
Russian actress Kristina Kuzmina: biography, family and filming

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Russian actress Kristina Kuzmina: biography, family and filming
Russian actress Kristina Kuzmina: biography, family and filming

Kristina Kuzmina is a charming actress who has built a brilliant career in theater and big movies. Want to know where she was born and educated? Is he legally married? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.


Biography: family

Kristina Kuzmina was born on March 1, 1980 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Parents are not related to the theater and the big cinema. Christina's father worked for many years as an engineer. And the mother received a higher medical education.

Perhaps our heroine inherited creativity from her aunt Nelly Popova. It was she who introduced the girl to the world of theater. Christina often visited rehearsals and performances of aunt. She madly liked the backstage life. And the girl watched the performances of the artists with bated breath.

School and student years

Kristina studied well. Teachers have always praised her for her craving for knowledge and active participation in the life of the class. Several times a week, the girl attended a music school. There she studied piano.

Another hobby Christina can be called a children's musical theater. V. Reznik. In this institution, Kuzmina Jr. comprehended the basics of acting.

In 1997, Christine was awarded a certificate of secondary education. Then she submitted documents to SPbGATI. The girl successfully passed the entrance tests. She was enrolled in the course of A. Isakov.


Our heroine is a tall, slender girl with long hair and a piquant mole near her lips. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the age of 14 she was offered to work as a model. If you think that Christina herself sent her photos somewhere, then you are very mistaken. Just on the street, a representative of the Modus Vivendi agency approached her, showered the girl with compliments and gave a business card. Christina hurried home. Parents approved her desire to become a model.

A few days later, the girl went to the agency with her mother. The parties signed a mutually beneficial contract.

Kristina Kuzmina: filmography

Our heroine received the first experience of filming a movie in 2001. She got a small role in the film "Niro Wolfe and Archie Goodwin." Then the girl began to appear in criminal and detective series - "Deadly Force", "Special Department" and so on.


When did the first main role get Kristina Kuzmina? It happened in 2005. The film was called Adjutants of Love. The actress played Elizabeth, the wife of Emperor Alexander II. She was able to create a vivid and interesting image that was well remembered by the audience.

At the moment, in the creative piggy bank of Kristina Kuzmina, over 30 roles in series and feature films. She also continues to perform on the stage.

Kristina Kuzmina: personal life

Such a beautiful, talented and purposeful girl cannot be alone. And indeed, from a young age, Christina was surrounded by crowds of fans. But she can not be called amorous and windy. The girl had a clear plan: to unlearn at a university, build a career and get married.


With her future husband, director Dmitry Meskhiev, our heroine met on samples of the film "The Prince and the Pauper." The girl did not receive the desired role. But she was able to arrange her personal life. Dmitry Meskhiev immediately liked a slender blonde with a mole on her face. However, he decided on a relationship with her only after a year and a half.

Once in Christina’s apartment, a telephone rang. It was Meskhiev. The director invited her to a restaurant, supposedly to discuss business issues. As a result, their meeting marked the beginning of a stormy romance, which soon grew into marriage. The couple had a daughter. The baby received the double name Agrippina-Agrafen.

In 2007, Kristina Kuzmina (photo above) received the main role in her husband’s film - “Seven booths”. She managed to convey the character and emotional mood of her character - a waitress nicknamed Kitten. This tape caused a mixed reaction from viewers and critics. But for arthouse cinema, this is quite normal.

Two years later, our heroine appeared in another painting by D. Meskhiev - “The Man at the Window”. This time she got used to the image of the young and dissatisfied life of photojournalist Sonya. Her colleagues on the set were Masha Zvonareva, Yuri Stoyanov and Garmash Sergey.


Kristina Kuzmina and Dmitry Meskhiev have been married for several years. They had everything: love, mutual understanding and respect. But at some point, the relationship between the spouses began to deteriorate. They have accumulated a lot of claims to each other. Even the daughter could not save the family from decay.


The divorce of Christina and Dmitry turned out to be scandalous. With property everything was more or less clear. But they could not share the daughter. At first, the girl lived with her mom and dad. One day Kuzmina came for her daughter to the Meskhiev country house. But Dmitry refused to give her Agrippin-Agrafen. The actress had no choice but to write a statement to the police.