the culture

Speech Errors

Speech Errors
Speech Errors

Video: Speech Errors 2024, July

Video: Speech Errors 2024, July

Ever since ancient times, the beauty of presentation and the simplicity of thought were considered the highest virtue. It is hardly possible to find a person who would not consider that owning a word is very important. We can cite as an example the words of one ancient sage, Aristotle, who said that if you want to know a person, you just need to talk to him.

At the end of the 19th century, linguists already began to talk about the fact that the level of speech culture is declining. For example, D.E. Rosenthal believes that literary language is greatly influenced by colloquial and even slang vocabulary. Unfortunately, the level of development of communication skills among modern youth has greatly decreased, respectively, the level of speech proficiency has significantly decreased.


The norms of the literary language undergo a large number of violations. They are admitted even by politicians and journalists. What violations are meant? These are jargon, colloquial words, borrowed words.

Speech errors are violations of the use of words, or rather their forms, their meanings, grammatical structures, as well as violations of the norms of the Russian literary language regarding orthoepy, grammar or vocabulary.

Speech shortcomings include those speech shortcomings that are associated with poor selection of various expressive means of speech, referring to lexical repetitions or even the use of some unnecessary words, as well as cliches, monotony, poverty of syntactic constructions, improper use of types of temporal correlations of verbs and so on.

Speech errors are two groups: actually speech and grammatical. Grammatical ones violate the structure of words, while the actual ones violate the correct use of linguistic units in a particular context. That is, these are not structural errors associated with the formation of words, but functional ones associated with use.


Speech errors can be divided into several categories:

  • lexical;

  • morphological;

  • syntactic;

  • stylistic;

  • communicative.

Let’s talk about some of the most common speech errors.

Often they arise due to the fact that the speaking person simply does not understand and does not know the meaning of a word or even several. It can be, for example, loan words. You can give an example of a life situation when, not knowing, people called the travel agency “Phobos-S”, when this word means “fear”. Real estate agency - “Deimos”, when the word it means “horror”. People sometimes don’t even think about the meanings of the words that they use.

It should be said about such a mistake as the incorrect formation of forms of nouns, for example: “The company makes analyzes of the economics of enterprises”, but analyzes are done in the hospital and clinic. The proposal should look like this: "The company makes an analysis of the economy of enterprises."


Unfortunately, the question regarding speech errors that we hear in advertising is quite relevant. Because of this, the incorrect pronunciation is spreading at an incredible speed, plunging the culture of the Russian language into darkness. Speech errors in advertising are a very common phenomenon, which, unfortunately, is difficult to eradicate, because there are very few literate people in terms of linguistics.