
Rimma Agafoshina: photo, biography and interesting facts

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Rimma Agafoshina: photo, biography and interesting facts
Rimma Agafoshina: photo, biography and interesting facts

Agafoshina Rimma Sergeevna was born on May 19, 1981 in the city of Moscow, Russia. She is 37 years old, height - 175 cm. She is a professional model in Russia and abroad. Marital status - married, two children.

Biography of Rimma Agafoshina

The famous fashion model went to study at the 726th school in Moscow. The girl graduated from an external school. Her parents noticed her daughter's irresistible desire to read fashion magazines, sew dresses and change clothes. All qualities were present in Rome to become a model. Therefore, the parents decided to take the girl to the famous fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who held beauty contests. They noted that Rimma really can build a career as a model.


That is why the girl passed all the exams at the external school. At the same time, learning and working with Rimma would hardly have succeeded. In those years, many teachers disapproved of such a profession. After that, she devoted all her time to work.

As a child, Rimma Agafoshina was very fond of drawing. It is worth noting that she also had this talent. The girl’s parents were also not alien to art, but only their grandfather was an artist in their family. Drawing for Rimma was just a hobby. See the photo of Rimma Agafoshina below.


When the girl turned fourteen, her height was 175 centimeters. This is not enough for a beauty contest, but they still took her. Simultaneously with the competition, Rimma wanted to start working at the Redstars agency. The company liked the girl, and she was hired. In those years, the agency was headed by Tatyana Koltsova. The woman really liked the newly made model.

Young Rimma was often refused castings. She was very upset and thought she was not able to become a model. It was all about the age of a girl. For children's advertising, the fourteen-year-old model was no longer suitable, and for serious shootings it was still early.

Professional activity

Rimma Agafoshina began to collaborate with modeling agencies such as Redstars and Point. In the labor field, the girl more took place as a model in the advertising business. Work for Rimma is very important, therefore she treated and treats her responsibly. She believes that the model should show itself as an actress and introduce some artistic elements into the project. In this profession, a person must feel how he will look from the outside.

Rimma Agafoshina likes to work in Russia. She is comfortable with her family and friends. But sometimes a girl has to fly abroad. The famous model starred in many advertisements of world brands. Among them:

  1. Mary Kay
  2. Samsung
  3. Coca-Cola.
  4. L'Oreal.
  5. Max Factor.
  6. Beeline.
  7. Ax Effect.

And this is not the whole list. In addition, Agafoshina wants to star in commercials Pantene Pro-V, as well as Vogue.

Girl from "Field of Miracles": Rimma Agafoshina

The popular model collaborates with the well-known program “Field of Miracles”. The girl's responsibilities include: making prizes to participants and opening letters. Interestingly, Rimma began working in the program at a young age and after 17 years she still helps Leonid Yakubovich. Prior to this program, the girl worked with Vyacheslav Zaitsev and danced with Bogdan Titomir. The ability to smile beautifully and the natural photogenicity helped pass the casting for the program “Field of Miracles”.

Of course, not many viewers know what Rimma has a surname, but it can always be seen in the popular TV show of Leonid Yakubovich. It’s Agafoshina who for many years has been an assistant to the Field of Miracles program. Yes, her role is not so ambiguous. Nevertheless, no one was indifferent to the beautiful assistant, because the girl knows how to keep herself graceful.


Basically, this work is not difficult, but still requires attention. There were curious situations on the program. So, once Leonid Yakubovich married Rimma to a Latino. Usually during the filming of the program "Field of Miracles", Rimma Agafoshina does not leave the dressing room, so as not to run into persistent fans. From fans at the girl's house a lot of cards, letters and gifts have accumulated.

Personal life

At one time, the popular fashion model had an affair with Bogdan Titomir. But the girl herself called it not a novel, but a relationship. Due to her young age, she was comfortable with light and carefree communications. However, having matured, she concluded that she and Bogdan did not fit together. They had different goals and dreams. For this reason, the couple in love broke off their relationship.


Rimma Agafoshina does not tire of moving forward and helps her in this love for loved ones and relatives. The girl has her own meaning in life, and it lies in life itself. She wants to be useful to people, to be near and help in any situations.

The talented model managed to maintain friendly relations with her colleagues. Some of the girls went to work abroad, shooting ads for global brands. But some friends of Rimma remained in Moscow. Often they meet in cafes, chat about their things and go to the movies.