the participation of compressed air. In the R-12U modification, the design of the oxidizing tank is modernized taking into account the calculation of centering in an extended range. For this, it was not necessary to divide the tank into two parts, the pressure of compressed air masses was enough.


What other distinctive features were there?

Continuing the description of the R-12 rocket, it is worth noting that the instrument compartment in it is located between a pair of fuel tanks. Cable routing and pneumatic routes are carried out on the outer hull in special grottoes. The tail section to accommodate the four-chamber power unit is equipped with an expanding element in the form of a "skirt", which has pylons of static aerodynamic stabilizers. A similar design further improves alignment. On the version with the “U” index, these details are not provided.

The features of the material for the manufacture of R-12 and R-14 missiles include the following points:

  • AMG alloy is perfectly welded;
  • it is not subject to corrosive processes;
  • seams do not concentrate local stresses;
  • the material is not very durable, but it has a high ductility index;
  • B-95 alloy is not used in welded structures, it was borrowed from the Germans, it was specially developed for the manufacture of jet military aircraft.

In the postwar years, this type of steel was widely used in civil and army aviation, its detailed study began only after the accidents of two AN-10 aircraft with many casualties. Later, the material was replaced with D-16 alloy processed by forging and pressing methods.

Technical characteristics of the R-12 rocket

The following are the parameters of the weapon in question:

  • engine length / diameter - 2380/1500 mm;
  • motor weight - 0.64 t;
  • missile length / hull diameter - 22.76 / 1.8 m;
  • swing stabilizers - 2.65 m;
  • structural weight and a similar indicator of the oxidizing agent - 4.0 / 2.9 t;
  • weight of control system devices - 0.4 t;
  • range - from 1.2 to 5.0 thousand kilometers;
  • preparation for launch - 2-3 hours.


The power plant was created by OKB-586 based on existing developments in the RD-212 rocket engine. They are associated with the development of the launch stage of the Buran cruise missile. In the years 1955-1957, the design and testing of the RD-214 engine was carried out. During the tests, more than a hundred fire checks of the chambers were carried out, which made it possible to determine the optimal design of the cylindrical combustion compartment. It was equipped with a flat nozzle head and a three-level system for the formation of the working mixture, which allowed to increase the economic effect and productivity.

Fitting the parameters of the power unit in the full layout was carried out in two stages. Initially, engineers corrected the launch and testing of functionality over time. At the next stage, fire tests were carried out related to the correction of the spread of pulses in order to ensure an accuracy indicator. It was experimentally found out that this parameter is best achieved when the engine is deactivated at the stage of the final traction stage. As a result, the RD-412 motor became the first powerful liquid-propellant rocket engine to operate with throttling up to 33 percent of rated thrust. When creating the specified unit, it was believed that this process on nitric acid devices is impossible. At the final stage, the developers worked out the engine at the stands and during development tests. The thrust of the installation near the ground was 64.75 tons, in the void - 70.7 tons, in the final stage mode - 21 tons.

Other parameters:

  • specific impulse - 230 units;
  • type of oxidizing agent - AK-27I, which includes nitric acid, alumina, water and inhibitors;
  • fuel - kerosene with polymer distillate and light oil;
  • type of fuel supply - by means of pressurization of tanks and a turbine pump;
  • work period - 140 seconds;
  • starting fuel - self-igniter with an oxidizer, loaded before the main refueling.

Combat capabilities

By readiness, the R-12 8K63 missile has several positions:

  1. Full readiness. All types of fuel are filled with starting fuel. The time spent in this state is 30 days, the readiness for launch is 20 minutes.
  2. High availability. The missile is located on the launch field, all the necessary data for launch is entered into the system. Readiness before the start is 60 minutes, the period of stay in this state is three months.
  3. Increased readiness of the second degree. Rocket at a technical position with prepared gyro. In this state, the weapon can remain for seven years (the entire warranty period). Estimated time before launch - 200 minutes.
  4. Constant readiness. The rocket is in a tested state, at a technical position, without a warhead and special devices.

