
Roslyak Yuri Vitalyevich - one of the best specialists in the Russian economy

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Roslyak Yuri Vitalyevich - one of the best specialists in the Russian economy
Roslyak Yuri Vitalyevich - one of the best specialists in the Russian economy

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Moscow residents are well aware of who Roslyak Yuri Vladimirovich is. How else? After all, this politician for many years was engaged only in developing the capital of Russia. His efforts erected many residential buildings and cultural monuments. And all because from an early age he was accustomed to love and respect for the motherland.


Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich: biography of early years

The future politician was born in Moscow on January 19, 1954. His father was a born hydraulic engineer and traveled around the country all the time, rebuilding the Soviet Union. Yuri with his mother everywhere followed him. And therefore, by the age of 10, the boy managed to see almost his entire homeland.

Over time, Yuri Roslyak realized that he wanted to be like his father. He really liked what he was doing. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1970 the boy decided to enter the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. Five years later, he successfully graduates with a degree in hydraulic engineering.

Nervous workdays

The first job that Roslyak Yury Vitalyevich got a job was the position of a fitter of the construction department. However, the guy did not want to linger on this post for a long time. He understood that this place was not his calling. Therefore, in 1976, Yuri Vitalyevich transferred to the vacant position of design engineer at SKB Moshydrostal. Here, the future politician is heading to work in order to master all its subtleties.

It should be noted that in those years, responsible workers were often brought to high posts. Roslyak Yuri Vitalyevich was no exception. In 1979, the man was offered a good place in the General Directorate of Capital Construction of the Moscow City Executive Committee, which was a good impetus in his career. In addition, having received the increase, Roslyak began to work even harder, which only exalted him in the eyes of others.


Work in the Moscow administration

1986 was a decisive year in the life of Yuri Vitalievich. After all, it was during this period that he managed to get the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Krasnogvardeisky district council. This step allowed the ambitious guy to get into the main governing body of the capital - the administration.

After that, his career began to go up. In 1990, Yuri Roslyak became deputy head of the General Directorate for Construction. And after only a year, he was entrusted with the position of first deputy of one of the heads of the Moscow government. In his work, he was responsible for the economic development of the capital, in which he greatly excelled.

This led to the fact that everyone found out how good Roslyak as a specialist Yuri Vitalievich. The post of head of the department of economic policy was requested in his hands. And indeed, in 1995, he received it, simultaneously becoming deputy prime minister of the Moscow government.

As Deputy Mayor

In the early 2000s, the entire administration was well aware that there was no more knowledgeable person in economic matters than Yuri Vitalievich. His achievements in this area are difficult to overestimate. Therefore, it is not surprising that in December 2003 Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov appointed Roslyak as his first deputy in charge of economic policy.

In this post, he stayed long enough. His powers were terminated only on December 20, 2010. The reason for this was the transfer of Yuri Vitalyevich to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that as the first deputy mayor, Roslyak did a lot for Moscow. Under his leadership, billions of rubles were laid for the development of the capital. And this is not to mention how much money was spent on improving and landscaping those areas where new buildings were erected. Over his many years of career, the politician has received more than ten government awards, such as the Honored Builder of the Russian Federation and the Order of Merit for Services to Moscow.


Last job

September 25, 2013 Yuri Roslyak becomes an auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. In truth, this appointment surprised few. After all, if you look at the life of a politician, all his enhancements somehow accompanied this. And besides, Yuri Vladimirovich is more suitable than anyone else for this position: he has the necessary knowledge, experience and connections.

During the time spent in the Accounts Chamber, the official repeatedly proved his loyalty to ordinary people. For example, it was he who was the person who helped depositors return the money of the bankrupt Tetrapolis bank. The rest, says Yuri Roslyak, his profession is rather boring. All he has to do is endlessly look for holes and gaps in city budgets.
