
The divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova. The reason for the separation of the star pair

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The divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova. The reason for the separation of the star pair
The divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova. The reason for the separation of the star pair

Numerous fans of the star couple not so long ago considered the Bezrukov family to be the standard of family well-being. No gossip, intrigue and quarrel over the past fifteen years in the family did not arise. And then as if thunder from a clear sky thundered the news that the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova was approaching. The reason for the separation remained unknown. The pair announced that the time had come to start all over again, leaving the fans at a loss.

The beginning of the novel

Their love was like a forbidden fruit. At the time of meeting Sergey, Irina was married to the famous actor Igor Livanov and raised a son. Sergei was a young promising actor, full of ambition and aspirations. Their meeting took place during the filming of the film "Crusader", and a spark slipped between them.


Despite the impressive difference in age, they fell madly in love with each other, and after the end of filming they could not part. Sergey sent Irina a small note in which she invited her on a date. And although her family was at stake, she agreed. They did not intend to hide their passion for a long time and remain lovers. The lovers decided to reveal to their loved ones the whole truth before the news of their romance circled all the newspapers.

Happy marriage

Sergey Bezrukov’s wife enjoyed family happiness and often shared secrets of a strong family with reporters. Sergey was also actively proud of his relationship with his wife. His career skyrocketed, but he always found free time to spend with Irina.


Bezrukov is sure that the secret of family happiness lies in the endless interest in each other, support and understanding. The actors have developed friendly and trusting relationships. Joint rest has become a real tradition of the Bezrukov family. Looking at them, fans did not doubt that the star couple would spend their marriage in a year, until the news thundered that the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova was nearing. The reason was not clear to anyone, because the couple never made dirty linen in public, and at joint exits they always hugged and smiled at the journalists.

Reason for divorce

The divorce of Sergei Bezrukov became a real sensation. No one could understand the reasons for such dramatic changes in the family after 15 years of a happy family life. According to friends and relatives of the spouses, their life was not so cloudless. Their problems began long before the decision to divorce. They are very different personalities, and often their opinions did not coincide. Irina often tried to control her husband, which annoyed him. But the main problem in the Bezrukov family was women. Irina knew about the adventures of her husband, but she closed her eyes to many things. Being a wise woman, she often smoothed out conflicts with her husband. But what then could affect the divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova? The reason may lie in the tragic incident in the life of Irina. Her son from his first marriage - Andrei Livanov, died under unknown circumstances. The loss of her son was a real blow for Irina, she became isolated and began to lead a reclusive lifestyle. But there is also a version that the divorce of Sergey Bezrukov was provoked by the actor’s new love, Anna Matison.

New love of Sergey Bezrukov

With her, the actor met on the set of the movie "Christmas Trees 2" and was no longer able to part. Their romance began to develop rapidly on the set of the movie "Milky Way", where Bezrukov plays the main role. Anna also acts as a director. At first, no one could have imagined that a stormy romance began between Anna and Sergey. Over time, many began to notice their great interest in each other, they often dined together during breaks.


But once someone photographed them walking by the handle in the park, and then everything became clear to everyone. Sergei refused to comment on the press this fact. The couple decided to leave without scandals and simply wished each other happiness in a new life. It is known that Sergei after the divorce made an offer to Anna, and they got married. In 2016, it became known that the wife gave the actor a daughter. Sergei shared the good news in his microblog, saying that he was crazy about happiness.