
Missile launchers - from Katyusha to Tornado

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Missile launchers - from Katyusha to Tornado
Missile launchers - from Katyusha to Tornado

Video: Russia's Artillery Capabilities: On target! BM-30 Smerch 9K58, Tornado-G, TOS1-A, BM-27 Uragan 2024, July

Video: Russia's Artillery Capabilities: On target! BM-30 Smerch 9K58, Tornado-G, TOS1-A, BM-27 Uragan 2024, July

The predecessors of modern rocket launchers can be considered guns from China. Shells could cover a distance of 1.6 km, firing a huge number of arrows at the target. In the West, such devices appeared only after 400 years.

History of the creation of rocket guns

The first rockets appeared solely due to the appearance of gunpowder, which was invented in China. Alchemists discovered this element by accident when they made an elixir for eternal life. In the XI century, for the first time, powder bombs were used, which sent catapults to the target. It was the first weapon whose mechanism resembles rocket launchers.

The missiles created in China in 1400 were as close to modern weapons as possible. The range of their flight was more than 1.5 km. They were two missiles equipped with engines. Before falling, a huge number of arrows flew out of them. After China, such weapons appeared in India, then fell into England.


General Kongrev in 1799 based on them developed a new type of gunpowder shells. They are immediately taken into service in the English army. Then there were huge guns that fired rockets at a distance of 1.6 km.

Even earlier, in 1516, the lower Zaporozhye Cossacks near Belgorod, when destroying the Tatar horde of the Crimean Khan Melik-Girey, used even more innovative missile launchers. Thanks to new weapons, they were able to defeat the Tatar army, which was much more numerous than the Cossack. Unfortunately, the Cossacks carried away the secret of their development with them, having died in subsequent battles.

Achievements A. Zasyadko

A major breakthrough in the creation of launchers was made by Alexander Dmitrievich Zasyadko. It was he who invented and successfully implemented the first UZO - multiple launch rocket launchers. From one such design, at least 6 missiles could be launched almost simultaneously. The units were lightweight, which made it possible to transfer them to any convenient place. The development of Zasyadko was highly appreciated by the Grand Duke Konstantin, the brother of the king. In his report to Alexander I, he seeks the assignment of Colonel Zasyadko the rank of Major General.

The development of rocket launchers in the XIX-XX centuries.

In the XIX century, N.I. began to engage in the construction of rockets on nitropowder (smokeless powder) Tikhomirov and V.A. Artemyev. The first launch of such a rocket was made in the USSR in 1928. Shells could cover a distance of 5-6 km.

Thanks to the contribution of the Russian professor K.E. Tsiolkovsky, scientists from the RNII I.I. Guaya, V.N. Galkovsky, A.P. Pavlenko and A.S. Popov in the years 1938-1941 appeared multi-digit rocket launcher RS-M13 and BM-13. At the same time, Russian scientists create rockets. These missiles - "Eres" - will become the main part of the not yet existing Katyusha. Over its creation will work a few more years.

Installation "Katyusha"

As it turned out, five days before the German attack on the USSR, the group of L.E. Schwartz demonstrated in the Moscow region a new gun called the Katyusha. The rocket launcher at that time was called BM-13. The tests were carried out on June 17, 1941 at the Sofrinsky training ground with the participation of the Chief of General Staff G.K. Zhukov, people's commissars of defense, ammunition and weapons, and other representatives of the Red Army. On July 1, this military equipment left Moscow for the front. And two weeks later, Katyusha visited the first baptism of fire. Hitler was shocked to learn about the effectiveness of this rocket launcher.


The Germans were afraid of this weapon and tried in every possible way to capture or destroy it. Attempts by designers to recreate the same weapon in Germany did not bring success. The shells did not pick up speed, had a chaotic flight path and did not hit the target. Soviet-made gunpowder was clearly of a different quality; it took decades to develop it. German counterparts could not replace it, which led to unstable operation of ammunition.

The creation of this powerful weapon opened a new page in the history of the development of artillery weapons. The terrible "Katyusha" began to wear the honorary title "instrument of victory."

Development Features

BM-13 missile launchers consist of a six-wheel all-wheel drive truck and a special design. A system for launching missiles on a platform installed there was fixed to the cockpit. A special lift hydraulically lifted the front of the unit at an angle of 45 degrees. Initially, there was no provision for moving the platform to the right or left. Therefore, to aim at the target, it was necessary to deploy the entire truck. 16 missiles fired from the installation flew along a free path to the location of the enemy. The crew made corrections when firing. Until now, more modern modifications of this weapon are used by the army of some countries.

The BM-13 was replaced in the 1950s by the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) BM-14.

Grad missile launchers

The next modification of the system in question was Grad. The rocket launcher was created for the same purposes as previous similar samples. Only tasks for developers have become more complicated. The firing range was to be at least 20 km.


The development of new shells was undertaken by NII 147, which had not created such weapons before. In 1958, under the leadership of A.N. Ganichev, with the support of the State Committee for Defense Technology, work began on the development of a rocket for a new modification of the installation. To create applied technology for the manufacture of artillery shells. Cases were created using the hot drawing method. The stabilization of the projectile occurred due to the tail and rotation.

