women's issues

We figure out what to eat so that there is a lot of milk

We figure out what to eat so that there is a lot of milk
We figure out what to eat so that there is a lot of milk

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Video: Binging with Babish: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Special 2024, July

All mothers know that the best thing for a newborn baby is breastfeeding. But what if milk is not enough? How to maintain and even increase lactation without transferring the baby to artificial milk formulas?


The first steps

To ensure that there is a lot of breast milk, mother should from the very birth of her baby. The first thing that is important: immediately after birth, the crumbs should be applied to the mother’s breast, even if only a little, but the child will draw food. So the process of establishing lactation will begin, which can stretch even for several months. In order for milk to arrive, a woman should give her baby a breast as often as possible. And you can never feed the crumbs from the nipple, so he just can spill and refuse to pull milk from the female breast.


It is also important from the very moment a child is born to a mother to monitor her nutrition. At first, you need to give up all heavy food, eat light soups, mashed potatoes, and exclude fast food. It is also important to remember those foods that can cause a baby’s colic: sodas, onions, legumes, fruits such as grapes and pears. From them the baby can swell, and he just does not want to take the chest next time. So lactation will not disappear for long.

About milk

Most women, understanding that there is a lot of milk, can hear the recommendation that it is necessary to eat dairy and sour-milk products. It is a myth. From how much a woman will consume similar foods, the amount of milk will not change. Moreover, lactating and pregnant women are not recommended to use unboiled whole cow's milk.


General recommendations

Often women may be interested in what to eat so that there is a lot of milk. Generally speaking, there’s nothing supernatural. You just need to eat right. Mom should eat foods that contain vitamins of different groups, saturating her body and baby's body with useful trace elements. Also, food should be quite varied, then mom will have more than enough milk.

Special product

You can also try to find out on your own what to eat so that there is a lot of milk, because each organism is individual. So, one mother will need to eat meat for good lactation, and another will need a daily dose of walnut. This can be detected by the method of conventional tests, monitoring the reaction of lactation to the consumption of a particular product.


Tea and sweets

The most common recommendation that there is plenty of milk is to consume tea and eat sweets. There is a certain amount of truth in this. After all, sweet will replenish the carbohydrate reserves in the body of a woman who are consumed so quickly. A warm liquid that enters the body a few minutes before feeding activates the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for increasing lactation and it will do its job perfectly.


Also, so that there is more milk, mom can purchase special products in the pharmacy that are designed to increase lactation. These may be certain vitamins, teas to enhance lactation. It is worth noting that they are very effective and help enhanced milk production.