
Director Andrei Zvyagintsev: filmography

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Director Andrei Zvyagintsev: filmography
Director Andrei Zvyagintsev: filmography



Andrey Zvyagintsev recognized as one of the best Russian filmmakers of the 2000s. In 2014, he was awarded the Golden Globe Award and nominated for an Oscar for his painting Leviathan.

What other films did this director take? The filmography of Andrei Zvyagintsev is presented in today's article.


short biography

The future director was born in 1964 in the city of Novosibirsk. Mother was a teacher of Russian language and literature. Father is a policeman. Parents divorced when Andrei was only five years old. Subsequently, he was unable to establish relations with his father.

Zvyagintsev graduated from the theater school in Novosibirsk, before the army he worked in the theater for several years. In 1986, he left for Moscow and entered GITIS.

After graduation, the young director was in no hurry to get a job in the theater. He wrote several stories, scripts, which, however, were not published.

In the early nineties, Zvyagintsy seriously became interested in cinema. He was indelibly impressed by the paintings of Michelangelo Antonioni, Jean-Luc Godard, Akiro Kurosawa and Ingmar Bergman. Zvyagintsev combined the study of the work of the great filmmakers with the work of a janitor.

For a long time he could not find a job by profession. Until 2000, he shot exclusively commercials.


Filmography by Andrey Zvyagintsev

The directorial debut took place in 2000. It was a picture of the "Black Room", consisting of three movie novels. In total, there are eight directorial works in the filmography of Zvyagintsev. However, the output of almost every of his paintings became an event in Russian cinema.

In the filmography of Zvyagintsev, in addition to the above, there are the following films: “Return”, “Apocrypha”, “Exile”, “Dislike”, “Secret”, “Elena” and, of course, “Leviathan”.

For most of his paintings, he wrote the script. The filmography of Zvyagintsev also includes several episodic roles. The director played in the series "Goryachev and Others", the films "Shirley-Myrli", "We Will Be Familiar", "Reflection", "Love to the Grave." He played a small role in the detective serial film "Kamenskaya".

Eight directorial works, five scenarios, six episodic roles - such is the filmography of Zvyagintsev. The list of his awards is perhaps more extensive.

The name of this director thundered throughout the country at the beginning of the 2000s, when “Return” was released. Considerable interest of both critics and spectators is attracted by each picture from Zvyagintsev's filmography. Reviews of his films are still mixed. Recall the most famous paintings of this director.



Zvyagintsev's filmography begins with The Black Room. However, it is generally accepted that his first directorial work was Return. The film was released in 2003. The main roles in it were played by K. Lavronenko, I. Dobronravov, V. Garin, N. Vdovina.

The picture was positively received by critics around the world. After the premiere, Zvyagintsev woke up famous. What is this movie about?

Father returns home after a 12-year absence. His sons are not particularly pleased. Despite this, he takes the boys on a hike. Suddenly, the father is a far from exemplary parent. In the very first days, he begins to practice rather harsh methods of education.

Father with his sons leaves for the island. There he accidentally dies. Perhaps he was not there.

The boys kept an old photograph of their father. They found this picture on the day he returned. After an accident, his image in a photograph miraculously disappears.

The film was shot on Lake Ladoga, amid a harsh, desolate landscape. At the Venice Film Festival, the director was awarded the Golden Lion Prize. He also received the Golden Aries Award for Best Debut.



Zvyagintsev's paintings have high artistic value. The director raises issues that relate to modern realities, and does not always meet with critics.

Ambiguous feedback was received by the film "Elena", which was released in 2011. According to film expert Andrei Plakhov, this is one of the best Russian films of recent years.

The film “Elena” was played by N. Markina, E. Lyadova, A. Smirnov, A. Rodin. A middle-aged woman, a nurse, marries a wealthy businessman. Both have grown children. Upon learning that the husband is going to make a will in which the daughter will be the only heiress of his savings, the woman kills him. This solves the financial problems of his son. Some critics noted that the film shows the struggle of the rich and the poor. And the director is more likely on the side of the first.