the culture

Corruption is how to kill

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Corruption is how to kill
Corruption is how to kill

Video: DROP 2 SHIELD OF CORRUPTION, DEU VONTADE DE CAGA AND KILLS - Tibia Best Clips #UrsinhaClips 2024, July

Video: DROP 2 SHIELD OF CORRUPTION, DEU VONTADE DE CAGA AND KILLS - Tibia Best Clips #UrsinhaClips 2024, July

Not everything in life is as beautiful as we would like, sentient and civilized beings. Even, it would seem, in such a scientific age, when a person became practically the ruler of the Earth, even then there are the lowest and most harmful habits of individual individuals, which, unfortunately, are not so few. As there is good and evil, so the highly spiritual side has its opposite in the form of perversion and corruption. And these two substances always wage a merciless war with each other. Although the fact that according to deeds and the worldview of good people in the world is more pleasing than the fallen ones, is pleasing. And in this publication we will analyze the meaning of the word "molestation" in order to know such an insidious enemy in person.


Corruption as the Most Serious Sin

To begin, let's recall the 10 commandments of God in the Orthodox religion. These are the main postulates that reject the low and animal instincts of man, protecting him from bad actions. Almost the same as in school, when children are taught what is good and what is bad. Remembering them is easy.

The commandments are interpreted as follows:

  1. Honor one God and do not honor other gods.

  2. Do not make yourself an idol in the corrupt world.

  3. Do not pronounce the name of God without reason, without sincerity, and without reverence.

  4. Engage in your cares and deeds for 6 days, and be with God on the seventh day.

  5. Always honor your parents.

  6. Do not kill the same person and another living creature.

  7. Do not commit adultery, do not corrupt, do not be tempted.

  8. Do not steal, do not steal, do not take away what was not given to you.

  9. Do not lie, do not report, do not swear. Be honest with yourself and others.

  10. Do not envy and do not wish someone else's success and good.

We supplement these commandments with 7 deadly sins that every educated individual in society must know in order not to commit them:

  1. Arrogance, pride.

  2. Jealousy, envy.

  3. Gluttony, gluttony.

  4. Anger, anger.

  5. Perversion, molestation, fornication.

  6. Self-interest, greed.

  7. Sadness, despondency.

From the Holy Scriptures and our own full awareness, we see that to corrupt someone is a grave and sometimes irreparable sin. In many cases, he even surpasses the rest of the offenses in his cruelty, except for murder, and to some extent equates to it.


Corruption as the lowest instinct

Corruption is a very bad word, as well as its meaning. If the corruption of the person is unacceptable, then the corruption of society generally leads to a terrible result. Morality is lost, and instead of humanization, the reverse process of decomposition and decay of spiritual values ​​takes place. Everything turns into a nightmare. And people are no longer becoming people, but the dirtiest creatures.

Imagine a tribe of cannibals, no matter how much you say that you can’t eat human meat, they are incorrigible, and they still have one single base need to devour you. And while you will explain to them, hanging on a spit that it’s so bad, the result will not change, and you will go straight to the stomachs of unreasonable creatures.

Therefore, by the example of savages, we decompose in parts the meaning of corruption, taking all the necessary aspects from explanatory dictionaries and folk tales. This concept does not carry other meanings and is treated equally in all tablets.

To smash or corrupt is:

  • mortification, destruction, destruction;

  • decay, decay, burning, turning to dust;

  • lack of principle, moral decline;

  • perversion, obscurity, disgust;

  • blasphemy, scolding, desecration;

  • rape, abuse;

  • disruption, bullying;

  • corruption, seduction of minors.

It is such destructive and base instincts that corruption is accompanied as an action in the surrounding world.