After numerous experiments in Grad rockets, for the first time, the plumage of four curved-shaped blades, which were opened at launch, was used. Thus, A.N. Ganichev was able to ensure that the rocket fit perfectly into the tubular guide, and during flight its stabilization system was ideal for a firing range of 20 km. The main creators were NII-147, NII-6, GSKB-47, SKB-203.

The tests were carried out at the Rzhevka training ground near Leningrad on March 1, 1962. And a year later, on March 28, 1963, the Grad was adopted by the country. The rocket launcher was put into serial production on January 29, 1964.

The composition of the "City"

SZO BM 21 includes the following elements:

- rocket launcher, which is mounted at the rear of the chassis of the Ural-375D;

- fire control system and transport-loading vehicle 9T254 based on "ZiL-131";

- 40 three-meter guides in the form of pipes mounted on a base that rotates horizontally and is guided vertically.

Guidance is carried out manually or using an electric drive. Manual installation is charging. The car can move charged. Shooting is carried out in one gulp or single shots. With a salvo of 40 shells, manpower is affected on an area of ​​1046 square meters. m

Shells for Grad

For firing, you can use various types of rockets. They differ in firing range, mass, and the purpose of the defeat. They are used to destroy manpower, armored vehicles, mortar batteries, planes and helicopters at airfields, mining, installing smoke screens, creating radio interference, and poisoning with a chemical substance.

There are a lot of modifications of the Grad system. All of them are in service in various countries of the world.

Long-range MLRS "Hurricane"

Along with the development of the Grad, the Soviet Union was engaged in the creation of a long-range multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). Before the appearance of the “Hurricane”, the R-103, R-110 “Teal”, “Kite” rocket launchers were tested. All of them were rated positively, but were not powerful enough and had their drawbacks.

At the end of 1968, the study of the long-range 220-mm SZO began. Originally it was called “Grad-3”. In full, the new system was taken into development after the decision of the USSR ministries of defense industry of March 31, 1969. At the Perm Cannon Plant No. 172 in February 1972, a prototype MLRS "Hurricane" was made. The rocket launcher was put into service on March 18, 1975. After 15 years, the Soviet Union housed 10 rocket artillery regiments of the Uragan MLRS and one rocket artillery brigade.

In 2001, so many Hurricane systems were in service in the countries of the former USSR:

- Russia - 800;

- Kazakhstan - 50;

- Moldova - 15;

- Tajikistan - 12;

- Turkmenistan - 54;

- Uzbekistan - 48;

- Ukraine - 139.

The shells for the Hurricanes are very similar to the ammunition for the Grad. The same components are 9M27 missile units and 9X164 powder charges. To reduce the range of action they also put on brake rings. Their length is 4832-5178 mm, and weight - 271-280 kg. The funnel in medium-density soil has a diameter of 8 meters and a depth of 3 meters. The firing range is 10-35 km. Fragments from the burst of shells at a distance of 10 m can penetrate a 6 mm steel barrier.


What are the Hurricane systems used for? The missile launcher is designed to destroy manpower, armored vehicles, artillery divisions, tactical missiles, anti-aircraft systems, helicopters in parking lots, communication centers, and military-industrial facilities.

The most accurate MLRS "Smerch"

The uniqueness of the system lies in the combination of indicators such as power, range and accuracy. The world's first MLRS with guided rotating shells is the Smerch rocket launcher, which still has no analogues in the world. Her missiles are able to reach the target, which is located 70 km from the gun itself. The new MLRS was adopted by the USSR on November 19, 1987.

In 2001, the Hurricane systems were located in the following countries (former USSR):

- Russia - 300 cars;

- Belarus - 48 cars;

- Ukraine - 94 cars.


The projectile has a length of 7600 mm. Its weight is 800 kg. All varieties have a huge destructive and damaging effect. Losses from the batteries of "Hurricane" and "Tornado" are equivalent to the actions of tactical nuclear weapons. However, the world does not consider their use as so dangerous. They are equated to weapons like a gun or a tank.

Reliable and powerful "Poplar"

In 1975, the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering began to develop a mobile system capable of launching a rocket from various places. Such a complex was the Topol missile launcher. This was the answer of the Soviet Union to the appearance of guided American intercontinental ballistic missiles (they were adopted by the United States in 1959).

The first tests took place on December 23, 1983. During a series of launches, the rocket proved to be a reliable and powerful weapon.


In 1999, 360 Topol complexes were located in ten positional areas.

Each year, Russia launches one Topol missile. Since the creation of the complex, about 50 tests have been carried out. All of them passed without any difficulties. This indicates the highest reliability of the equipment.

To defeat small targets in the Soviet Union, the Tochka-U divider missile launcher was developed. Work on the creation of this weapon began on March 4, 1968, by decree of the Council of Ministers. The performer was Kolomenskoye Design Bureau. Chief Designer - S.P. Invincible. CRIS AG was responsible for the missile control system. The launcher was made in Volgograd.