The types of combat equipment of the R-12 rocket, the characteristics of which are indicated above, include a conventional, high-explosive warhead weighing 1.36 tons. In addition, the complex could be equipped with a nuclear warhead under the code "product 49".



Based on the type of weapon under consideration, several analogues have been developed. Among them:

  1. Prototype R-12Sh. It is focused on carrying out launches from an experimental Mayak-type launcher. In the fall of 1958, orders of Marshal M. Nedelin were published, which indicated the need to build two mines at the Kapustin Yar training ground. Several research institutes and design bureaus participated in the design. Such complexes were equipped with a launch cup in a concrete hopper. A test launch of an experimental rocket was completed in September 1959. He was unsuccessful. Subsequently, the developers revealed the deformation of the steel cup, after the modifications made several successful launches.
  2. Modification 8K63U. The features of the R 12 rocket of this type include its uniformity, which allows launching also from ground-based launchers. For these purposes, they built a silo "Dvina", the features of which are considered in more detail below. The first launch of a military unit was made in the fall of 1961. Tests of new systems were conducted until 1963, it was adopted in January 64th. The combat charge is characterized by the absence of aerodynamic stabilizers and an upgraded control system.
  3. The R-12N model is also focused on underground and ground launch complexes. It aggregates with equipment type 8-P-863. A mobile version of this device was adopted in July 1963, the division was based in Plunge.

Interesting Facts

In January 1962, combat divisions of the 664th missile regiment took up combat duty. Already in February of the same year, all eight units also became operational and hone their skills in the course of comprehensive training and tactical exercises.

In June of that year, Operation Anadyr was carried out, during which it was planned to deploy a division of three regiments in Cuba. This led to the Caribbean crisis. American intelligence was able to detect R-12 missiles on the island, the purpose of which is the carrying of nuclear warheads. In the course of resolving a critical situation, the parties agreed to withdraw these weapons. In November of that year, the missiles themselves were taken out and the launch pads dismantled. The personnel left Cuba in December 1962.

In 1963, an experimental launch of an experimental model was carried out as part of the tests of the "Rocket Launcher" developed by the Chelomei Design Bureau.

In 1965, the total number of launchers in the country amounted to 608 units. The location of the R-12 missiles: Ostrov, Khabarovsk, Razdolnoye, Kolomyia, Pervomaisk, Pinsk, Khmelnitsky and many other settlements that are advantageous in terms of strategic location.

At the beginning of the 70s of the last century, an unmanned orbital rocket plane of the BOR type designed by Mikoyan Design Bureau was tested. From 1976 until mid-1977, five launches of the A-350Zh and A-350R missile defense were carried out. Testing took place at the Aldan training ground. The targets were conditional targets in the form of BSRD configurations 8-K63 and 8-K65. In addition, three launches of modifications of the A-350ZH were organized according to the real goals of the 8-K63 project.

In 1978, closed the base with the indicated types of missiles in Lithuania (Plokshtin). In 1984, the R-12 and R-14 were located only in the European part of the Union, the total number - 24 pieces. In December 87, an agreement was signed to reduce the INF. As a result, 65 deployed complexes, 105 non-deployed missiles and more than 80 launch stations were eliminated. According to unverified data, in 1988 in the USSR there were 149 missiles in storage in the configuration in question. In 1989, under an agreement between the Soviet Union and the United States, the R-12 was withdrawn from service. During mass production, 2, 300 units of this type of weapon were produced. The last copy was destroyed in May 1990 in the Brest region.


Officially, modifications to the R-12 and R-14 were not exported. There is evidence of some sources that the relevant documentation in the 60s of the last century was transferred to China. In fact, this information concerns the DongFeng-1 BRDS, which has a range of 1250 kilometers and is the Chinese equivalent of the R-5M system.
